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Does Everyone Like Opiates?

^ They are completely overpriced, at least where I live. It SUCKS when you are an addict for 'em, like me right now.

Hrmmm....I've always loved opiates, I can remember the first time I had a lortab. I actually enjoy all the classes of drugs, psychedelics, stims, opiods, weed, alcohol, benzos but I don't like mixing hardly anything except kratom and alcohol or weed and alcohol.

A lot of people around here like opiates, actually H has become the go to drug and it is actually cheaper here to get enough H for a good night than it is synthetic opiates like oxycodone and such. I think it is completely fucked, but what am I to do?

Anyway, fuckin heroin is taking over the market, its insane.
For me I love them. They give me lots of energy and puts me In a great mood. When I used to inject meth it was fun for a little whole but always made me feel super weird and tweaked out. Never gave me energy like opiates do though. Can't sleep but I never got energy. Opiates give me loads of energy and none of the shitty side effects of meth.

Oh and I really don't get many side effects from opiates. Night sweats is pretty much my only complaint.

Oh how I wish I could say this about my experience with opiates!!!! :!

I am a CPP & need opiates, but God, I HATE them for the exact OPPOSITE reasons rexwayne & other posters describe. Opiates put me in a coma. They have so many more terrible side effects than meth to me. I have difficulty urinating, constipation, total lack of energy, depression, fast tolerance, & don't even get me started on the withdrawals.

That's why I LOVE meth. With opiates I don't ever wanna get out of bed. Take a few good hits of meth in the morning & I am good to go for the day. I'm in a good mood, I can get my house cleaning done, laundry, grocery shopping, running errands, etc. If it could just get rid of my pain it would be PERFECT!
I don't like codeine because it's weak, tramadol because it has weird side effects, buprenorphine 'cause it makes me feel like shit. Methadone is nice as a painkiller. All others I really like.
everyone that tries the shit loves the shit.

Yep this is pretty much the truth even though for some people it takes a few tries to finally fall in love. I bet everyone here saying they don't like opiates either only tried them a few times or are dependent on the shit (once you get addicted the high stops being so great). I had an Oxy dealer awhile ago who was very successful and was a great reliable dealer until he finally started trying the shit himself. Few months later his prices were way jacked, and he was out alot because he got addicted to the shit himself. He was the main Oxy dude around so the shit became really scarce around the area and next thing I know everyone I know is doing heroin. Opiates are the ultimate love/hate drug in my opinion...love the high, hate the addiction.
I've experimented with opiates, but I am not a fan. Don't get me wrong, I feel great while on them, but I don't know why I feel great. For instance, on stims, I feel great because I have lots of energy. On psychedelics, I feel great because I'm seeing pretty colors and doing some abstract thinking. On opiates, I just think "Huh. I feel good for no apparent reason."

I enjoyed this analysis.

Personally, I love the feeling of a few percs and don't give a flying fuck if the feeling just washes over me like a poltergeist - but I get what you're saying.
The only time I honeslty like opiates now is when I use them to ease the come down off of stimulants. For some reason, the past few times I've smoked heroin I got really depressed. The only one I like now is ironically methadone. It doesn't really have a mental change, but it has an extremely awesome and powerful body high. Too bad it's the worst one to withdraw from. Oooooh irony
They say that alcoholics (or even merely social drinkers) are just junkies who haven't had a real (perfect) hit yet.

There's a lot of people who like alcohol.
i think some people like opiates substantially more than others, also in some situations some people may not enjoy an opiate, a too high dose also could make the experience unpleasant, and i'm sure there are a few ho just plain don't get any euphoria/pleasure, the exceptions make the rule
if heroin was a real lady, I'd wife her up and make her my baby momma. I think describes perfectly how I feel about opis.
People who enjoy stimulants in excess usually don't care that much for opiates. People who just smoke cannabis seems to think everything else is the devil. People who only use psychedelics are often egomaniacs and think all other drugs are worthless and look down upon the people who use them.

