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☮ Social ☮ PD Social: Nexus for gibberish of the psychedelicized genius and veritably insane

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^ Nice. :) What form of meditation, specifically? And what is the ultimate goal of the meditation?
Dondante, your pics are awesome as usual! thanks for posting!

man i would love to see some sequoia in my lifetime... id have to travel pretty far but it sure seems worth it...

Solipsis, how did your trip with 2c-T-21 go?
I will try my friend. No lounge tonight... About half went down my throat but I am already having first alerts.
My last trip was 2 weeks ago so I do have some tolerence, but I know this will be very intense. I have clonazepam in case anything gets out of control, and a sitter if necessary.
50mg insufflated might be a bit much for going outside =p at least not until the peak hits and you know how far its taking you
If I still hallucinate,
If I still draw abstract trippy art,
If I still think outside the box,
If I'm still openminded to the extreme,
Am I still tripping? Do I even care?
the line between tripping and sober has always been a fuzzy line, even before i ever took drugs :)
What form of meditation, specifically? And what is the ultimate goal of the meditation?

Right now mantra+controlled breathing, don't necessarily have a goal (trying to go into it like I do tripping, just let what happens happens) aside from generic mental-health benefit, though I usually end up contemplating the illusive nature of my thoughts/selfness and what that entails at some point.

I had the thought that previously I've approached this all the wrong way, tried to accomplish everything at once in non-attachment and whatnot. Now I have a smaller focus of trying to diminish my more negative desires/aversions and cultivate the positive ones.

More questionably, I'm trying to use it as a period of stillness to balance out a planned forced state of motion for as much of the day as I can manage. Channeling Neal Cassady, perhaps ;). I successfully brought myself into a state of hypomania for a few a hours. Well it wasn't really intentional, though certainly desirable.
currently dissolving to mxe and autechre chiastic slide. its all distant and obscure just the way i like it. clarity is overrated
I've found that not having an immediate goal in meditation helps with reaching stillness. Also meditation is something better left without desires or goals attached imo.

Hope everyone is well, some choons for you all to get lost in:

My irises are blooming. :)

So here's a souvenir from Denver* for y'all:

Three robins frozen
as the adjacent water,
are they afraid too?

*Oh man, the mountains, canyons, towns, etc. you pass by on the 70 up through Utah and the Colorado mountains were gorgeous, some Dondante level scenery.


Today from shortly after breakfast until ~6pm, normality is disorienting. Everything was so clear, the world in my hands, and if I could only go just a bit faster everything would happen (and the hypersexuality was nice), you'd call me mad if I told you all the plans I came up with (the delusions of grandeur and Learyishness some of them were pretty out there). Haha, basically random sober stim highs.

Need to find out why this is happening, GABAergic rebound, St. John's Wart side-effect? And if I can make it happen more/always. *considers supplement stack of everything with mania as a side effect* it'd probably turn out badly sooner or later...or just not work.
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Dondante, your pics are awesome as usual! thanks for posting!

man i would love to see some sequoia in my lifetime... id have to travel pretty far but it sure seems worth it...

Solipsis, how did your trip with 2c-T-21 go?

Meh, I didn't really appreciate it a whole lot. Was more like an enhancer than a psychedelic for me... it made experiencing things a bit more "rich" than normally, which is something I know from 2C-T-7, but it was otherwise lackluster and pointless, leading virtually nowhere. I had a few hours of physical discomfort before I got more used to it and the aching headpressure and queasiness and stuff subsided. It had some visual warmth but it was pretty disappointing.
Then, after a short period of what was almost interesting and somewhat enjoyable it got more useless again so I decided to add 50 mg of sublingual MXE to the mix. I was with my housemate who was on 3-MeO-PCP and took a lot this time and actually P-holed, skirting the edge of manic psychosis for a few moments but who felt otherwise perfectly Zen. We had a terrific time the whole day, in the evening revisiting horror flicks (The Ring and Suspiria), and we (mostly I) made homemade pizza... a humorous fun time.
But I actually noticed that before the MXE kicked in I may have felt even slightly less open or social than when sober rather than more. I mean, it was alright but it got so much better after the MXE, which actually did straighten me out and opened me up more. That seems counterintuitive to me, I would have expected it the other way round!

