  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

2012-2013 NCAA Football Thread v. The Suck of the Irish

because Auburn can't throw the football worth a damn

the irony

freak play, but still required some good focus to haul that last score in

I don't hate Gerogia in particular, just mostly the entire south

OSU / Northern Illinois would be such a lulzy championship game
Oh my God. I can't believe the shit that just broke on the Jameis Winston rape thing:

After the woman — a Florida State student from the Tampa Bay area — identified Winston as the suspect in early January, "the family grew concerned that she would be targeted on campus" and requested assistance from an attorney friend, according to the statement.

"When the attorney contacted Detective (Scott) Angulo immediately after Winston was identified, Detective Angulo told the attorney that Tallahassee was a big football town and the victim needs to think long and hard before proceeding against him because she will be raked over the coals and her life will be made miserable," the family said.

The family also said that Angulo refused to collect Winston's DNA or interview his roommate, a possible witness in the case, because doing so would alert Winston and allow the case to go public.

A public record request by the Times revealed no search warrants executed under Winston's name. And there are no public search warrants related to sex crimes that match the address of the building Winston reportedly lives in. In addition, the public record request did not reveal that any search warrants have been executed in relation to the case since Nov. 11. There is no way to know if there are search warrants that have been carried out but are confidential at this time.

The family also questioned why Winston's attorney, Tim Jansen, was told that the case had been closed in February without FSU police interviewing Winston or collecting DNA.

"The family was shocked to hear that Winston's attorney was not only aware of the case but had been told by Tallahassee Police Department that the case had been closed in February," the family said. "All the while, the family was awaiting blood work results until early April."

Among the questions posed at end of the family's statement about the handling of the case:

• Why was Winston not listed as the suspect in the police report when he was identified in early January?

• Why did it take Detective Angulo four months to verbally inform the family of the blood work results?

• Why didn't Detective Angulo or his superiors inform the State Attorney of the crime before the media sought a copy of the police report 11 months after the crime?

full story: http://www.tampabay.com/sports/coll...-about-pursuing-jameis-winston-matter/2153364

Further evidence that Tallahassee is the asshole of Florida.

I'll remember this the next time yet another national media witchunt is launched against Miami.
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so waut he did or didnt rape the chick?

sorry dont feel like wading through that tbh
no, looks like he did rape

but I don't know why I am wasting my time explaining this to someone who can't even read 5 paragraphs SMFH shimazu
I'm not gonna say nobody got raped by a famous person ever in history, but I'm always a bit skeptical

especially since some bitches just want the 15 mins of fame\

Jameis goes on to have an NFL career (he didn't KILL NOBODY right? yeah, hes goin NFL), she gets a little money to STFU

everybody except morality wins
no, looks like he did rape

but I don't know why I am wasting my time explaining this to someone who can't even read 5 paragraphs SMFH shimazu
There was a sexual encounter. The timing and fact that she didnt go to a hispital immediately
make everything sound fishy. Maybe its her family pressing for a conviction because they cant helieve this young woman would have conseual sex with Winston. That is in no way grounds for calling someone a potential rapist.
That makes me sad, I hate watching The Tide play garbage teams, they shouldn't even play their starters.

Mizzou is still grinding and working for that bowl spot right now. I think we will win out and finish at 5 or 6 on the polls.
I'm not gonna say nobody got raped by a famous person ever in history, but I'm always a bit skeptical

especially since some bitches just want the 15 mins of fame\

why should we believe anything we read?
it's just ideas they want us to believe
we've all run into corrupt fucks we've all run into through out our lives in our lives, they're everywhere

FYI state attorneys still do accept bribes
and journalists still don't have absolute control over the details they provide

there's lots of money/power in NCAAF

how do we know another school's booster didn't hire this lady to do a little stage work?
just one example of rational speculation, there's many, that's the fun in all of this

if there was no rape, than there's a fucked up agenda going on here
if rape really did happen, nobody who questioned it is an insensitive asshole
should all be able to agree that it's a shame, lives buzzsaw'd by the all mighty libido/failure of fame/low hanging poisonous berries

only the suspect and suspected victim have undeniable info
^that's the undeniable truth

we're in a world where we can only believe what we've personally encountered, even then, there's always ?s
not that it hasn't always been that way

why should we believe anything we read?
it's just ideas they want us to believe
we've all run into corrupt fucks we've all run into through out our lives in our lives, they're everywhere

FYI state attorneys still do accept bribes
and journalists still don't have absolute control over the details they provide

there's lots of money/power in NCAAF

how do we know another school's booster didn't hire this lady to do a little stage work?
just one example of rational speculation, there's many, that's the fun in all of this

if there was no rape, than there's a fucked up agenda going on here
if rape really did happen, nobody who questioned it is an insensitive asshole
should all be able to agree that it's a shame, lives buzzsaw'd by the all mighty libido/failure of fame/low hanging poisonous berries

only the suspect and suspected victim have undeniable info
^that's the undeniable truth

we're in a world where we can only believe what we've personally encountered, even then, there's always ?s
not that it hasn't always been that way

The enormous hole in this theory is that Jameis Winston wasn't all that famous back in December of last year. His pre-season hype didn't even begin until sometime over the Summer. So it's not like a Kobe Bryant, where this dude is just an obvious target. There was nothing to be gained by targeting Winston in December of last year.

Not saying he did it, just saying that whatever is going on, it has nothing to do with a conspiracy theory.
it's snowing here in Columbus - SNOWING HARD

this is BIG 10 FOOTBALL. Urban Meyer already has two TDs and I wouldn't be surprised if we put up 70 on Indiana


where has everybody gone these past couple weeks??

I wish Kenickie and Pander still were here. they would always at least argue with me about trivial shit, and keep my simple mind entertained
College football compared to NFL is like a faggot climbing a dick tree versus me banging a smoking hot brazilian model with a fat ass and perfectly tanned titties axl.
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I agree, I dig on the NFL more - but if I ever said that in College Football Land, Ohio I would get flamed more than COTB in the Lounge or Droppersdick CE+P

FUCK FLORIDA! LOLOL. first Vandy and now Georgia Southern. I always thought Coach Muschamp was a penis wrinkle

CONGRATS COACH MEYER! today's victory means that Urbz owns the longest win-streak of any coach for the Ohio State University. which is no small feat, considering the top caliber of such coaches with the names of Woody Hayes, Earl Bruce, and Jim Tressel!



every day I will post a reason as to why Michigan will be our Bichigan on Saturday!!

I don't care if none of you fuckers post in between and I don't care if Care gives me an infraction!!
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Yeah the only place that cares nearly as much about CFB is probably SEC territory and Texas. Texas is more highschool though.

I'm not sure how he managed to lose to fucking Georgia Southern, that's one he'll of a feat in itself. Now let's see if he has his job in one week.
I wish Kenickie and Pander still were here. they would always at least argue with me about trivial shit, and keep my simple mind entertained

baby we are always here.

'neck' is magic charm because we bring it back against TA&M and look what happens. TAM fans grumbling that LSU just has their number. Fine, whatever helps you sleep, Johnny boy.

a lot more money in the georgia southern grambling betting now after that. i took a nap and Pander woke me up and said - you wanna know the world you woke up to? You woke up in a world where Florida lost to southern. The school that lystra went to. I literally fell over. I wasn't awake yet and you gotta shock me with that shit. @edsbs can't even talk about what happened, and he's stuck out there in Stillwater, not even home in Atlanta. how hot is that water, muschamp?

also baylor is losing terribly. what happened to this wham blam thank you m'am 50 points a game baylor sailor?

yo entheo you catch that baylor game?

#miss cleo

lol I fucking hate twitter