How are you in One Word vs. A Smile is a Curve That Sets Everything Straight

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I just finished meditation for night, and its always a huge rush for me afterwards, I didn't think 15 mins could accomplish so much
Worried? What's up, guys/gals? <3 I hope whatever's troubling you is alleviated soon.

My word: nervous, I have to really impress someone (personally and professionally) later today in a situation that is a bit out of my element. But prepare for the life you want, not the life you have, right?
I'm relaxed, today's my day off..
How was it? I think it would be a fun experience.

Hey sorry for no reply I have been off the internet for a bit, I thought Id be bored out of my brain! But seeing my son so excited brought joy to the whole "monster truck" outing. It was not as bad as I pictured it out to be.:)

My word(s)- Hanging in this world, just for another day to see what comes my way!
Worried? What's up, guys/gals? <3 I hope whatever's troubling you is alleviated soon.

My word: nervous, I have to really impress someone (personally and professionally) later today in a situation that is a bit out of my element. But prepare for the life you want, not the life you have, right?

Good luck!...Wait you don't need luck you got this in the bag already Hun!
That sucks, black rabbit! Get better soon.. Food poisoning is the worst.

Feeling excited
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