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Mourning father tells how son descended into mental illness after cannabis use


Jul 21, 2005
Mourning father tells how son descended into mental illness after cannabis use

A father told an inquest today of his son's descent into mental illness having started smoking cannabis as a teenager.

Former public schoolboy James Herbert, 25, started smoking cannabis as a teenager and also took cocaine, ketamine, ecstasy and LSD.

After turning 18 he got involved in the rave scene and then later started taking "legal highs".

Mr Herbert died two years ago after being detained under the Mental Health Act by police in Somerset.

He was seen acting strangely in Bath Road, Wells, on June 10, 2010 and was restrained by police and placed in the back of a patrol van.

East Somerset Coroner's Court heard that Mr Herbert was taken to Yeovil police station to be assessed by doctors.

He was placed in a police cell and was discovered not to be breathing and taken to hospital where he was declared dead.

Mr Herbert's father, Tony, a company director, told the inquest of his son's descent into mental illness.

"James started smoking cannabis when he was 15 or 16 years old and subsequently took ecstasy,

ketamine and cocaine, as well as occasional use of LSD," Mr Herbert, who is divorced from his son's mother Barbara Montgomery, said.

"We counselled James away from his use of drugs.

"I worried about the long term effect on his mental health."

Mr Herbert, from Coventry, West Midlands, told the jury inquest how his son had been asked to leave his school - the private St Christopher School in Letchworth, Herts - after his GCSEs following an incident with drugs.

"James had been attending a progressive private school and I believe at the school at the time a significant number of students involved in recreational drugs," he said.

"James was asked to leave St Christopher after his GCSEs in 2001.

"It seemed to me his openness and honesty were mostly to blame for what I still consider a damaging and unfair decision to exclude him.

After turning 18 and passing his driving test, Mr Herbert joined the rave scene.

"James enjoyed the rave party culture and he started spending many of his weekends at these raves," Mr Herbert said.

"James would talk very openly and honestly to me about what was going on in his life.

"He enjoyed using drugs both as they helped him overcome his natural shyness and social reluctance but also because he felt his mind was expanding.

"He also told me of having a very serious cocaine binge at home in Letchworth

"He suddenly experienced the anxiety and paranoia of being 'psychedelically attacked' by specific people.

"He would not accept this was a result of the drugs he had taken."

Mr Herbert stressed that his son was never violent towards others.

"With hindsight I am pretty sure that James's mental illness had started in late 2005 possibly as a result of his cocaine use," he said.

"Although he never articulated that drugs were the cause of his problems he did say that he could not fight off the psychic attacks on him if he was under the influence of drugs.

"James regretted the amount and frequency of his cannabis use when he was younger and said it had made him apathetic and susceptible to psychic attacks.

Cont -

The media uses mental illness to demonize cannabis in almost the same way as mental illness and firearms.
Looks like the Telegraph is on the warpath against cannabis now.
He did 'legal highs', coke, acid, MDMA AND smoked weed since he was a teenager? So why are they blaming this on weed? Sure it can cause anxiety and paranoia or whatever but the other chemicals are surely a factor here.
And people want to completely legalize the shit

What is "that shit"?
Are you talking about cocaine? Ecstasy? Already-legal highs? I am not sure if you were fooled by the article's title, but this case apparently has very little to do with cannabis use.
^ What are "psychic attacks"? When a medium uses ESP to attack you?

But seriously, that is one tiny thread of the story, from his father's perspective, and it is hard to know how relevant or truthful it is. The truth is that the guy used tons of drugs, and the media wants to make it look like they somehow know that just one of the drugs was responsible for his problems, and they also know exactly which one.
They really don't have any idea, however,
This is called "slant", or maybe "lying". Very common techniques of brainwashing and social control.
They pretend to know something and use it to preach whatever message they are focusing on at the moment (anti-cannabis, in this case). This is not scientific in any way. It is political.
Don't be fooled.
If you want to learn about or discuss the relationship between cannabis and mental health, it is best to stick to scientific evidence, as you and I have been discussing in another thread recently.
What a misleading article title.

"With hindsight I am pretty sure that James's mental illness had started in late 2005 possibly as a result of his cocaine use," he said.

Who knows though hey? Sounds like he was having a pretty good time anyway, the dad should be happy he had that honesty and closeness and the years they had together.
^ What are "psychic attacks"? When a medium uses ESP to attack you?

