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Ecstasy vs MDMA powder

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May 9, 2013
Hello BL people.

After using a lot of pills and powders, I finally understand the difference and choose a path for my rollings.

The pills = After quite time, it decreases the positive side of using pill. You feel much more fucked up.
The come up begins not to be same as before, the negative sides such as rolling; losing yourself, not remembering anything, feel drained not energetic.
Comedown more disturbing, redosing makes you more devastated.
The next 2-3 days makes you cry, bored, depressive.

MDMA = Much more clean high, you feel much more energetic.
Comedown not disturbing comparing to pills, 1 redose makes you feel enough.
Have a nice afterglow, good feelings the following days.

So my question is;
What the fuck they are putting in pills that makes you feel like 2 different drugs?
I always test my drugs, only consume when there's mdma in my pill.
But for gods sake, I don't want to consume pills anymore. Maybe that's why pills are cheaper than mdma powder?

Am I thinking wrong? Last weekend, I redosed 2 times (with half pills) and feel like hell.
Now I'm feeling good btw.
Idk what's in the pills but you do bc you test them as you said. Pills that only have mdma in them feel exactly like mdma. If it feels like 2 different drugs...it's probably bc it is.
The pills doesn't contain pure mdma in our country, maybe thats why.
But also in NL, pills weight are 350mg and they have 200mg mdma. The rest?
I don't believe MDMA pills = MDMA powder
,Back in the day when I first started rolling and all these RC stims either weren't around or were very rare I would've prefered MDMA crystal as it was at least a 90% chance that you were indeed gonna get MDMA but nowadays your just as likely to get bunk powder as you are bunk MDMA pills. For this reason pills have an advantage as I can either go by word of mouth of what pills are good or check Pillreports and see what's good in my area and for this reason I would rather buy tabs. If I buy crystal it's from reliable sources or informed friends and if not the dealer better not be surprised when I bring my marquis reagent to the deal, they don't wanna let me test it then they can fuck off.

Edit: Silly me, I should've read the OP. In this case I gotta agree that MDMA is MDMA, do you test your pills OP? You may not even be ingesting MDMA, at least not pure MDMA.
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I'm testing every pill I put in my mouth. I don't want to face any problems.
But this difference is making me nervous, and I am facing these problems all the time.
When I use good quality MDMA powder, I feel more energetic, I can control myself.
But in pills, the reverse.

If the pills cost x, mdma powder for 1 dose is 3x in my country.
I still don't believe pills puts me the same spot when I use crystal form. There's a huge difference.
Thinking pills are formed of mdma + non active substance is highly optimistic.

Am I feeling/thinking wrong?
The "non-active" substances can be somewhat active substances, which effect on your general experience. Perhaps caffeine or some such. there is a thread on the mosst common extra fillers in the tabs.
I was referring to the non active substances In referrence to the comment about good Dutch pills that only had mdma but weighed more then the active dose. I'm fully Aware of the adulterants in other presses pills. Do you have any specific ones you've had trouble with?
The "non-active" substances can be somewhat active substances, which effect on your general experience. Perhaps caffeine or some such. there is a thread on the mosst common extra fillers in the tabs.

Sorry but this comment made me chuckle. Let's just re-read this. 'Non-active substances can be somewhat active substances'. Then they'd be active substances, not non-active. If caffeine was a filler, then it'd be an adulterant, not a non-active substance. MDMA crystal = MDMA. MDMA crystal in pills + inactive binder still = just MDMA. MDMA + Caffeine pill does not = MDMA.
For ex: I tried "Mario bullets" probably 200mg dutch pills. I got half and quarter of it and couldn't remember what was I doing and what I was talking, always conversation was fucked up bcs of me. Also my friends said that pills are much more out of your control try mdma crystals next time you visit here. Anyway, I always lose control.

In my own country, this happens a lot if I smoke weed in my rolls.
But if I take crystals, it doesn't even happen. I roll hard but fully controlling myself.
Much more clear head high. Not disturbing effects, no yawning etc.
I've wondered about this too actually and I think there's something to it.

I've had pills that were tested MDMA only by EcstasyData yet had wild effects compared to pure MDMA crystal. It wouldn't surprise me if the dyes they are using to color these pills is affecting the experience. For example, the coal tar dye, Red 40, has been shown to cause hyperactivity and other problems. Who knows the origin of the colors in pressed pills? That might be something to look at.

If just a small amount of caffeine that you wouldn't even notice if you were sober can have such drastic effects with MDMA, imagine what a dye that is known to cause sensitivity reactions could do.
I've wondered about this too actually and I think there's something to it.

I've had pills that were tested MDMA only by EcstasyData yet had wild effects compared to pure MDMA crystal. It wouldn't surprise me if the dyes they are using to color these pills is affecting the experience. For example, the coal tar dye, Red 40, has been shown to cause hyperactivity and other problems. Who knows the origin of the colors in pressed pills? That might be something to look at.

If just a small amount of caffeine that you wouldn't even notice if you were sober can have such drastic effects with MDMA, imagine what a dye that is known to cause sensitivity reactions could do.

I really don't know about this. It's just food colouring. Whether this would really alter the MDMA significantly is kinda controversial.
Pills have binders which make them dissolve over a much longer time, MDMA crystal is metabolized straight away. I guess pills would get deeper into your body before they fully metabolized and that can cause more damage. This is just speculation however, don't quote me on this.
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I can't really comment much on this because I only had pressed dutch pills in the late 90's and molly, which turned out to be mephedrone and methylone twice but the OP's description of his pill experiences sound like very High doses of MDxx IMHO.
I really don't know about this. It's just food colouring. Whether this would really alter the MDMA significantly is kinda controversial.

Considering that I can't even eat flaming hot Cheetos as an adult because of the red food coloring, it isn't as far-fetched as you would think.

The amount in pills is minuscule, however.

When it comes right down to it, anything from different isomer content to inactives having reactive effects to total placebo can be involved. There's not really any way for us to know without knowing what is being used in every pill we come across.
I agree.

Honestly after trying plenty of both pills and molly I have to say I still enjoy good rolls. Maybe the irresistable marketing has gotten to me.
Considering that I can't even eat flaming hot Cheetos as an adult because of the red food coloring, it isn't as far-fetched as you would think.

The amount in pills is minuscule, however.

When it comes right down to it, anything from different isomer content to inactives having reactive effects to total placebo can be involved. There's not really any way for us to know without knowing what is being used in every pill we come across.

I blame the set/setting tbh. I've had the same doses of the same MDMA that produced a different experience because the setting was different. It just seems like a far more plausible reason why some users might draw a difference between pure MDMA pills vs. crystal. Alternatively, I have kind of noticed a difference between taking crushed up crystals vs. one large crystal. The former seems to hit faster whereas the latter can sometimes take a while to become psychoactive. Perhaps there are some differences in the way a pill is metabolized to pure crystal. Just some speculation.
Pills may be pressed with lower quality MDMA compared to crystal MDMA which needs to be of a reasonable standard with at least 80-90% purity. Maybe pills pressed with less refined MDMA? It is a possibility I guess.

If caffeine is used as an adulterant that may make you feel more jittery. A low dose of Ketamine as an adulterant will make the experience more difficult to control. Just a few thoughts but unlikely in the case of the bullets. How much MDMA crystal do you use vs the 200 mg of the Mario Bullet? Did you take 1/2 or a whole pill as a first dose?
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