Acid in America 2011-14 v. Drought

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Hey Cruiser, Def some good memories about those hoff ohms from '08. Did those labs all verify that those were LSD? I saw some results somewhere that indicated that those squares were an ergoloid similar to LSD but the GC/MS did not totally match LSD. Either way awesome doses. I've still got one left for one of these nice summer days! 85ug to the head!
Of the labs I sent those samples to, it was their opinion those tabs were LSD and nothing else. I've seen the GC/MS analysis you speak of and they also appeared consistent with LSD to me. I believe the spikes in certain parts of the reading were from the synthesis used and have no reason to suspect they aren't LSD. Supposedly they were "silver" which I believe to be the European name for the American "white" crystal. It would be interesting to see how WoW pairs up in GC/MS analysis with those Oms. Something I have not gotten to, but I think that could put this endless debate closer to rest somewhat. In my humble opinion, those who think the blotters seem 'different' should probably look at set & setting a little closer. For now we can only look to the molecular arrangements of LSB and LSP and guess the effects as there has been little to no documented human consumption of these chemicals, and I am skeptical they have ever been synthesized.
Ran into a dude with the motherload of wow at wakarusa! He even had test kits for an extra $10!!!8o I couldn't fucking believe it! Real L is hard to find in my neck of the woods.
Wow stands for white on white. Can be better can be worse. Badically it jus a plain white blotter
EDIT: looks like these are 25-I-NBOMe blotters. bummer.

anyone seen any blotters that look like this? they are 1 cm squares, not the 1/4" squares that i am used to. supposedly from the netherlands.

the back looks like it could have been drawn on with a marker, possibly to cover up some writing in pen or pencil? (looks like 25-I in tiny letters on each hit. someone was trying to do the right thing...)

and here it is next to what i consider a "normal" sized 10 strip, 2.5 inches long by 1/4" wide. unfortunately there is no LSD on the white paper, it's just filter paper that i cut to use for size comparison.

thanks for any input!!
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I just saw those colorful ones at Electric Forest yesterday. Pretty looking sheet, but I do not know what the contents are or the origin. Supposedly they are legit.

Are those white hits another sheet? Look like some RCs I have seen. 1cmx1cm, contain DOI, DOC, 25i, 25c, 25d, whatever sheet you happened to get as a popular European vendor is selling them. Grid-paper like blotters.

or those could be some WoW someone drew the hits out. Hard to tell from the pic.
the first two pictures are the same 10 strip, front and back. 1 cm squares.

the 3rd picture has a "mock" 10 strip for size comparison only. i thought i typed that in the original post...whoops.
it's filter paper that i cut to be 2.5 inches by 1/4 inch - the size of a "normal" 10 strip in my experience. i made it for an "LSD ruler."

so you saw those colorful, larger, 1 cm hits at electric forest? supposedly legit L? did your friends take any?

and what do you mean by grid paper? like graph paper? the colorful hits don't seem like normal blotter paper to me. i little more flimsy. the perforations separate really easily..

thanks for the fast reply, LSD Cruiser

fuck! i just looked really closely, and i'm pretty sure the green marker is an asshole's attempt at covering up "25-I" that was printed on each hit in black ink. at least someone was trying to do the right thing.
since i'm pretty sure it's 25i-nbome, i don't think i will eat any of these hits. i didn't particularly enjoy 25i+25c the two times i tried them on blotter.
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Ah now I see, now it makes sense why they looked a little smaller. In that case disregard everything I said about white RC blotters.

But yes I saw those sheets just yesterday at EF, and I have happened across good L from the same cats who had them before. They say they're LSD, although honestly they are a couple of shady wooks so don't take my word for it without testing.

Instead I picked up some WoW at EF also. Took a pretty hefty dose and really opened the doors of perception so I could not accurately tell you strength, but that they are indeed some quality LSD about to look like those mimic sheets above. ;)
Bummer if those are 25I-NBOMe as you suspect. Report back with more info as those blotters appear to be making the rounds. I didn't see the back of the ones I encountered so I can't say what it may or may not be covering up, or if they had the green marker too.
Some good wall of sound print in the west. Particularly up north. Super clean just laid a bit on the light side. ~95 ug.
has anyone seen any microdots recently? i traded a ice cold beer and a bowl or two for a purple microdot from some old cat on lot at the huge festvial in the midwest this weekend.

im guessing its non active, but i was curious if anyone else has come across any dots laitly..
has anyone seen any microdots recently? i traded a ice cold beer and a bowl or two for a purple microdot from some old cat on lot at the huge festvial in the midwest this weekend.

im guessing its non active, but i was curious if anyone else has come across any dots laitly..

Yes, I have seen two different kinds of legitimate dots within the last 6 months. They were not in widespread circulation and made in a small amount. Neither were purple though. If it turns out to be legitimate let us know!
Purple double domes were the shit back in the day. Also the yellow sunshine and strawbery something or other. We would eat them things like tic tacks. You could snort 1 and eat one and that made for an awesome night. I miss those.
It is domed on one side, cylindrical in the center, flat on the other.. obviously very small and glow redish under black light. I will report back after trying in a week or two.
Im on the ass end of a 5 strip trip, shit got intense last night. I saw all of our black ancestors from the cradle of life. (?) The thing is I dunno if it was a random youtube video, as I had youtube running all night. It was so fuckin surreal, somehow more raw and primal than the other trip vids I browsed. It was almost an OOBE , it was almost as if I was in Africa intimately experiencing our ancestors lives just by being there (?) and seeing their faces. MindFUCK. I still dont comprehend it completely, but it was such a strikingly raw experience. I now know Lucys full power. Next time I trip, it will be for deeper meaning, not seeing stuff melt together.

Also, I slept on acid for the first time last night. Or rather I dozed hard for a couple hours between 4-6 AM. I woke up tripping just ever so slightly... Probably because I had at least a fifth of liquor yesterday afternoon. Omg my trip through Africa was a fucking trip though, words couldnt convey.
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Does anyone have any info on the red blotter paper with betty boop in black ink on it? This is in the midwestern USA area, and I can't find any pictures/info of the same blotter with a google search of betty boop blotter.
Does anyone have any info on the red blotter paper with betty boop in black ink on it? This is in the midwestern USA area, and I can't find any pictures/info of the same blotter with a google search of betty boop blotter.

How much of the paper do you have? More than a few hits? Because, I know of a cartoon print with a few hits being betty boop with in a red/orange background. The color fades through the page. How red is the background?
I had 10 hits, I have 6 now. There were multiple small betty boop's on them in black ink but the blotter paper itself is actually red paper not ink, so it's red on the front and back. It's burgundy red.
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