The MA heroin thread

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Haven't posted here in sometime so I figured I'd check in and say what's up? Still doing my thing out here, chipping, still getting high but not enough to catch a habit. Not sure what is different this time. Just trying to occupy my time more productively these days, but I still can't quite shake the dope. To BlueHues, Johnny Blue, Effect, and the rest, hope you all are doing well!

You should stop now then before you inevitably fuck it up and get strung out, hah. You know it's going to happen.
Lol, I'm a girl, btw. I did get shorter needles recently, so we'll see. I'm getting really damned stubborn about hitting these veins now. I'm entering an outpatient program tomorrow, but I wanted to try one last time.

how long you been in this game for? do not go to shooting; esp. if you are headed to a program. that is just your typical movie a junkie would do. trust me, I was a hardcore junkie only months back. I've been off for a while now and on Subox and my life is so much different. I am NO LONGER worrying about money day in and day out. I have gained 20lbs (I was 145) and I am back to 165lbs. Everyone I see/talk to says "omg, you look so much better.. what has changed" and I feel like myself; finally being truthful, reliable, trusted and taken care of myself and the other around me. No more letting the family or anyone close down cuz I needed to see my dope dealer before going ANYWHERE. and then my fam and close ones would just find me nodded out w. needles falling out of my pocket. then finally the day came when was speedballign w/ a mix of xanax to and I OD. friend had to call my parents to come get me and drag me to MGH; I was put in and didnt leave for 10 days. came out on a Subox program and have no left since. Life FINALLY feels like I am in charge.

IT'S HARD EARLY PEOPLE! but try a mental health program, or a psyh ward, where people are there NOT JUST FOR DRUGS! you'll WAKE UP and realize that others are going through crazier shit and you have the chance to STOP THE DRUG and BE GOOD! sometime your typical rehab is no good cuz ur meeting a bunch of people just like yourself and bragging about the dope game and who shot what, etc.
You should stop now then before you inevitably fuck it up and get strung out, hah. You know it's going to happen.

Yeah, I know that's the general consesus among users that if you're chipping, you'll eventually wind up using every day, thus inevitably catching another habit. Since I kicked my physical dependency to heroin back in June, I've basically been chipping ever since. So I've been doing this for months now and have kept up the same routine and discipline and it's been working just fine for me. I understand why you'd say what you did, because it happens all the time and using heroin is such a slippery slope, but I've been keeping it to just several times a week (if that). I'd never say I wouldn't catch another habit just because I know the score and I've been using for years so I know how it can go. I'm certainly not naive.

As for right now, however, it's going well so I'm going to keep on doing what I'm doing for right now. Like I said in my previous post, I can't quite shake the dope for good because I genuinely like using dope, but I know I can't do this forever so I do hope i reach that point where I feel I'm ready to just give it up for good and be content with it.

Remembering how bad dopesickness is really helps keep me in check. There's just no avoiding it. There will never come a time where I can use every single day and not eventually get sick. No one can escape it once the sickness arrives. It just locks you right in. The only way to use and not get sick again is to simply respect opiates and remind myself that I'm essentially playing with fire. Opiates are the most wrathful class of drugs and I'm not ignorant to that fact.
My dealer got caught up yesterday along with one of my friends. Sucks so much because he was my only connect and I'm scared of cold copping in Holyoke it's too easy to get fucked over... Seems like they were cracking down or something bc when I went to bail him out there were a bunch of people coming out for the same shit :-/
I just found out I have to appear in court in a couple weeks. I was found passed out in my car after a mild OD by a cop. My car was not searched, but they're saying possession of a class A substance. I'm about all done crying and shit now. On top of that, they suspect my boyfriend of being my supplier, even though he's not. He just told me he can't see me for a while now.
Everything's going to shit now. I'm never gonna climb out of this loser life. I wish no one had found me that day.
^ahh that sucks so much, there should be some kind of law so that if you're ODing and someone checks on you, you don't get fucked over... If they didn't search you doesn't that mean there's not evidence? Maybe it will get thrown out... If it's your first charge they might go easy dont give in to total dispair yet...
You cant get poss charge for being under the influence obv. You need actual poss, so I dunno what happened there.