But seriously, that is one tiny thread of the story, from his father's perspective, and it is hard to know how relevant or truthful it is. The truth is that the guy used tons of drugs, and the media wants to make it look like they somehow know that just one of the drugs was responsible for his problems, and they also know exactly which one.
They really don't have any idea, however,
This is called "slant", or maybe "lying". Very common techniques of brainwashing and social control.
They pretend to know something and use it to preach whatever message they are focusing on at the moment (anti-cannabis, in this case). This is not scientific in any way. It is political.
Don't be fooled.
If you want to learn about or discuss the relationship between cannabis and mental health, it is best to stick to scientific evidence, as you and I have been discussing in another thread recently.

I believe a user himself stated such. Such attacks I believe I have experienced; its a nebulous paranoia that makes you want to be isolated; it can't be well-explained, but there is a certain grandiosity about it (i.e. people are watching you and/or conversing about you). Its probably a common occurrence, a lot more common than is thought, because there's a ridicule about ruining the atmosphere by freaking out among friends, and the youth culture makes pot out to be so "good" that it couldn't be causing serious problems, or rather, people are in denial.

That's right, this discussion should be predicated on science, but it wasn't exactly a scientific article with statistics, more of a case study. For all other posters, please go ahead and read the sources in the other thread.

Literally every health professional I've come across states that pot isn't at all good for people with mental illnesses, people that (as I stated before) went through a hell of a lot of rigorous academic study. The layman can deny all they want, but the professionals ultimately know more.
^ What are "psychic attacks"? When a medium uses ESP to attack you?

You missed a better one:

He suddenly experienced the anxiety and paranoia of being 'psychedelically attacked' by specific people.

I believe he said it like that intentionally. I've experienced psychedelic attacks, most recently at the hands of a Romanian girl whose eyes had a gorgon-like quality. When you're already unhinged, little things like that can send you flying. She knew it too. She would throw her gaze at me like harpoons.
You missed a better one:

I believe he said it like that intentionally. I've experienced psychedelic attacks, most recently at the hands of a Romanian girl whose eyes had a gorgon-like quality. When you're already unhinged, little things like that can send you flying. She knew it too. She would throw her gaze at me like harpoons.

Hahaha. Yup. Been there.
You should be ashamed of yourself and stripped of your position. I don't know what kind of bullshit goes on in the lounge, but making fun of me for a traumatic experience is the lowest of the low. I know why you constantly pester me, because you know that it was wrong to challenge me when I tried to make that person not commit suicide.

It figures: you aren't intelligent enough to form an argument, so you resort to abuse. So typical.
Nobody is claiming that cannabis is harmless, or they shouldn't be, but legalization isn't a question of whether it's harmless, it's a question of whether prohibition causes it to be less harmful, and even a cursory examination of the situation makes it obvious that it doesn't.
You should be ashamed of yourself and stripped of your position. I don't know what kind of bullshit goes on in the lounge, but making fun of me for a traumatic experience is the lowest of the low. I know why you constantly pester me, because you know that it was wrong to challenge me when I tried to make that person not commit suicide.

It figures: you aren't intelligent enough to form an argument, so you resort to abuse. So typical.

What are you on about man? Was that directed towards me?(evidently it was) You're insulting my intelligence, and for what? I wasn't trying to form any kind of argument with you in this thread. And I'm glad to see you hold grudges over things I basically forgot about lol. You really dislike me huh?
I was responding to something funny someone said about bugging out. You had absolutely nothing to do with my response. Unless that statement I found funny was based off of something you said in another thread, so excuse me for not following each one of your posts to make sure I don't unknowingly offend you somewhere else on the board.

I didn't know this threads purpose was to host an argument. So forgive me, holy one. I didn't know you were so sensitive/paranoid.

And lol@ you acting like a saint who was preventing someone from committing suicide. If YOU were actually intelligent enough to retain any amount of memory you would have realized I was telling him to kill himself because of his pompous attitude and tricking people into taking the wrong cut chemicals. I wasn't picking on a depressed person. But I can forgive you. I know your type. I too enjoy playing devils advocate. Just not to the annoying lengths that you like to take it. "Constantly" pestering you? Really? When do we ever interact on the forum? My comments had absolutely zero to do with you up until this point. You really think I'm following you around the forum to pester you? I barely even post in the lounge so I don't know what you're talking about. But thanks for your input. I'm sure me being stripped of my position will be taken into serious consideration because a person like you says so. Lol.
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