The MA heroin thread

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Yeah, they're like about the diameter of a nickel, all one can tell when you get a gram straight from a finger because it's flat and round, kinda like a sweetart...Those are the ones I've had that were hell to break apart...
Yeah, they're like about the diameter of a nickel, all one can tell when you get a gram straight from a finger because it's flat and round, kinda like a sweetart...Those are the ones I've had that were hell to break apart...

I've never seen anything like this; wish I have. I always bought grams and they would come wrapped in corner of bag w/ another corner bag around for more protection. once in a while I'd see some nice deep brown rock. kinda a pain in the ass because I've become so used to powder but was always good once broken.

it's crazy because for the amount of dope I've done and how long I've done it for, I've always had the same 2-3 suppliers so I only know it one way.
If it's good it's good...All I really care about is quality and price....The fingers I think are just re-rocked...Just the way some of the bigger dealers sell it to the smaller guys
Toward the end, I was injecting about 2 bags a day, sometimes 3. Ironically, when I first signed up for the program, I wasn't getting dopesick. I'm a moron.
Don't beat urself up big deal subs can only do so much...the routine of copping(which when u get home safely is kind of a rush in itself) is tough to stop right away. The whole picture from getting the cash to goin on that "mission", to the feeling you get when u see the "red flag" and slam it home... more to it than just the dope. It's going to take a little time till you're stabilized on a dose of subs that works for you. Then you have to find some other hobby or something to keep your mind occupado cause you know what they say: idle hands are the devil's tools or something to that effect... I'm in the dope/subs limbo...honestly don't want to stop using atm but funds aren't coming my way as much as they used to so half the time I'm doin subs till some dough appears....I'm the moron...:!

You should be very careful about using subxone like that, (in between using dope, going back and forth a lot). Eventually, the sub starts to become less and less effective, causing you to have a painful transition for a few days from the dope to the bupe. When you mess with your receptors like that, going from dope to bupe, bupe to dope, back and forth, eventually when you really need the sub.. it won't work and you'll be in a bad situation.

This is what I have been going through the past year or so trying to get back on suboxone. Lot of people I know are dealing with the same thing
^Have you taken it yet? Are you going the dope and sub route for the first few days?
I haven't tried the sub yet. I wanted to wait until Thanksgiving was over so I could be functional for the holiday.. plus enjoy all the good food. Ha. I don't wanna be all sick for it. I'm also trying to ween down my dope usage to make the transition easier when I finally do it.
I haven't tried the sub yet. I wanted to wait until Thanksgiving was over so I could be functional for the holiday.. plus enjoy all the good food. Ha. I don't wanna be all sick for it. I'm also trying to ween down my dope usage to make the transition easier when I finally do it.

My best friends in the same boat, but I don't think he's even tried for a good 2 years....It's funny how you end up avoiding suboxone like the plague....90 percent of the time I was prescribed it, I wasn't even taking it...I'd go to the doctor..."How's it working for you?"...I'm like, "Oh yeah, it's working cravings, my life's great"....Meanwhile, I haven't even touched suboxone for 3 months and my phone is buzzing with texts from people waiting to buy my script!

I can understand the Thanksgiving careful though, thanksgiving is when I always overdid it!

It's only 72 or so hours out of your can do anything for 72 hours! That's how you gotta look at it....I know you know!

You should be very careful about using subxone like that, (in between using dope, going back and forth a lot). Eventually, the sub starts to become less and less effective, causing you to have a painful transition for a few days from the dope to the bupe. When you mess with your receptors like that, going from dope to bupe, bupe to dope, back and forth, eventually when you really need the sub.. it won't work and you'll be in a bad situation.

This is what I have been going through the past year or so trying to get back on suboxone. Lot of people I know are dealing with the same thing

I've heard/read about this many times but ended up being a fine transition for me. not sure if you saw another thread (maybe subox thread) w/ BlueHues and I going back and forth, but I was a constant subox/dope user toward the end of my user days. when using the subs while using I would only stick to 2-4MG between shots. even if I took 2 or 4MG in the morning I'd still shoot 12hrs later and FEEL the dope. then again, I would usually shoot more than if I was coming off a prior day of using just H.

once I made the switch to subox straight I started off at 24MG sub and now down to 12MG over the last 3.5/4 months. things still seems to be working great w/ no urge and no BAD feelings. I take my first and ONLY dose at 8AM every morning. sure, when I wake up I am NOT feeling the greatest but I dont feel that bad either.