Anyway-somewhat specualtion..

You'll most likely get a cwof, which will mean a year or two of moderate supervision. (and all that comes with that, like ua's 1-2's/month) and if you do well you can avoid a conviction on your record.

Really depends on location though..

sorry to hear
Do I need to seek legal aid?

Always, man. Unless you got a parking ticket.. you should get a lawyer. The system is very complicated and layered so if you don't have someone to navigate those waters for you, you could end up getting really screwed.
Do I need to seek legal aid?

Most certainly. If you can't afford it there are court appointed attorneys. I'm not sure how the payment goes for them, but if you can afford a personal lawyer its a much better option.

As for your situation I'll tell you some info that might be relevant. If a person ODs and 911 is called for them in the state of Taxxachusetts, the cops have no right to search, detain or charge anyone at the scene(edit: I should note that AFAIK that is only for drug charges, you can't have AK-47 laying out on the coffee table and have no worries). Its obviously a law intended to keep people from neglecting to call 911 during ODs in fear of being charged of a crime. Unfortunately your situation is a gray area where I am not sure about a few issues. For one you were in public, this might only be in the case of a private residence, not sure about that. Two, no one called 911, the police just showed up without a 911 call being entered. If a friend/relative/sig other or bystander came by, called 911 and then the police arrived (which they arrive to ODs before fire or EMS the majority of the time), your chances of being protected under that law might be better. Of course all these questions are reasons why you need counsel, on top of being taken at all seriously.
How could you possibly have had no drugs on you and be charged with possession? The police will sometimes tack charges on that they know won't stick just to be assholes, maybe they want to make sure you end up in court for some reason....but no evidence=no charge...
Do I need to seek legal aid?

I'm not from your state but in my state if you are in your car they an get you with a driving under the influence and if they drew blood they can charge you with possession of the drugs in your blood.

Definatlly get a lawyer even if it's a public defender, better than nothing. The summons the court mailed you should tell you the charges.

Did an ambulance come and take you to the hospital? If so then a blood test was done and it may be possible that the police or whoever( district attorney) got a warrent for it to charge you with more crimes.
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Wow, what state do you live in? Iran? :) ( I actually have read that before tho)

In MA blood could be used for an OUI but not drug possession.

I hope thats correct anyway..
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Red Sox got game one in the bag! Hopefully we have a repeat of '04....A sweep is kinda boring though!
Yeah, you can not be charged with possession for simply having drugs in your system. As a matter of fact, that isn't a crime at all unless you are driving while on something.
^The whole story's a little bit off...

They found you OD'd in the car alone, didn't search the car and find anything but they're charging you with possession?

They think your boyfriend is the supplier but he wasn't there? Why would they think that unless you told them that?

I think you may be omitting some major details here for fear of judgment....
In some states, like the one I'm originally from, you can get a DUI/OUI for just being passed out or asleep in the drivers seat of the car, not even operating! So actually, if you want to pull over because you feel too fucked up to drive, you have to climb into the passenger seat or even better the back seat. Kinda weird to punish someone for doing the safe thing and not OUI'ing just because they are in the wrong seat of the car... :|
In some states, like the one I'm originally from, you can get a DUI/OUI for just being passed out or asleep in the drivers seat of the car, not even operating! So actually, if you want to pull over because you feel too fucked up to drive, you have to climb into the passenger seat or even better the back seat. Kinda weird to punish someone for doing the safe thing and not OUI'ing just because they are in the wrong seat of the car... :|

Ive heard stories about people getting OUI's like this but was lead to believe the keys have to be in the ignition. (does not matter if the car is running tho)

found this answer from an attorney:

As crazy as it sounds, in Mass, you can be convicted if you are in a parked car, with the engine off, if the key is IN the ignition. It is the element of Operation that is in question
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