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Your top 5 "drug movies" & what you watch when you're high...

Enter The Void???Somewhere??? Da fuk.

No order:

Enter The Void
Dazed and Confused
Natural Bornkillers (nothing to do with drugs but it's just crazy as fuk)
I like watching a lot of the stuff that's been mentioned already as well as Jackass: The Movie / Jackass episodes, Viva La Bam and of course the man who started it all, Mr. Tom Green.
Drug related movies/series:
  • Fear and loathing in Las Vegas - By far my favourite drug-related movie.
  • Blow - Also love this one
  • Requiem for a dream - Don't understand the hype, but it did leave an impression.
  • Spun - Didn't like it, but again it left an impression.
  • Pineapple express - Funny shit!
  • Harold and Kumar go to white castle - Funny shit!
  • Harold and Kumar go to Guantanamo bay - Funny shit! (Cockmeat sandwich hahaha!)

Anyway, I'm a big fan of series, moreso than movies because I like something that lasts me a while. I can really get addicted to a series if I like it. ;) And since the thread title is 'what you watch when you are high, I guess it's on-topic. ;)

What I watch when high? The same thing I watch when sober.. Though comedy isn't really my favourite genre and I hate sitcoms with a passion I'm more inclined to watch comedy flicks (which I can also really enjoy from time to time) when I'm baked. Though I pretty much always like funny cartoons like "the simpsons", "south park", "family guy", "american dad". When I was a kid I loved Dragonball (Z) - (GT) I thought it was awesome!. I also like Naruto (Shippuden). Those are the only manga/anime series I enjoy(ed)

Series I'm watching that aren't completed yet by producers:
  • Naruto Shippuden
  • The walking dead
  • Hell on wheels (s3 coming or not?)
  • Breaking bad
  • True blood
  • The simpsons
  • Family guy
  • American dad
  • Spartacus
  • Game of thrones
  • There's probably more.

Other series I like that I haven't finished watching yet:
  • Oz - Don't like it that much so far, but I'm giving it another chance soon.
  • The wire - No opinion yet, haven't seen enough episodes to form one.
  • Battlestar Galactica - Very nice, only have 2 more episodes to watch :(
  • The walking dead - Good - Need to catch up to the current episode, haven't seen any of the new episodes yet.
  • Camelot - Don't like it much so far.
This list is incomplete I think, but I'll add others when I think of them. Or not if I don't. :p

Series I've finished watching (entirely or up to the point it's been released):
  • House MD - Very good
  • Breaking bad - Best
  • True blood - Good
  • Deadwood - Very good - A damn shame it got cancelled after S3. That's when it started becoming really good ffs!
  • Spartacus - Good
  • Game of thrones - Very good
  • Rome - Very good
  • Matroesjka's - A Belgian production, but honestly one of the best pieces of television I've ever seen. You can download it via torrents, but I'm not sure if you can find eng subs. I'd recomment this to anyone!)
  • Band of brothers - Very good
  • Lost - Good concept, shitty after S1 and piss poor ending
  • Heroes - Where did the ending go?
  • Misfits - Didn't really like it, was just bored.
  • Prison break - Good
  • Dragon ball - Z - GT

Movies I like. I obviously can't list them all here nor do I know them from the top of my head.
  • Fear and loathing in Las Vegas
  • Gladiatior
  • From dusk till dawn
  • Exam
  • Deja vu
  • Goodfellas (My favourite movie)
  • Casino
  • 28 days/weeks later - I like them both equally which is rare for me to say about sequels
  • Body of lies
  • Blood diamond
  • Inception
  • Shutter Island
  • Fight club
  • Iron man 1 & 2
  • The avengers
  • Most Monty Pythons but especially the holy grail
  • Safe house
  • Lock, stock and two smoking barrels
  • Snatch
Too many to list actually.. I could go on all day and this is just from my 'downloads' folder, I have 1TB of movies on an external harddrive and another 1TB of series.

There, I've contributed to this thread. Post turned out a bit longer than I had initially planned, but well.
If anyone has suggestions of series that are similar to the ones I listed as good, please don't hesitate to let me know! :)
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Except, PillToChill, the thread was supposed to be about "drug movies", not sure if Dragon ball - Z is about heroin or anything lol
but some nice tips there anyway
^^^It says '& What you watch when you're high.' Nice one pilly, I agree with everything you said there. Although I'm also a sucker for the pixars when ruined.
more precisely, pill2chill, the thread is about your top 5 drug movies, not your top one mirrion drug movies and various other favorites ;)

^^^It says '& What you watch when you're high.'

