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Phenethylamines Why Mescaline Is Not Found On the Black Market

Indra extract. Pffft that stuff is for kids. Real men with balls eat a 50/50 mixture of ibogaine hcl and TA extract. Which still leaves the validity of my original statement intact since the 1.25grams of ibogaine I ate is still weighs more than 500-700mg dose of mescaline. I did not reread my original post but I suspect I was referring to the weight of the drug and not the qualitative effects of the drug. Ibogaine is a very weak psychedelic I (by weight smart guy), and you need a lot of it to trip. :)

We cool?

Yeah I know I'm digging up a thread thats several years old but a statement by the author just made me wanna laugh at first and then ask the poster if they've ever taken the substance they claim is the weakest psychedelic...

Mr. Moringgloryseed, (love the name), if you've ever taken a full flood dose of Iboga, you would have never ranked it just above fucking harmala alkaloids. good grief!
Iboga will rip your soul out, show it to you, then explain why it is you needed to have it done. All in a 72 hour out of body/trans-dimensional psychedelic delerium. So please, when you make statements like that one, make damn sure if you've actually had an Iboga Flood that it was'nt some 1/2 ass dose that you rank slightly more psychedelic than harmala.
I dont mean to be a dick as the shit you said about ibogaine was written in 2001. So maybe your experience was with that batch of Indra thats been around for 20 years. Who knows. But back to mescaline...... I agree that all the fools i've seen pushing mescaline pills are wanting $10 a pill and its usually a little bigger than a tylenol with the color of the purple morphine pills. I did'nt say shit to them except, "How you know it's the real shit?" ....To that they replied,"I sold some to so-and-so and they were tripping balls".
I always hated that expression, tripping balls. Needless to say, if it aint in roughly 3 00 capsules, it aint got a chance at being real.
Mescaline is far too expensive if we're talking about HCL and not some kind of cactus isolate.
Mescaline Citrate is what goes around alot of Native reserves here in Canada. I can speak that for a fact.
You just need to know the right people at the right reserve. it is sold. just not very often nor is it used outside of purposes of ceremony.
Sounds like an urban myth with the "native" bit added to make it sound more convincing.
Just to play devils advocate here..

I don't see why it's so implausible that people are finding true mescaline on the black market. Sure, there's some element of chic around it that you can easily imagine shady dealers exploiting, but the black market isn't all shady and nasty. It doesn't all boil down to economics, and the black market isn't supplied only by profiteering capitalists. If that were the case, what chemist would bother making LSD when they could be making the less incriminating, more lucrative and I imagine easier (cheaper?) to produce methamphetamine? It's my belief is that there are a lot of underground chemists out there producing for the black market who are motivated by some measure of altruism, some desire to bring these special chemicals into the world because of their intrinsic value in helping humankind to grow. I mean look at Hoffman and Shulgin and the attitude they held towards these chems. I'm not too cynical to believe that there couldn't be many underground chemists like them who are doing it for the love, the thrill, the curiosity, and yes making a few bucks too in order to live a decent life.

We're not all widgets in a purely self-optimizing capitalism scheme.

And I wouldn't be surprised at all if First Nations in Canada have access to Mescaline Citrate. This would probably be coming from T.Peruvianus or San Pedro extract. Peyote has been traded all the way up into Canada since way before white settlers were around, and was used ceremonially at least for centuries (for anyone who doesn't know, it doesn't grow in Canada, so it had to be traded from a long ways away). This is the reason why peyote is legal in Canada. Now that peyote is severely endangered from cattle ranching and over harvesting, and therefore hard to acquire, it makes sense that they would be using Mescaline Citrate instead. It could be getting produced in Canada semi-legally as well.

Anyways, it's all speculation either way until someone can produce some black market mescaline and test it.
Just to play devils advocate here..

I don't see why it's so implausible that people are finding true mescaline on the black market.

