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What's your benzo of choice: experiences and reasons...

i've tried clonazepam, alprazolam, diazepam, lorazepam, temazepam, and etizolam.

clonazepam is probably my favorite, very good anxiolytic and lasts long.

second is tie between temazepam and etizolam, they are the most euphoric (which isn't saying much) but i use benzos for anxiety so euphoria isn't what i'm looking for.
Out of everything I've tried I'd have to say Diazepam hands down. It is the most effective benzodiazepine for my anxiety without leaving me too drained or sedated.
well my favourite benzo is funitrazepam (rohypnol)

Seconded, too bad they put it under narcotics legislation here about 2 years ago, and as most doctors are rather squeamish about writing narcotic prescriptions, they're nearly completely gone from the streets. If you chance across some, be prepared to pay a A LOT for them (before this, Rohypnol was everywhere, most abused benzo right after Diazepam).

Luckily, my neurologist seems to really like medicating people, it took only three visits to obtain a script for both Alprazolam and Clonazepam. I find the former to be nearly on par with Rohypnol regarding the hypnotic effects which I love most in Benzos. Diazepam is still easily available illegaly and cheap as candy, so it's possible for me to get a new script only every few months, I really don't want to burn this guy.
This way, I get the other two benzos among my favourites legally, which is a huge plus here, this being a country with an unusually high number of highly "ethical" doctors who simply won't prescribe ANYTHING even remotely addictive; apart from the most serious cases, the strongest painkiller used here is fucking Tramadol, even Codeine has a worse reputation in these parts and DHC isn't used at all. Of course, you can get substances covered by the narcotics law illegaly anyway, but Morphine and Oxycodone for example simply aren't scripted often enough to allow for trickling onto the black market (sorry for going OT here guys).

Still, there are several benzos I'd still like to try. Too bad they either fall under the German federal narcotics law (i.e. Temazepam) or are scripted only very ralely (Bromazepam, Oxazepam, Nitrazepam) leading to a total lack of availability on the black market. I've been asking around for years, no chance. Maybe a trip to Portugal would make a nice change in scenery.
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Kolonopin. Every since I got a script for K-pins no other benzo really does it for me anymore.
With my limited experience, I'd say I prefer alprazolam for recreation and diazepam for its medical benefits.

I don't think too highly of temazepam, I think it's great at the right dose with some alcohol, but it simply doesn't last long enough. I used a lot of nitrazepam when I experienced my last opiate withdrawal, and mixed with diazepam, clonidine and quetiapine gave me the desired effect of sleeping a lot and not remembering much, but I can't comment on it's recreational use individually.
alprazolam 4 me.

Hey Guys,
Just to make this more interesting, let's give reasons as to why we like these specific benzodiazepine's, rather than just listing the ones we like. I'm guilty of exactly what I'm talking about too, so I'll go in to more depth:

My favorite benzodiazepine is by far Xanax out of the ones I've tried (diazepam, lorazepam, phenazepam, librium, triazolam, and clonazepam). Though tolerance does build up (like any other benzo), I've found that I'm able to consistantly get therapeutic and "recreational"(if you can really call benzo's recreational) effects out of alprazolam for the longest period of time at the same dosage. If I take 1mg of clonazepam for a month each day, I'll feel good for the first two days or so, but after that, the effects diminish drastically, until I virtually feel nothing but relief of withdrawal. With Xanax however, I can usually feel the same intensity out of the same dosage for at least two weeks, and once the tolerance kicks in, I can get that calm back by adding as little as .25 mg to my routine intake.

Xanax is also one of the few benzo's that actually gives me a speedy buzz. Don't get me wrong, it's great for sleep too, but having a football in the morning with a cup of coffee is as close to heaven as it gets (well, as far as all drugs but opiates are concerned). I'm also incredibly fond of the insanely fast onset of this benzo. As an IV drug user, I like my gratification as immediate as possible, and Xanax delivers that without having to stick a pin in my arm. I can feel the drug hit me before the thing even finishes melting in my mouth (that's right, I take it sublingually, and I LOVE that chalky taste!)
qft +1
Clonazepam: Takes a while to kick in. Its nice to know you're feeling it an hour after you took it but it will take 1.5 more hours until you feel it entirely. Very useful. And feels pretty recreational; energetic if you're tired and vice-versa if the opposite is true. Lasts all day, but you really only feel it for about five hours. Better than the rest imho. Most I've ever had is 1mg, 'twas extremely extremely calming/useful.
Triazolam: Hardly remember the experiences; at first it was lights out; two weeks later it hardly worked. One time I took like 1.25mg and that was fucking ill...but that's like five times the therapeutic dose.
Alprazolam: Hits fast; gives energy. Leaves fast. Addictive as fuck. And good luck ever trying to stop it - you feel like you're dying about once per hour for two weeks. And that was after moderate use.
Lorazepam: No high, simply sedation. Bullshit. I ate like 5-10mg too.
Benzos I have tried: Alprazolam (Xanax), Diazepam (Valium), Lorazepam (Ativan), Clonazepam (Rivotril/Klonopin), Bromazepam, Nitrazepam (Mogadon), and the quasi-benzo: Etizolam

Alprazolam: can be great, but the memory-fuck-factor and the fact that it's only a simple anxiolytic set it towards the bottom of my list. But don't get me wrong, I'll never turn it down, ever.

