The MA heroin thread

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Well, no wonder I'm getting these nasty bruises that don't hurt. If I'm only skin popping, I'm just squirting the blood I draw under the skin. I took some antibiotics I had leftover from getting my wisdom teeth out, and that helped with the foot infection.
All in all, just a sign to stick with sniffing, I suppose.
Yea, just a fyi if things don't continue to heal up and you won't go to doctor or can't b/c its too expensive, you have no insurance, etc., there are good natural antibiotics that can help you out. Most common ones are garlic, contains allicin, a broad spectrum antibiotic similar to penicillin, amoxicillin, and other -ins. Just chew on a fresh clove for a minute or 2, it absorbs into the bloodstream through the tongue/gums(bucally). Burns like a son of bitch and tastes awful, though. Also oil of oregano has strong antibiotic properties.
Well, no wonder I'm getting these nasty bruises that don't hurt. If I'm only skin popping, I'm just squirting the blood I draw under the skin. I took some antibiotics I had leftover from getting my wisdom teeth out, and that helped with the foot infection.
All in all, just a sign to stick with sniffing, I suppose.

Yep, just stick to sniffing it, man. You don't want to go down that road of IV'ing dope.
Yep, just stick to sniffing it, man. You don't want to go down that road of IV'ing dope.

My buddy was telling me how much money he was saving because he started shooting it. I tried to warn him but he figured it out on his own. He is trying to stay clean and I hope he does.

Yeah. The whole "switching to IV to save money" myth gets busted real quick once you start down that road. I just shake my head whenever I hear that justification.. which is a lot. Hah.

Some people just need to learn the hard way..
^ He also figured out that he gets sicker faster too. But he has been clean a few days now I wish him the best.
I really think you do get sick least to me. It doesn't matter how much I've used the previous day but it 's like as soon as I wake up my nose starts running and start sneezin. I usually do about 3-5 bags /day and that's the norm for me but sometimes if i do a lot more than my usual dose it lasts a while after i get up but as soon as I have my first coffee and cig my nose starts the slow drip and immediately get the runs...that's like the worst symptom to deal with but recently I've been using Immodium(loperamide) and it plugs me up right away 8o
Nocturne, be careful with taking random days of antibiotics sometimes that makes infections come back way worse than they ever started and foot infections are already pretty sketchy. Tapestry Health treated me for a blood infection for free a few months ago, go there if you're worried about money/judgementals, dont let that stop you...
Man, I was never big on cocaine (taken with dope anyway, I did go on a half year crack run when I was clean off opiates), but this recent chipping I'm doing seems to be all about the combo. I'm just not THAT wild about the dope alone now, where previously I was all about it. I'm not sure if this is because of long term receptor downregulation/tolerance, or simply because my gram connect died and I'm stuck with avg. holyoke stamps, but in the past I'd of never considered spending 1/3rd of the 'budget' on coke. Am I the only one who prefers to blast a fat ringer and then do a separate dope shot?

EDIT: Thanks for the responses.
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You're not allowed to mention specific stamps in here but what you did mention is the best I can find in the area lately... It's very decent to me but my tolerance is low due to a long break I took recently.
Well my ppl usually get their stuff from Holyoke and there's some stuff I've been gettin that's pretty good...3 in the spoon and I get a great rush!! There's no name on them just a blue bag with a smiling star...
Yea, just a fyi if things don't continue to heal up and you won't go to doctor or can't b/c its too expensive, you have no insurance, etc., there are good natural antibiotics that can help you out. Most common ones are garlic, contains allicin, a broad spectrum antibiotic similar to penicillin, amoxicillin, and other -ins. Just chew on a fresh clove for a minute or 2, it absorbs into the bloodstream through the tongue/gums(bucally). Burns like a son of bitch and tastes awful, though. Also oil of oregano has strong antibiotic properties.

I'm sure that there are viable holistic remedies but, seeking professional help for infection caused by missing a shot is the best course of action. I know that you aren't telling anyone not to go to the doctor/hospital but, sometimes things are too serious to try and fix on your own and it's never worth serious irreversible damage to yourself or possible death just to avoid a bill.