This. The topic was originally only for top 5 drug movies, but bfotd made a new topic about "what you watch when you're high", and verso merged it into this one and changed the title. So .. It's legit to post it here. :p I'd like to think of this topic as a nice place to go for movie suggestions. (Hint to everyone reading this. ;))

Nice one pilly, I agree with everything you said there. Although I'm also a sucker for the pixars when ruined.

Thanks. :D I've just started watching "Brave" actually! I'm about to watch the rest in a bit. Seems okay so far. ;)
Lol you're right guys, I was way too high so missed that part of thread name.. %)
Fear and loathing in Las Vegas.
The dark knight rises.

Fuckng great films to watch while ya drugged up.
1. It's all gone Pete Tong
2. Trainspotting
3. Altered states
4. Fear & loathing
5. Where the buffalo roam

I'm a sucker for drug movies. It can get a little weird when I try to 'explain' them (all the while trying to look detached and uninvolved) to sober people.
Rolling Kansas
Super troopers
Howard Marks, Mr Nice
Old School
Mabey Logic - Usually after a nice good trip, and i need to reprogram the good pope bob's message back into my brain.
I'm sure I posted here before, but I've seen some new ones:

  • Christiane F.-True story based in the experiences of a German teenager, Christiane F, while she immerses herself in the world of heroin addiction and prostitution. It's based on her book 'Zoo Park' and is one of the grittiest and touching films about hard drug use that I have ever seen. It's also got a slammin' soundtrack by David Bowie.

  • Intervention/Addicted-I actually hate Intervention for the most part, its usually stupid and obviously exploitative. However, every once in a while there will be some really weird episode, or even weirder, a touching one. The last two I saw were great, one was about an insane Chinese woman with Ehlos-Danlos Syndrome who uses her disease to fake a chronic pain condition (she's also delusional, this is a really fucked up episode, I think it's called 'Linda') so she can continuously get prescriptions to fentanyl, the buccal lollipops (200mcg), which she eats as well as injects. The other good episode that was actually rather profound (at least, as profound as intervention will get), is this one about this kid-Dan I think) who shoots up heroin, and lives with his girlfriend who's a drug counselor as well as a junky. This kid actually crosses the boarder (all filmed on a secret camera) into Juarez, Mexico, to cop, and then smuggles the dope back. It's a really fucking strange and sad episode. As for Addicted, its just a more tasteful version of Intervention IMO.

  • Bad Leutenant-(both the original, and the Warner Herzog sequel). Bad Leutenant chronicles the last few days in the life of a horribly corrupt police officer (Harvey Keitel), who gambles, womanizer, shoots dope and smokes massive amounts of crack while trying to find redemption through solving a horrible sexual assault carried out by two young men against two (suspiciously young and beautiful) nuns. It's a fucking badass movie. The Sequel by Warner Herzog (Bad Leutenant: Port Authority), starring Nicholas Cage is really good as well, basically the same premise, only it takes place in Louisiana.

  • Basketball Diaries-Everyone knows this one, but its still good, and as I'm from NY I find it really interesting, comparing the dope scene back then, to right now. All in all, I think it's an accurate and poignant film

  • Before the Devil Knows You're Dead-Its not exactly ABOUT drugs, but it does include drug use, and I feel like the plot of the movie can be an analogy in some sense to Drug Addiction, as it details a plot to commit a small robbery, which due to unforeseen accidents, turns into a horrible murder, with the protagonists constantly trying to cover their tracks (also similar in a way to a modern day 'Crime and Punishment'), as well as maintain a drug addiction. I highly recomend it.
In no particular order: Candy, Trainspotting, Christiane F. , Drugstore Cowboy, Naked Lunch.

Drug films I also watch when stoned: A Scanner Darkly, Requim For A Dream,The Acid House, Ecstasy, Adam& Paul, Fear&Loathing In Las Vegas, Where The Buffalo Roam, Last Days, ..and it;s not really a drug movie, but it's great anyway, the brilliant Enter The Void...which has some DMT scenes in it and is quite trippy anyway...

I'll just add that Candy has one of the best performances in a film like that I've ever seen by the amazing Abbie Cornish and the incredible Heath Ledger...

Leaving Las Vegas is a poignant and touching film too(the author of the book killed himself a few weeks into production) with a great performance by Nick Cage.
What I watch when I'm stoned (films and television):

1. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
2. Trainspotting (Begbie!!!)
3. Dr. Who
4. Farscape
5. Queen of the Damned