Diazepam: has a lot of great qualities, and I quite like this one, but I have found that it is a) slightly too weak when compared with other benzos (when you have access), and the half-life is a bitch (unless you're detoxing).

Lorazepam: love the Ativan, reminds me of Diazepam, but with a bit more euphoria and less muscle relaxation. Oh and it doesn't last nearly as long as Valium, obviously.

Bromazepam: I have only had 30-40 of these pills, so it's hard for me to rank them, but they did leave a very positive impression, I would seek these out again with extreme prejudice.

Nitrazepam: It's a benzo, so it has something goin for it.

Etizolam: Not sure how I feel about this one. It had some great hypnotic effects, but it fucked my memory Xanax style. Plus tolerance developed with a quickness. Went from takin 6-10mg to 40-50mg in a very short time. I would recommend this one only if you can't find your standard benzo, or to potentiate other benzos or opiates, but overall I'm not much of a fan.

Clonazepam: The king of benzos, imo. So many factors make me love this drug. It kills my anxiety without blasting my memory, it relaxes my tension, it helps me sleep, it lasts a long time. Most definitely the favorite of the benzos that I have come into contact with.

On my wish list:
Flunitrazepam ("Roofies", they used to be called, and I want them for me of course).
I would say diazepam is the best for me, really it is just a great all rounder for anxiety, aiding in sleep or just synergising well with/potentiating other drugs. In the past at one time I would of said alprazolam and then bromazepam (this one does remain a close second) but for me these days nothing really beats a handful of valium, in terms of other benzo's anyway.
either diazepam or temazepam, because I primarily use them for sleep, plus they're both actually euphoric unlike alprazolam, clonazepam, lorazepam, and the rest of the ones I've tried (flutrinazepam doesn't count because it literally just knocked me out every time I took it, but that's kinda it's move).
Best benzo?

Of all the benzos out there, which is your favorite?

For me, it's Diazepam. Good ol' Val. Don't fix what's not broken, heh.
id say temezepam because i hear about how good it is but i have'nt had it so id say valium , followed by xanax. i rarely get either but i can get zannies way easier then valium.
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id say temezeoam because i hear about how good it is but i havent had it so id say valium , followed by xanax. i rareky get either but i can get zannies way easier then valium.

Yeah, so can I (on the street, at least). Seems Xanax tends to be more popular. For me it's not necessarily uncomfortable and it does stop anxiety, but it just makes me really tired. Honestly feels about the same as if I were to just take two benadryl. Valium gives me that sociable, loose, intoxicated but not impaired euphoric buzz and kills my anxiety, inhibitions and OCD.

I'm pretty lucky to have a doctor that understands. I just picked up a script for 60 of the 10mg ones with a refill today. :)

Mainly been using them also to finally get off Ambien, which I've been taking for entirely too long and need to go for a couple years without so my tolerance resets.
yeah that must be nice. its harder for me to black out on valium cuz i could just take a small dose with some opiates and/or bud but with xanax i tend to eat all of my stash and black out.

the last time i ate xanax at more then 1.5 mgs is last summer i had 10mgs at night and went to work at 6am the next morning feeling still high but not in a good way, it was rough. the last time i even remember dosing is back in december lol after the work christmas party my boy gave me 2mgs and i took it with some oxy, bacardi, and bud. i was in a dry spell of everything cuz i was staying out of state at my sisters house who was clean at the time.
Either temazepam or alprazolam. Both work excellent when combined with bud to give me a nice chill high before going to bed.
Either temazepam or alprazolam. Both work excellent when combined with bud to give me a nice chill high before going to bed.

I've had Temazepam. Felt pretty nice, almost like Diazepam but with a definite more hypnotic quality. Was a great sleep aid...but nothing compared to Zolpidem (but that's not a benzo tho...my nostalgia just keeps me clinging to it).
Yeah I really enjoyed ambien, temazepam replaced it. I wish I would of stockpiled more of it when I had the chance.
Clonazepam. And it was not one of my favs till recently. Used to go Xanax>Valium>Clonazepam>Ativan. Valium is a close second.
Yeah I really enjoyed ambien, temazepam replaced it. I wish I would of stockpiled more of it when I had the chance.

The thing about ambien is...those z-drugs don't fuck around. I mean, you think tolerance to benzos comes fast, but Jesus H. Christ, you don't even see the tolerance to ambien coming. I remember the effects being lessened by about 40% within the very first week I used it daily, one pill, at night. That's some crazy shit, but it's awesome while it lasts.