Again I know that you aren't encouraging people to not seek help. I just want to reinforce just how dangerous these infections can be.
Man, I was never big on cocaine (taken with dope anyway, I did go on a half year crack run when I was clean off opiates), but this recent chipping I'm doing seems to be all about the combo. I'm just not THAT wild about the dope alone now, where previously I was all about it. I'm not sure if this is because of long term receptor downregulation/tolerance, or simply because my gram connect died and I'm stuck with avg. holyoke stamps, but in the past I'd of never considered spending 1/3rd of the 'budget' on coke. Am I the only one who prefers to blast a fat ringer and then do a separate dope shot?

EDIT: Thanks for the responses.

are you saying you are shooting both separate? i think youd be better off but i always shot speedballs because i only had so much so it would be pointless to shoot them at different times; well, at least for the white anyway. i was always very heavy on the brown and just throw in a 40+ of white just for the shock. i never did any white alone (shooting) or even done it in probably 6 years (just white, nothing else).
or do it in random bathrooms around the streets since that was my place. never could do it at home cuz the GF was there and already knew I was junked out. so I always found myself setting up shop in random bathrooms (1 person bathrooms) at random spots. its funny cuz I havent been in a bathroom at a dunks, mcdonalds, burger king, etc, since I stopped using. at one point, when using daily, I felt I was a known face in many places cuz I used their bathroom so much. it's just fucking whacky thinking about the dumb shit I did when getting jammed. none of it makes any sense now but when it was happening, it somehow made sooooo much sense.

Be careful because if you are alone and doing it in a bathroom where nobody will come by, or the people coming in won't think anything of a person in there for a while you risk ODing and not being found until it's too late.

Bruising and a couple of bone infections. I just can't manipulate the needle with one hand, as it won't keep steady. I'd use two hands and inject in my legs, but I can't find a vein there. The foot is how I got the first bone infection, so I'm not going there.
It's rather embarrassing, but the fact is, I completely fail at injecting. I'll draw blood, but when I push down, the needle moves and I lose the vein. Maybe if I had something to tie around my arm, but I don't have anything that works.

You should just go back to snorting it, but if you're going to continue maybe try a different size syringe. If you get shorter ones like 5/16" inch syringes, they you can push it all the way in and as long as you're on a slight angle you won't pierce through the vein. When it's all the way in it's a lot easier to work with compared to longer tips where you have to keep it a certain amount in, while also working with keeping it steady while pushing down the plunger.

With the short tip it's really steady if it's pushed all the way up to your skin, then all you have to worry about it the last step of pushing down the plunger once you register. As long as you hit the right angle you are good, unless you are really that bad at it which is seems as though you may be (not meant as an insult, just saying what you said already).

Well, no wonder I'm getting these nasty bruises that don't hurt. If I'm only skin popping, I'm just squirting the blood I draw under the skin. I took some antibiotics I had leftover from getting my wisdom teeth out, and that helped with the foot infection.
All in all, just a sign to stick with sniffing, I suppose.
Nocturne, be careful with taking random days of antibiotics sometimes that makes infections come back way worse than they ever started and foot infections are already pretty sketchy. Tapestry Health treated me for a blood infection for free a few months ago, go there if you're worried about money/judgementals, dont let that stop you...
Don't take random antibiotics you have lying around. It can cause problems later on when you actually need them.

Hey Noc...if I could go back to the day of my first injection, I would definitely not do it knowing what I know now!! Stick to's hard but not impossible but since you're already having troubles with it you should be able to switch back with no probs. For me it's either shoot or nothing, I've tried to switch back but I love the intense rush you get after eight seconds(yes I've timed it) instead of waiting three to five minutes more or less. I remember when I started to shoot my buddy told me when you snort you're only getting about 50 to 75 percent of the dope into your system cause it gets caught up in the cillia(hairs inside your nose along with the mucus and other stuff that impedes the flow of dope into your brain; while shooting it you get 100% into your system and it takes only seconds and if you're sick as a dog believe me even 8 seconds is long for me8(

My buddy was telling me how much money he was saving because he started shooting it. I tried to warn him but he figured it out on his own. He is trying to stay clean and I hope he does.


Yeah. The whole "switching to IV to save money" myth gets busted real quick once you start down that road. I just shake my head whenever I hear that justification.. which is a lot. Hah.

Some people just need to learn the hard way..

