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[Feedback Thread] How can WE improve on the PD forum? Suggestions welcome!

^Its a good idea, but I don't see much point in comparing 2C-E with DMT, for example. I can see a point in comparing DMT to DPT, or to 5-MeO-DMT...I guess the average BLer would know what worth comparing and what isn't...
Dammit Willow doesn't that guy ever get tired of dancing to the music I'm playing???

Dammit Willow doesn't that guy ever get tired of dancing to the music I'm playing???


Ha, he actually scared me a bit last night when I was tripping :D....its just relentless wookie groove, but somehow disconcerting...8o=D
^Ask the question then. Or, simply enough, there's a defintei cross tolerance between the two, but as with most things related to psychedelics, its impossible to quanitfy.
The idea of moving stuff to BDD after it's been answered...
For these drugs, check out the Psychedelic Drugs, Cannabis Discussion or Ecstasy Discussion forums.
is not going to get off the ground, not atm anyway. BDD is essentially a sister forum to OD at present. However, maybe we (you) could talk to the BDD mods/smods about broadening the scope of the forum, as PD is a high-traffic forum that might benefit from offloading basic dosage questions and the like in the same way that OD does.

See this is the problem with "megathreads" They are really not useful because you cant have a true threaded discussion about one specific topic, are a pain in the ass to navigate, so essentially any topic that a USER of this forum wants to start that an overzealous mod does not like as its own topic then gets stuffed into a megathread where it is lost for all eternity in a giant festering pile, a needle in a galaxy sized haystack, essentially killing it... like the Arc of the Covenant was "lost" in the ginormous warehouse at the end of RotLA.
I love megathreads. Everyone always thinks that their thread is the ark of the covenant, but it's usually just another cheap relic, which can go with all the other cheap relics in the back room so that we can keep the main shop clean and tidy. Anyway, I usually let a discussion run for a little while, then once it's run its course, stick it in a megathread so that other people can find it for reference. People bitch at me that they can't find the info they want in a megathread, and I delight in finding it for them in two seconds with TFSE.
Megathreads simplify finding info, and even eliminates the need to search for the info you are looking for. Being able to find practically all I want to know on say, 4-aco-dmt, in the same thread really decreases the time it takes to find a broad spectrum of knowledge and experiences on the specific drug. Also you can even dive into an individual thread by searching just with in that thread to limit the irrelevant results. I feel some people just prefer someone to spoon feed them everything, but on the other hand, I understand the need to have someone answer their question specifically for their situation. Those honest threads asking in a specific perspective are fine, but should/will be moved to the appropriate location for the question if a big and dandy or recent similar thread exists.

The first thing I do when I don't know an answer is to search through the B&D's, and I still do it to refresh my memory on what others have to say. There is tons of great info people can benefit from if they take the time to click on the blinking link at the top of the page, or in a Mod's sig's. There is so much more knowledge in one of those threads than any individual here could spit out into a new one, that I think people don't realize.
What would the ratio of basic psychedelic questions to "advanced" be?
^Ah, I see you applied the algorithm of cosmic awesomeness to the situation. Why did I not think of that?
a good suggestion. get rid of this bullshit about no should i take/what did i take threads. its a site about drug use....how can you say thats inappropriate. im not asking where to buy it im asking should i take it.
"i got sold capsule with a bit of white powder in there, it made me trip, what is it?"

you see what i sayin?
a good suggestion. get rid of this bullshit about no should i take/what did i take threads. its a site about drug use....how can you say thats inappropriate. im not asking where to buy it im asking should i take it.

I know what you mean, but: why would you expect someone who knows neither you nor the drug you may have be trusted in making the decision for you? Bluelight's goal is harm reduction; in this case, the answer would be DON'T TAKE IT. Bluelight's stance on drugs is not one of pure information; its information with a bias towards harm reduction.

While I'm unsure of this; I can imagine the repercussions (legal for starters) that could occurr if members of Bluelight advised someone to take an unknown drug and that tperson ends up injured or in hospital. The entire site would be shut down. Its not worth it.

Thing is though; if you don't know what drug you have, why are you even thinking about taking it? You may have a gram of white powder which could be anything from mescaline hcl to fentanyl- the former would forgive you (most likely) if you ingested it, the latter would kill you....

Not trying to be rude to you man; just trying to point out why we can't have such threads on the site...