Scag - how many MG's of subox you going to make the switch to? if I remember correctly, you were a pretty heavy user so I'd def. go high dosage during the initial switch until you find the perfect dosage that works. dont bother feeling like shit trying to dose low.
I already know no matter how much I take, I'm going to feel like shit for the first couple days.. If I can taper and get my H usage cut in half, I can probably cut the transition down to hopefully just 1 day.

I'm going to just do a standard induction. 8mg-12mg's the first day, spread out over the course of the entire day at 2mg intervals. Then I'll go from there the next day and up my dose until the sub begins to work and I'm stabilized. Then I'll drop down to a more reasonable dose of probably 4mg's, depending on how I feel.

I know I'll need a lot of sub for the first week or so. I just have to make it through the first couple days while my tolerance goes down from not using the dope and the sub starts to work. But it's difficult because it's basically like going cold turkey at that point until the sub works.
Uhhuh, I just made the switch yesterday morning, so now its been almost 23 hr since I took the Sub and about 36 since I used. I am not going to lie, its been pretty miserable. Keep taking more hoping for some improvement, but just stay in one steady state of what feels like mild-moderate w/d. I did manage to sleep 3 hours while lying in bed for almost 12 so that was better than notthing, still pretty awful. Any sleep was the result of benadryl and xanax. Really hoping for some kind of improvement through today and into tomorrow, because I too would like to enjoy the holiday a bit. I really had no choice as it is, been holding it off for the last 2 weeks and scrounging money from every possible place I can find some. There was no more, can't make it to Friday and end of month bills eat that check anyway.
hate to say it because it's another drug but BENZO's always helped w/ the taper. when I first got checked into rehab/psych I was given benzo's to help w/ my initial worries/withdrawals. this was before the subox started. but even while using and tapering on my own I would always have benzo's (when NOT abusing) to help me sleep, stay relaxed and not WORRIED/SCARED all day long! but at the time I was prescribed, so it was easy. since my OD and my forth coming of admitting I had a problem.. my script has been ripped up :(. I still wish I had benzo's and still get them when I can, but it's not often I come across ANY or MUCH. if im lucky I may be able to score 3-5 benzo's at a time. sometimes they are valium 10MG and sometimes they are xanny .5's. benzo's are just not easy to get on the street because there is not much money to be made; then again, when I had my script sometimes I'd charge and arm and a leg to sell the whole thing in order to get more dope money! and those were 90 .5 xanny. I'd sell the script for 250. im shocked someone paid that much. ha. i was paying 15 bucks.
I legit have like less than .5 mg of xanax left. Had 1 mg left and popped half of it late last night, which helped me sleep like an hour or 2. I've been taking like .25 mg a day over the past 2 weeks, sometimes I'd go .5, I also snort them a lot which is a waste, but means I'm not actually doing as much so that is a good thing. I had been using around 1 mg a day for a couple months but over the last like 6 or 7 weeks I cut it down, so I hope I won't be too bad off without them. Man what I'd give for a bunch of diazepams, I had 100 10s once and those were some good times, especially mixing with the dope.
Its getting easier and easier to get a sub rx since drs see junkies as dolloar signs. They take a one day course or somethinglike that and bingo bango youre ready to dish out a powerful maint drug to addicts they will prob sell some/all of it. Or the dr will rx far too high of a dose jacking the patients tolerance to the moon. Happened to me. Oh, and most all bupe drs dont take insurance, cash only. How ethical and convienient. And hopefully you have a rx discount card bc without one a months worth say 60 pills is like 400$ some last time i was on it. Nothing like taking advantage of the disadvantaged. Its so easy!
^Even if they accept insurance, usually only private so good luck with medicaid/care of masshealth. Then you also need to get it approved by the PCP you list under your insurance. I went to 1 Dr and didn't know that until around the 3rd visit, I went 1 more time and I just paid the copay each time. I got the info from my PCP to approve it, but didn't go back. About a month and half later I called that office and they said I was no longer welcome because of insurance issues. That Dr was all about the $ anyway, he wanted weekly visits. The only good thing about him was he didn't really give a shit. So I just walked in the office, he'd feed me some BS then write a script, and he probably would've Rx'd as much as I asked for.