^ He also figured out that he gets sicker faster too. But he has been clean a few days now I wish him the best.

As some of you have already mentioned, IVing doesn't save you money other than the first few days, and it's also true about it making you get sicker quicker. It's simple really, if you introduce the full amount of the drug into your system at once they it can all begin to be eliminated from your system. Compare that to sniffing it where it takes a while to peak, and you may also be doing lines throughout the high, so it's going to take longer to be eliminated from your system since some of it isn't even introduced to it until later on.

Once that happens and you're sicker faster, you have to use more often which jacks up your tolerance, and you will shortly be doing as much as you were sniffing just a few days before, then more! The more often you use, the higher your tolerance gets, so it's not rocket science to see how it doesn't save you money to switch over. It would only be cheaper if you decide to go back to sniffing it the next day, so if you plan to make the switch back to snorting it while saving money then you need to take a break first. Either take a low dose of subs to get by for a week or so, or just sniff enough dope to get by for that period of time (IVing is pointless when trying to do this since you will get sick too quick and need to dose too often to allow your tolerance to go down).

Yep, just stick to sniffing it, man. You don't want to go down that road of IV'ing dope.

As long as you take a little break it's not so bad going back to sniffing it. All that you miss is a 8 second rush, and the guy posting about missing all the time wasn't even getting a rush, so nothing lost really! I actually really like the slower come-up from sniffing my dope, it's like a very mild rush for 20-30 minutes. Also, when you IV it I feel like the peak is too quick as opposed to snorting it where it takes a while to peak while you get to enjoy the nice long come-up.

Out of my last highs the best one I got was from sniffing it, and since I hadn't used in a few days I got as high as I wanted. Sure, since I had taken a break I could have saved me a few bags by IVing it, but also since I took a break it would have been more dangerous since most people OD by shooting dope after taking a break.

You're not allowed to mention specific stamps in here but what you did mention is the best I can find in the area lately... It's very decent to me but my tolerance is low due to a long break I took recently.

It's left up to the moderators discretion so in the future just report it and we will figure out if we should remove it or not. If it's just mentioned in passing then we may let is stay, but if people are rating stamps and so on, it's not allowed.
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Lol, I'm a girl, btw. I did get shorter needles recently, so we'll see. I'm getting really damned stubborn about hitting these veins now. I'm entering an outpatient program tomorrow, but I wanted to try one last time.
I'm sure that there are viable holistic remedies but, seeking professional help for infection caused by missing a shot is the best course of action. I know that you aren't telling anyone not to go to the doctor/hospital but, sometimes things are too serious to try and fix on your own and it's never worth serious irreversible damage to yourself or possible death just to avoid a bill.

Again I know that you aren't encouraging people to not seek help. I just want to reinforce just how dangerous these infections can be.

Most certainly not discouraging them to go to the doctor. I think prior to that I had posted to get it checked out. But better to do something for it than nothing.

^No kidding, sounds like you are basically skin popping the stuff. And I'm going to suggest going to a doctor and maybe they will give you some antibiotics or something because if you are missing so often like that is pretty dangerous. Better have it looked at now before they are performing debridement on your arm.

As a matter of fact, this was my comment after they initially wrote about the situation with their arm.
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Haven't posted here in sometime so I figured I'd check in and say what's up? Still doing my thing out here, chipping, still getting high but not enough to catch a habit. Not sure what is different this time. Just trying to occupy my time more productively these days, but I still can't quite shake the dope. To BlueHues, Johnny Blue, Effect, and the rest, hope you all are doing well!
I haven't touched a rig in over four years and I was a rabid shooter, trying to hit one of my veins is like drilling for fucking oil, I'd get clots stuck in my rig, miss altogether and then I wound up with a couple of really bad abscesses that I had to go to the ER for, which sucked royally, followed by ten days of IV antibiotics. I used to use a heating pad to get my veins up, which worked until I cooked them all, LOL.
Haven't posted here in sometime so I figured I'd check in and say what's up? Still doing my thing out here, chipping, still getting high but not enough to catch a habit. Not sure what is different this time. Just trying to occupy my time more productively these days, but I still can't quite shake the dope. To BlueHues, Johnny Blue, Effect, and the rest, hope you all are doing well!

Glad you're still out there in the free world doin your thing man! It's not always easy to pull off!
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