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Thoughts about trying LSD

I have a few tips

Do it with few people that you trust and you feel you can open up to.
Make sure you get real LSD, ask the dude from the bus and ask if he can hook you up.
Doing it in the daylight is better for me because i'm very afraid of the dark (I have some issues, but nothing I can't handle)
Do a dose you feel comfortable with, I did 150µg first time and have been tripping on 200+ since then. 150µg is a strong and good trip
Don't be scared. You will find out after you have taken it that it's nothing to be afraid of.

I have been doing it alone most times because my best buddy is myself. I don't trip alone, I trip with my best friend; myself. But I enjoy doing it with only a couple of friends aswell.

If your gut tells you to do it, do it. My motto is something like; fear for a bad trip induces bad trips.

Music on LSD is absoulutly fantastic. I don't recommend listening to your everyday music, but something like for example Sphongle. Psychedelic music like Sphongle does something to you that will make you trip in a way you can't imgagine unlike if you're listening to hip hop IMHO.

Any further questions don't hesitate to ask, I'm just glad to answer your questions
I have a big party coming up in this saturday at my home.
I always feel anxious during my rolls for the last 1-2 times and want to go home to feel relaxed.

That's why, I'd like to try LSD at home not outside. My friends probably do mdma some of them coke + ket and some will try LSD with me.
So is it will be weird to take LSD in a house party? Is it makes you dance or give some euphoria? Doing a little mdma (75-100mg) after getting used to its effects is safe for the first time?

Also, if the things gone wrong, how can I stop it?
And how is the comedown?

Thanks a lot if you can reply!
Listen to DOB he knows his shit.

I wouldn't do it at a party though.
Type in Insane Techno on Pandora and you will be set. I agree about day tripping there is so much more to do. The t.v. will be your worst enemy though at least for me it is. Really screws with your mind. A bad trip can go way south to the point where you feel like you are actually dead and just lay there waiting to go. You dont want to do that. Instead dance, spin in circles, listen to the music and talk to your buds. Also be careful if you are drinking....you can drink a shit ton on acid but its dangerous considering alcohol poisoning would be the end on a trip.
One thing to remember: the come-up for psychedelics can often be anxious. The most common reason for a trip to turn difficult is when you are not able to deal with the come-up anxiety and you let it get ahold of you, then the entire trip can turn anxious and never fully develop. I used to have a hard time with that when I was newer to psychedelics, hell I still occasionally do. If you get a difficult come-up, just remember it will pass and it's just a drug.

LSD doesn't really have a bad come-up though, and sometimes the whole thing is smooth sailing. For what it's worth I ALWAYS have an easier, more peaceful trip when I'm outside during the day.
I wouldn't trust this website alone or take anyone on their word. You may only get a one dimensional truth.
What advice would you give then?
First, to stay away from LSD. Second, make your own comparisons and do not let yourself be influenced by this web-site's protective image.

I have spent time on here and the level of actual knowledge is pretty damn thin.
...................... It is ssome OTHER things that I have heard about the drug. Sometimes I go through forums and find people who have nervous breakdowns, go to the hospital, go into deep depression, and experience negative changes in their life. I worry that iomething that I would really like to try, except for f I take it, one of those things might happen to me and I might be really messed up or something. .....................

Psycedelic drugs can trigger mental disorders. If you have any or there are any signs of a genetical predisposition in your family, for instance grandma had schizophrenia. Probably better stay away.
Psycedelic drugs can trigger mental disorders. If you have any or there are any signs of a genetical predisposition in your family, for instance grandma had schizophrenia. Probably better stay away.
Did you find that on Wikipedia, Bluelight, or an online news story?

Well, here's the big question: do I try LSD or not?
You need to have the information so you can make the correct decision. Not a guess. Asking someone else is like flipping a coin, your opinion will wind up being shaped by whoever sounds the most convincing or just who you have happened to talk to. Especially when they want you to trust them. Take objective facts and put them together. If LSD, sodomy, death, heroin, bubbles, etc. are good or bad things, I have no idea.

Scientific inquiries have been made into previous user's opinions of the effects of LSD. The important thing with is to ask random people, not a convenient group.