Just to go 180, mescaline is available on the black market and always has been. Since it is not legally produced anywhere, anyone who has ever had mescaline as an isolate or synthetic has participated in the black market, unless they extracted it themselves in a country where it is legal to do so. Now, can you get mescaline from a dealer who yo get your molly and doses and NBOMEs from? I doubt it, nobody is gonna share valuable mescaline with their molly customers, who either don't know any differently or would never believe you in the real deal in the first place...and anyone who has mescaline already has PLENTY of friends happy to pay for it.
Good points MGS. There's a whole big dodgy world out there of people slinging molly (with whatever the f they put in there), that's surely the last place you'd come across pure mescaline.
And I wouldn't be surprised at all if First Nations in Canada have access to Mescaline Citrate. This would probably be coming from T.Peruvianus or San Pedro extract. Peyote has been traded all the way up into Canada since way before white settlers were around, and was used ceremonially at least for centuries (for anyone who doesn't know, it doesn't grow in Canada, so it had to be traded from a long ways away)

I'm afraid not perpetual. Peyote has only been in long-term usage in mesoamerica, particularly a couple of mexican tribes the tarahumara and the huichol. It only started spreading north to american indian tribes about 130 years ago in the late 1800s. When it reached Canada I don't know but it's certainly only a matter of decades ago. Definately no ancient use of peyote in north american or canadian indians.
I'm afraid not perpetual. Peyote has only been in long-term usage in mesoamerica, particularly a couple of mexican tribes the tarahumara and the huichol. It only started spreading north to american indian tribes about 130 years ago in the late 1800s. When it reached Canada I don't know but it's certainly only a matter of decades ago. Definately no ancient use of peyote in north american or canadian indians.

Well I don't know how much of an expert you are on the subject, and I certainly am not, but in a university anthro class I took, the prof mentioned that there was good evidence that it had been getting traded all the way up into Canada since some centuries back, since before horses were brought over, so the distance was very impressive. I can't find a reference to back this up though, so maybe it was just a wild rumour being passed on, could very well be. I'll try to find a reference though.
Don't think so - it's well known that peyote only began to cross into North America in the late 1800s. I can't see how it bypassed North America and went straight to Canada centuries before that.
With the emergence of black market TOR-sites, synthetic mescaline has never been more accesible (as well as LSD, and what ever else your heart could desire) .

It makes this thread a little bit redundant, since times have changed since 2001.

It's still the most expensive psychedelic per dose though, except for Ibogaine maybe.

Never been more advertised perhaps. Whether you actually get "mescaline" or are simply paying 10 times the price for some shitty 2c-x is the question.
Why did I just know some one was going to say that 8)

Oh, yeh, there's no real LSD anymore either, right? lol
No it's not Ismene(at least in most cases on good sites/vendors, also SoS helps...). Fag's not talking about standard sort I would have to believe, I've known a few people who've purchased synthetic mescaline via Tor sites or vendors and that was years ago, I would be surprised if it wasn't even more available now. Not as available as most I'd presume, but surely more so than ever.

Maybe you don't know Fag, but he's not the sort who'd be fooled by that sort of dimwitted trickery nor would most who have access to these sort of sites. It surely is easier to come across them and get on them than before but I'd still hazard a guess that most users wouldn't be close to that stupid.

Besides the fact that someone who's good at extracting mescaline and has a good source for cheap potent powdered cacti can make an extremely pretty penny doing so, even pricing it pretty fairly......

But Fag said "synthetic mescaline" - that isn't extracted from cacti is it? The "synthetic mescaline" is usually a white powder that can conveniently be any research chemical you feel like putting in there.
well for starters Mescaline is illegal and it would technically be easier to make the analogues, like Escaline Proscaline Methallylescaline Allylescaline.
none of them are as good as actual mescaline.
It's such a faff to extract and isolate it, that why would you want to sell any?

But Fag said "synthetic mescaline" - that isn't extracted from cacti is it? The "synthetic mescaline" is usually a white powder that can conveniently be any research chemical you feel like putting in there.
In the beginng I was talking about synthetic mescaline, I only brought up the extract to point out it is possible to make a lot of money off such things. Ismene, you shouldn't believe everything you hear but attempting to deny everything simply because your unlucky enough not to have access to it or experience with it is a bit of a sad way to live(believe me, I enjoy being a cynic in most regards). The majority of people seeking actual synthetic mescaline should be intelligent enough to know the difference between it and other things. The only things that might even have a chance of scoring as fake mescaline is the mescaline analogues and from what I've read none of them are that much like mescaline to begin with.

P.S. MI5, if your experienced and good at it, extracting mescaline is cake. Not as easy or straight forward as DMT but still fairly easy. Like I stated as well if you find the right people and have the right materials you could more than easily and fairly double your return.
The majority of people seeking actual synthetic mescaline should be intelligent enough to know the difference between it and other things.

The only people prepared to pay a small fortune for a dose of mescaline will be kids who have no idea what it is. Everyone else intelligent enough will simply extract it from cactus themselves and save themselves a fortune.

Not as easy or straight forward as DMT.

You can say that again. Usually you end up with a massive thick lump of cactus snot that you can't do anything with.