Peace :):)
a good suggestion. get rid of this bullshit about no should i take/what did i take threads. its a site about drug use....how can you say thats inappropriate. im not asking where to buy it im asking should i take it.
Because threads like that are of limited interest to anyone but the OP. If we let everyone post about anything they like, BL would just be that site where people ask if they're going to pass their drug tests, what drug they have, whether they should take it, and whether they can buy some of your drugs please. The site is so much more than that, precisely because we strive to actively improve the standard of discussion. There are plenty of drugs forums with less stringent rules and correspondingly worse standards of discussion. And as willow11 says:
If in doubt, throw it out. (I'm paraphrasing of course)
That is the only reasonable HR-oriented response to such a thread.
Make a stickied thread linked to to the Albert Hofmann Foundation website.

A wealth of information on the potential psychedelic drugs show in treating a broad range of psychiatric disorders.

Its pretty much the collection of science on LSD, erowid helped with the project. Probably one of the best sources for information on it. This is a powerful compound, if its used as a tool, it tends to do its job.

Someone should have put a muzzle on timothy leery. He made it far too loud before the full medical potential of this was realised on a broader scale.
...im asking should i take it.
nobody should make that decision for you. by all means, use bl as a resource to educate yourself and inform your decision making but you need to decide for yourself and take responsibility for your decision.

I don't mean to try and drag this off topic, but often I wonder whether or not the Big and Dandy threads are in some ways detrimental to discussion of whatever specific drug is in question.

First, I should say that I think that having a central thread where people can post about what qualities a drug possesses is a good idea. But the BnD threads are frequently not focused on what effects the drug produces and instead consist of people asking the same questions – what's the dose, or what ROA to use, or how visual it is – over and over again. To be sure, not all of the posts are these sort of repeats, but a lot of them are.

Second, the length of the BnDs are rather prohibitive as far as reading the entire way through. But this gets to my main point: I have often seen people post threads asking X about drug Y, and I had responded to one of them that they should be using the BnD thread. The dude replied that it is very common for somebody to ask a question which gets totally ignored for whatever reason, or that it takes weeks to get any replies. I can definitely testify to both of those things having happened to me when I have posted in a BnD.

I wish it were possible for the rules to be relaxed ever so slightly, so that threads like this didn't necessarily have to be merged into the BnDs. Or even better, let threads like this exist for a while until they drop off the first page, and only then merge them into the BnDs. That way people could get timely answers to specific questions without having to wade through the seas of repeated questions and disjointed pseudo-conversations that take place in the BnD threads. For some reason it seems difficult to hold any substantive conversation in a BnD thread, and threads like this offer a nice middle ground via the delayed-merge option I mentioned just now.

Anyway, I know this isn't gonna happen, but I figured I'd post my musings on the subject in hopes of perhaps spurring some debate on the subject. I would post to start a new thread about this issue but I don't think it would be appropriate to post that in PD, and if I went to one of the support forums the vast majority of people in PD wouldn't see it.

Is it acceptable to post on this subject in PD so as to bring up the topic amongst the very people it would apply to?
Don't we have a feedback thread for those ideas? I think we used to.

I realise that Big & Dandy Threads are often in several ways flawed, like people only talking about their own anticipation of a drug not yet in circulation or off-topic banter or indeed repeats of questions (literal FAQs), but such things are largely unavoidable especially if threads are merged at an early stage. Everyone is welcome to ask the questions that have not yet been posed.*
Researching a substance using B&D's is indeed a lot of digging, and it is hard to improve that, you must understand this. To clean this up threads need reorganisation which has been done a few times in the past and which - trust me - is a hell of a lot of work.

I also realise that B&D's often get ignored by comparison.

Despite these flaws I think merging for the creation of an archive is valuable and it helped me in the past because I was willing to read through the crap to find the good stuff.

Believe it or not, the practice of merging only threads that aren't on page 1 is something that I have recently suggested among our staff and I try to adhere to that guideline. That why I didn't merge yet but instead say "in due time" i.e. when it falls off the first page.
So when I said "Everyone is welcome to ask the questions that have not yet been posed.", that does indeed mean at least on the first page of PD.

It's not forbidden for you to ask such a question but I've read a number of your rather opinionated posts. It is often easy to criticise something like forum policy when all kinds of subtleties (potential complications) - and the fact that it is only a handful of people volunteering time - aren't taken into account. It's pretty hard to keep up with everything AND make sure that B&D's only contain very valuable info. That is an ideal.
It didn't really rub me the wrong way too much yet and you're welcome to suggest improvements, but there are limits. There are hardly any fora that I know of (with significant traffic) that are perfect. Keep the attitude constructive and accept some of the flaws for all the things that are nice about our forum. And when mods make choices that don't seem perfect to you guys, sorry but we do our best. Try to get along.

Suggestions that don't necessarily have to be posed publicly can be sent in a PM to prevent threads from going off-topic all the time because you see a flaw.
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