In any case, I plan on trying 3-MeO-PCP for the first time this sunday, right after yoga. My friend tells me that all Zen Buddhism, yoga and pencak silat are surprisingly complementary to 3-MeO-PCP for him. I am very intrigued.

I know 'what should I take' threads are not allowed, but I am kind of wondering what psychedelics I want to try... I may not have a lot of time because I am quite possibly going on mirtazapine soon. First 3-MeO-PCP of course... maybe 3-MeO-PCE if that is encouraging. And other than that 4-HO-DMT or proscaline, maybe DOC or DOM.....

What's up with you guys? And how was your 4-AcO-DMT trip, entheo?
Hey solipsis, hows it going? My trip was wonderful. I seemed to peak in about 30 minutes and was down to a +2 after 3 hours. The visuals were quite beautiful and I got a lot of contemplation and thinking done, that I've been neglecting for months, maybe even years. Although i had a very insightful trip, I don't think. 4-AcO-DMT has much to teach me for now, even at 52mg insufflated I was somewhat underwhelmed. My stash is almost gone so I'll probably insufflate 65mg next time, or plug something like 45mg.

I am now 100% sure that pscilocetin is more than just a pro-drug for 4-HO-DMT, the effects are completely distinct, as well as the duration of action. Idk what I should order next, but I would like it to be more along the lines of ethocin or metocin if it's a 4-sub. Idk maybe 4-HO-DPT? It's available to me.
So you had 4-HO-DET already? I wonder what that is like. I don't think I have it, just the 4-AcO-DET... same for the 4-HO-DPT, I only have 4-AcO-DPT instead. Still probably more interesting than 4-HO-MPT...
I'd like to try 4-HO-DiPT again... it was one of the easiest psychedelics mentally that I ever tried, but it was a lot of fun, especially together with dissociatives, and there was something enjoyable about it that I would be interested to see at higher doses.
4-HO-DiPT is on the top of my list, simply because vaporized DiPT is my favorite tryptamine out of the 10-12 I've tasted. And yes I've had my fare share of 4-HO-DET trips, it's high quality amazing stuff. I've never tried MiPT or any of it's substituted analouges, I just don't know if the would be my thing. I wish I had access to MET, I find mega dosing on base tryptamines to be the most intense and enjoyable.

So solipisis, do you just prefer the 4-acetoxy moiety more than the 4-HO equivalent? If pscilocetin is anything like the other AcO compounds I might abstain and stay with the MeO and HO subbed tryptamines. Maybe I shall revisit 4-HO-MET, I haven't used it in over 2 years since my 2 grams ran out.
IMO the main thing 4-AcO-DMT has in common with 4-AcO-DiPT and 4-AcO-MiPT is that it is more slow to build up and down which makes everything in between (so effectively the entire enterprise) smoother and easier to manage, sans emotional rollercoaster. The glow is pretty sustainable, but the trip also seems more fuzzy and trance-like

4-HO tryptamines seem to be more dramatic, acute, intense and visual IME. I still need to try 4-HO-DMT to compare... let's hope that it has not degraded.

I cannot generalize if I find the 4-AcO moiety preferable... with -MiPT and DiPT the 4-HO versions are not too intense for me so I find them acceptably manageable and more interesting as a trip, while the 4-AcO's are recreational and pleasant... with these tryptamine backbones it just does not seem dramatic enough. Plus 4-HO tryptamines seem cleaner on the body than 4-AcO's.

If 4-HO-DMT turns out to be manageable for me then I guess I prefer 4-HO's in general. But it is possible that I find it to be a bit on the heavy side (especially regarding emotions) so it's possible I prefer 4-AcO-DMT because it allows for more peace by giving the trip more temporal dilation.

Have you IMed tryptamines? If so which ones and how is it?
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