I went to another Dr in my PCP's network so the insurance was all set from the get go. But he was the other end of the spectrum, seemed really strict about things. He also wanted weekly visits, at least monthly counseling and drug tested even the Bupe levels to try to determine if you were taking your full dose.
Uhhuh, I just made the switch yesterday morning, so now its been almost 23 hr since I took the Sub and about 36 since I used. I am not going to lie, its been pretty miserable. Keep taking more hoping for some improvement, but just stay in one steady state of what feels like mild-moderate w/d. I did manage to sleep 3 hours while lying in bed for almost 12 so that was better than notthing, still pretty awful. Any sleep was the result of benadryl and xanax. Really hoping for some kind of improvement through today and into tomorrow, because I too would like to enjoy the holiday a bit. I really had no choice as it is, been holding it off for the last 2 weeks and scrounging money from every possible place I can find some. There was no more, can't make it to Friday and end of month bills eat that check anyway.

Yup, after making the switch too many times it now takes me 3 days to feel anything positive from the sub, and a week to feel right. My first few days aren't horrible, just achy but luckily not too sick either. And you and mr.s are right about no dose being enough. I found out a while ago after switching too many times that 16mg doesn't provide any more relief than the 6mg I started at did, yet I would take up to 16mg anyway only to realize I wasted the 10mgs I had taken on top of the initial 6mg. Bupe is such a strange drug in that respect.
Man...glad I'm reading about this now before I switched too many times. After I got my new script, I went to my therapy appointment, but after it was over, drove down Rt 5 and copped 2 bags in H-town. I was able to find a vein I hadn't noticed before, and I got an incredible rush. If I can succeed on staying on the subs this time, then that would have been a great last hit to have. However, another reason I need to knock it off is that it now takes me two bags to get a good high on the needle. Only took me two months for that to happen. I mean, I knew it was going to happen. I guess I just wanted to keep the party going a little longer. :/
I took my 8 mg after getting home from work tonight. I can still function nicely for 24 hours or so after my last hit. I'm just a little tired, cranky and cold, but today was an easy day at work. I think I'll be okay for the week, but I'm so scared that I'm gonna lose my will again after 10 days. 10 days is the killer.
And I still can't bring myself to get rid of my remaining needles. >_<
Man...glad I'm reading about this now before I switched too many times. After I got my new script, I went to my therapy appointment, but after it was over, drove down Rt 5 and copped 2 bags in H-town. I was able to find a vein I hadn't noticed before, and I got an incredible rush. If I can succeed on staying on the subs this time, then that would have been a great last hit to have. However, another reason I need to knock it off is that it now takes me two bags to get a good high on the needle. Only took me two months for that to happen. I mean, I knew it was going to happen. I guess I just wanted to keep the party going a little longer. :/
I took my 8 mg after getting home from work tonight. I can still function nicely for 24 hours or so after my last hit. I'm just a little tired, cranky and cold, but today was an easy day at work. I think I'll be okay for the week, but I'm so scared that I'm gonna lose my will again after 10 days. 10 days is the killer.
And I still can't bring myself to get rid of my remaining needles. >_<

Yea, the 7-10 day mark was always when I would start to get bored with just being on subs, and so would relapse. After a while I was legit feeling mentally ill, like really anxious and kinda depressed after a few days back on dope. I guess it was feeling hopeless, and that feeling would stick around for close to a week after switching back to the subs, and then once the subs starting working well for me I was bored again and would relapse.

So finally I realized that the whole 'occasional use' thing was doing more harm than good, so I stopped. That's really the only way I could stop I think, and probably the same for a lot of people. How else would I stop if I kept trying to get high once a week which obviously kept failing?
Yeah, I myself would get depressed at the amount of money I'd spent on my binge, and worried that if any unexpected expenses came up, I wouldn't be able to cover them. Friday's gonna be hard too, since I get paid. I think I'll just leave my debit card at home that day.
hun, you can easily do it. you are blasting what? 2 bags? i was blasting 3 grams. i was deathly ill and ready to blow my fucking head off and somehow got sober and still able to stay away from the dope to this day. if i can do it ANYONE can do it. i was a piece of shit dope fiend as mentioned before. enough of people NOT thinking they can get clean; ANYONE can get clean if they TRULY want to. i am SICK of hearing how hard it is to get clean. its NOT HARD it just depends how bad you want it. even if you are going through withdrawals they WILL NOT KILL YOU, so shut up and take it. it can be done, so unless you are ready to STOP, dont bother PRETENDING to stop. once you OD and your whole family id destroyed and you have NOTHING left you will realize what I am saying. realize how LUCKY you are that you are shooting 2 bags a day. 2 fucking bags. I was blasting 3 fucking grams and wanted to die. realize how lucky you are and you can MAKE YOUR FAMILY/FRIENDS HAPPY.. so fucking do it.
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