Scientific studies should give lots of detail and put doubt on their own results and be objective. Statements of observable facts, not thoughts. There may be an opinion given at some point in the paper. They must explain how they gathered data and give complete statistical information (standard deviation, etc. or give enough information so you can calculate these on your own). If you are fortunate enough to find a decent study 8), and most of them are limited in this regard, then there are a million variables and psychological facts to consider required on your end of the deal. You need a fairly broad understanding to make reasonable comparisons. That is just the way it is. Education is not really an option, you can't skip over all that learning and just get the answer from some people on a website.

The reason I recommend you stay away is that people have not properly researched LSD. Whether that is right or wrong, the fault of the DEA or Timothy Leary, it does not make a scratch of difference.

Invest time and money, look at the details, learn how to define terms, evaluate them on how well they actually teach you, not what they say they teach you, and how fully you grasp the numbers. Skepticism will pay for itself many times over.

"A follow-up survey of 247 persons who received d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in either an experimental (nonmedical) or Psychotherapeutic setting was made to determine the lasting effects, if any, related to use of the drug. Information was collected from each by a structured interview and self-administered questionnaire. Some subsequent nonmedical use of LSD was reported by 23%, who attributed more personality changes to the drug's use. There is, however, little evidence that measurable, lasting personality, belief, value, attitude, or behavior changes were produced in the sample as a whole. Compulsive patterns of LSD use rarely developed; the nature of the drug effect apparently is such that it becomes less attractive with continued use and, in the long-term, is almost always self-limiting."
(A Ten-Year Follow-up of Medical LSD Use, McGlothlin, 1971)

LSD is something that I've been very interested in for a long time. It is something that I think that I would like to do. I hear that it can be the most incredible, life changing thing that somebody can experience and can open your mind. I talked to a friend for 2 hours on a bus about his trips and he seemed to enjoy them very much. It is something that I would really like to try, except for some OTHER things that I have heard about the drug. Sometimes I go through forums and find people who have nervous breakdowns, go to the hospital, go into deep depression, and experience negative changes in their life. I worry that if I take it, one of those things might happen to me and I might be really messed up or something. I'm fairly good at math and it's the only thing that I have going for me right now, and what if I'm not able to do it anymore after I trip or something? I am very concerned and would love some input. Thanks.

I had a college dormmate for a semester, who was exceptional at math in high-school, drank moon-shine until puking in a bucket, smoked pot, and tripped for the first time together. That person was kicked out of college for bad grades and went back home, with a bag of weed losing our pet lizard, which died from exposure, in a studebaker.

A year later after skipping classes and taking hallucinogens, I also was kicked out of college for my grades.

A third friend had followed the same fate, I forget the timeline of events, that person was something of a career criminal from the start, along with a few others I knew back home.

After speaking with 3 other very close friends, I discovered they all hated LSD. I really did not have such strong convictions as they did and had continuously doubted if swearing off drugs was the right thing to do.

It is now obvious neither of us in that dorm room spent a great deal of time thinking about what we were doing. Why would someone go to college and try drugs for the first time? Back then it was just hard to think about anything. An amalgamation of hallucinogens left me with delusions which made me overly moody, perhaps psychotic, and recurring hallucinations reminded me of false-paths my mind wandered down some time ago. Now I feel perfectly normal, 10 years later mind you. Coming to this web-site helped me to reaffirm my stance, that drug users are not clued into any greater reality than the rest of us, and I am doing fine and to stop worrying.

Hallucinogens in general continue to affect your life for a lot longer than a few hours. To be perfectly honest I am not sure people recall past experiences very clearly. It was not some great turning point in my life. You can find a large percent who would agree with this sentiment.

Mathematics is a wonderful field of study with a never-ending variety of applications. The more effort you put into classes the more enjoyment you will get from going to school, if you plan on continuing your education. I highly recommend it.
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^ That's just your experience man. I'm sorry LSD doesn't do you and your buddies well. No one I'm friends with who has done LSD has dropped out; quite the contrary, it gave me an emotional boost that I needed to get my shit done. My grades were terrible until I did LSD. I don't know if it was a coincidence, but that's the facts in my case.

