How are you in One Word? ver. Smiling: the universal language

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Pissed! Why are there so many fucking bullies in this world!! Arghhh!!!

Way too early, don't think I actually got all of the conditioner out of my hair. Going to the gym now, but showering again there is just too creepy. I am about thirty years too young to do that.

Can't seem to do anything productive with my time, music is boring the hell out of me and producing has never been this tedious.

I went out and bought my girlfriend a massive box of chocolates and one of those iphone/wallet combo things (in pink), got them wrapped them up then brought them back to an intrigued, smiling chickie babe. I'm looking forwards to seeing her open them for valentines day tomorrow ;) <3
Feeling good but damn that snow is killer!!

Thanks for all the Pm's guys & girls!

I'm okay I was without my laptop for a while, so that being said I'm still here and happy to ne back on BL.
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