Now, people who use opiates usually use everything else too. So it could seem like everyone loves opiates, because most people who love opiates enjoy alot of other drugs too. And I think there are alot of people here on BL that represents this category (me included).
Yeah i think most people actually dont like the opiate high feeling. Most people i would assume like cocaine and MDMA way more. People generally like to have fun more often than the like to go to sleep.
^^depends if you're an insomniac, in which case the feeling of rest and relaxation whilst being awake, that some find hard to get from actual sleep because they are deprived of it, or wake up constantly or whatever can be very euphoric... then it also depends on what situation you're in, mdma home alone, cocaine at a rave and heroin at a small get together with friends doesn't make much sense.
cocaine at a rave and heroin at a small get together with friends doesn't make much sense.
The fuck did I just read? Cocaine is wonderful for raves and Heroin with friends is anything but boring, ime/imo.
In my experience it depends on personality. Not everyone likes opiates and benzos for that matter. Some people hate the feeling of being sedated.
Not just personality -- also brain chemistry, genetics, probably even things like liver enzymes too. Not everybody has the same system, and different drugs treat different people in different ways, and not just on a subjective level. I love opiates; I also come from a family of junkies and alcoholics. I'd rather have pretty much any type of opiate than anything else in the world, but I take different stuff for different reasons. But on daily opiates I'm productive, even-tempered, happy, patient, can work forever, no anxiety, don't drink too much if at all, etc. Until I get hooked again and something interrupts the schedule haha... then all that good stuff goes out the window of course!

Recreationally, I like all kinds of things except weed, but all the other junkies in my family love weed, so that might not be genetic - might be my anxiety (i get instant panic attacks on even small amounts of weed). They also love to drink, but me, I'm happy with a regular stream of opiates. In fact I barely drink when I have regular opiates - went from daily alcohol consumption for years to 2-3 drinks a month, tops, the first time I got addicted, and was perfectly happy with that. I prefer to save other things for occasional social events every once in a while (except ADD meds which I take at therapeutic doses without a prescription but which help me accomplish one-hour tasks in one hour instead of four hours - I don't love the way they make me feel (though I don't dislike it); what I love is that not every project turns into a three-day event full of anxiety and false starts when I take them). But I know plenty of people who prefer weed to everything else and hate the way opiates make them feel, for instance, and I know people who love to take kpin recreationally when all it does for me is stave off the panic, and I really think it has something to do with individual bodies/brains as much as personality. Just like some people metabolize different foods differently, or different brains handle SSRIs differently, I think different people handle drug families differently and some of it is physiological.
Yeah i think most people actually dont like the opiate high feeling. Most people i would assume like cocaine and MDMA way more. People generally like to have fun more often than the like to go to sleep.

I mean to address this when I was saying diff. substances treat different people different ways. To me, there's no point in weed, because I can just not take my anxiety meds and I can have a panic attack and then fall asleep. That's what weed does for me - no point in paying for it. Opiates don't put me to sleep. I function at a high level on them. If they put me to sleep, I wouldn't find addiction sustainable. I have fun on them, I work on them, etc. To me, coke is fun, but it's too expensive for the short term effects and I'd rather spend my money on opiates. Same with MDMA - I'm happy to do it a few times a year, tops, or not, and that's ok too - I'd just rather spend my money on opiates. My brain was made for them :) whereas I have only had a "normal" reaction to weed a couple of times out of dozens of times trying over 25 years - only twice, maybe, have I ever smoked it and then said, "ok, I see why people bother with this stuff." For people with different brain chemistry or enzymes or what the hell ever, they will never have the same experience with opiates, I believe, just like I will never have the same experience on weed.
as much as I can appreciate the infinitely warm, comforting numbness that opiates provide, I can honestly say they are not for me
Generalizations always have exceptions, especially when as vast as "everyone enjoys opiates"...

Ask this question before surgery or after a traumatic accident and I'm pretty sure that anyone with opiate receptors in their brain will say yes... Lol recreationally speaking though, the nausea and risks of addiction most opiates carry make them not so like-able in the grand scheme of things.. I think it depends on your mood and your surroundings when the drug is being taken though. If I'm down people might think cocaine would be useful tool to make me feel better, but you can't get that distinguished "the world could end right now and I would be 100% okay with it" feeling that only opiates can give...so if I do have a bad day and am just chilling at my house, then railing some roxicodone or heroin is an awesome solution to life's troubles -even if for only a few hours- plus it makes sleeping a beautiful experience as well. However at the same time, say I'm at a rave or something or socializing with people, then hell yeah I would rather do an upper or psychedelics-heroin would be the last drug on my mind. There are way too many things to consider when generalizing like-ability of anything-including drugs.