Your dorm mate sounds like an idiot. You can't blame any of the drugs for him making bad life decisions. I have a few pets of my own, and none of them die from neglect. I'm not some junkie laying around with a needle in my arm, letting my child slowly starve to death. LSD and other drugs will not automatically make you retarded. I'm sorry you misused drugs, I really am. That doesn't mean you should tell everyone else not to use at all.

The guy who invented the double helix model of DNA used LSD. So did Bill Gates. So did Steve Jobs. So did some Kennedys. For some people, it can be an infinite source of inspiration.

One of the main reasons I like LSD is because of it's music alterations, it makes music orgasmic. Personally, I would advise listening to a number of late-sixties bands, Spongle is nasty neo-psych music in my book (no offense guys, I have given them a shot). All electronic. But that's just my taste. I like Animal Collective, they're newer and LSD influenced, but they can get a little far out for a first time tripper... I recommended the Beatles because their music is both influenced by LSD but also very, very upbeat, and has snapped me out of a bad anxiety loop before.

Someone pointed out no hip-hop. I know a wide range of good stuff that hip-hop lovers have liked in my experience though, so if you want any suggestions you can PM me, I'd be more than willing to offer some up. Music can be key to good or bad feelings.

You might get caught in thought loops, where everything you think somehow leads to whatever next thing you think, and they all seem to tie together in some infinite way. But it passes too, like all the drugs effects.

I realize that some people don't enjoy LSD like the person above me stated. In my experience, this is people who are female (I have met a girl or two who liked it, not many though), or are generally inclined to be afraid or untrusting. Not trying to over generalize, but that is indeed what I've seen. You have to realize, as LSD might show you, that you are the master of your own world. Whatever reality you create,that is the one you will live in.

If you are afraid of LSD don't do it, I would advise against using it. If you want to experience what it's like to break beyond the boundaries of your mind though, LSD is a must do in my book.
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I wanna remind everyone that we don't allow "what should I take?" / "Should I take this?" type threads, though this one started out fruitful and helpful IMO - let's keep it clean. Just avoid drawing conclusions for other people, stick to the actual argument and not the advice or recommendation, whether pro or con.
I felt I had to edit the TT, because it was too straight-out explicit conflicting with our rules. Hopefully this can stay open if it is interesting and helpful to people
The reason I recommend you stay away is that people have not properly researched LSD. Whether that is right or wrong, the fault of the DEA or Timothy Leary, it does not make a scratch of difference.
I don't know where you're getting that idea from, LSD is one of the most researched psychoactive substances in history, having more clinical studies done on it than other drugs like pot that are universally accepted.

OP, I would check out the erowid page on LSD. Everything there is unbiased. They have studies, statistics etc. you can look at. I showed my friends the effects page on it, and I feel it swayed one to be excited, and the other to be afraid and have a bad experience.

Here's a valuable link:
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imull: I highly recommend to not have more than one friend around.
Or - which might be better still - two friends that keep to themselves (watching a movie or something) in the next room.
I'd personally like doing it alone the most. Less distraction for the mind. Ultimate freedom to do as i please.
Maybe you've a friend who lives close by who could be phoned if needed - but in all honesty: I've done psychedelics about a hundred times and there was never the need for anyone to be there. However, sometimes I was so full of love and just wanted to share and spread this feeling with my friends :).

As you asked for music: Music on psychedelics is imo one of the best things on earth. Really.
Use what ever music you'd like sober. And browse some different styles. You will most certainly not be able to stop you from grinning :D.

Apart from that. Don't worry too much. Taking psychedelics is safe if you carefully consider set and setting.
Imo this can't be stressed enough: Your experience will be totally shaped by set and setting.
If these are right, you'll be "all right" (as in maybe one of the best days in your life if you do it for your first time).

Have fun :)))
^ That's just your experience man.
That's right. It is my experience which I presented in an objective manner. I never said hallucinogens did me wrong and certainly cannot know if it did my doormmate any harm. I did not say and do not feel that we "misused" hallucinogens and I do not tell everyone I meet not to use them. The reason I would is simple, it is not due to personal experience, one should avoid doing anything that is poorly researched. My mate and I also did not drop out of school, we were kicked out. You should try it, really opens your mind.

You called someone an idiot that I barely knew and you know nothing about.

Out of all the people who have used LSD, you pick a handful of insanely succesful people, names you do not even know how to spell, and presume LSD had a positive effect on their lives. So what? Maybe they are all 100 times dumber than they started out.

There are other things that can be a source of "infinite" inspiration and take you "beyond the boundaries" of your mind. All this does is glamorize LSD for a person asking if they should take it. What good does that do anyone? Are you selling something?

Why do you advise if a person who is afraid of LSD not take it? Do you tell that to everyone? Is it based on personal experiences?

Enjoying LSD is a unique experience. The drug induces intense visual hallucinations and body sensations which are quite peculiar. Many users have an uplifting and energetic time, which they may not always remember every detail of, but there can be long term alterations to daily experiences as well.

I don't know where you're getting that idea from, LSD is one of the most researched psychoactive substances in history, having more clinical studies done on it than other drugs like pot that are universally accepted.

OP, I would check out the erowid page on LSD. Everything there is unbiased. They have studies, statistics etc. you can look at. I showed my friends the effects page on it, and I feel it swayed one to be excited, and the other to be afraid and have a bad experience.

Here's a valuable link:
You have obviously not carefuily considered the research on LSD. Studies done in the '70s were not very well documented and do not answer fundamental questions about LSD. All the research was shut down because it was ineffective.

Erowid makes no effort to remain unbiased. It just absorbs whatever people want to put into it. That is not unbiased. It may have different viewpoints but it is largely a place where people go to talk about drugs, which is good, but also very biased.

Now I am quite tired of constantly back-tracking and I do not think my point deserved to smothered by useless back and forth bickering.

To repeat: You need to have the information so you can make the correct decision. Not a guess. Asking someone else is like flipping a coin.

The important thing when asking for opinions is to ask random people, not a convenient (aka biased) group.

Invest time and money, look at the details, learn how to define terms, evaluate them on how well they actually teach you, not what they say they will teach you, check how fully you grasp the facts and figures. Skepticism will pay for itself many times over.
Okay dude, thanks for the triple post. I can agree that the OP should do his own research, but I stand by the collective knowledge that organisations such as Erowid hold. They don't exactly make LSD out to be all flowers and giggles.

Spelling has never been my forte, sorry that it makes you think I'm ignorant.

I apologize for acting aggressive, but instead of making the point that you felt the OP should do his own research, you presented an argument that simply highlighted the espoused negatives of LSD (all of which I have never experienced, and know few who have). I realize there are negatives, but the way you presented your experience you made it seem like you blamed drugs for you and your dorm mate's woes.

Some of those people did in fact cite LSD to have helped them in their lives, just for the record.

At the very least, myths such as chromosome damage and toxicity have been proven false. I feel the research done on LSD and the simple wide-spread use of it are enough to express it's safety. I'm not saying the OP couldn't have a negative reaction, but the drug itself certainly wont harm his body or get him kicked out of school (besides possession charges or something legal). It certainly doesn't make people less intelligent either, there's no evidence to support that. We're not talking about flooding your brain with toxins here. We know the OP's physical brain and body will be perfectly fine should he decide to ingest LSD. Neither will be permanently altered.

I advise not to take it if you're afraid simply because I've seen people who are pressured into it (and were indeed afraid) have negative reactions, they held fears about it before hand and I feel that will cause negativity during the experience.

The only people I have met who disliked LSD were weak minded, and I had a disliking of them before I heard of their distaste for the drug. Take that as you will.

OP, you have my opinions here, not much more I can say. Like the other guy said, do your own research.
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Sorry about the argument I created.....I just thought it would be good to get personal experiences from people who might have some experience with the drug.

Research as much as you can online here, Erowid.org although look for veteran posters here as there is a lot of bullshit. It isn't like people make it out to be, more of a spiritual experience. I feel everyone should be entitled to it, and it should be continued on like spiritual psychedelic rituals such as Elysian mysteries have in the past.

If you want guidance PM me, otherwise go have fun. Acids the best psy to try ever if you dose right, changes it all in an amazing way!
Psycedelic drugs can trigger mental disorders. If you have any or there are any signs of a genetical predisposition in your family, for instance grandma had schizophrenia. Probably better stay away.

u forgot to mention that people with schizo get it anyway,lsd can speed up the process by few years