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[Mega] Tryptophan and Dark Chocolate , 'e-diet'

Patra, i hope you are aware that pumpkin seeds are very high in tryptophan, also remember to eat carbohydrates / starches with these foods if not the conversion might not be fully taking place.

Velmwend, the spirulina that you mention also contains considerable amounts of phenylalanine, i would advise against consumption of this on the same day maybe the day before too of taking mdma (For the same reason i have been advising against eating dark chocolate the day and day before your experience.

I think it may be more neurotoxic,

Interesting stuff. http://nutritiondata.self.com/foods-000079000000000000000.html"]here's[/URL] a 'highest in' data for typtophan: You'll notice sea lion is top of the list. mmm, that sea lion =D
Patra, i hope you are aware that pumpkin seeds are very high in tryptophan, also remember to eat carbohydrates / starches with these foods if not the conversion might not be fully taking place.

Yep... that's why I've been eating them! Thanks for the reminder about starches & carbs. I eat tons on a regular basis (ie., with all meals) do you think that will be ok or should i make an effort to eat them at the same exact time?
Try and eat them around the same time , PM severely etarded i think he is more knowledgeable on the whole Carbs + Tryptophan thing.
Yeah I'd say as long as the majority of your diet is carbohydrates. I find I tend to crave foods that I am deficient in nutrition in when I analyze what I have been eating. Like I crave beef when I haven't had much B12, iron, and other proteins and fats. I crave beans when I haven't had as much carbs and magnesium, potassium, etc.

I love carbohydrates with every meal, and I am a firm believer the optimal diet consists of 60/25/15 carbohydrates/fats(4:1 omega 6:3-try to get as much of these like in grassfed beef, omega 3 eggs, fish, bacon, etc), 15% protein is optimal as more just strains your kidneys and less is insufficient)

You want to make sure you meet your minimum essentials, for rolling in larger amounts phenylalanine and a little extra tryptophan and methionine is good, methionine particularly if you like to exercise a lot. methionine mixes with cysteine and lysine to make SAMe and carnitine. carnitine is helps burn fats and also turns into Acetylated Carnitine during physical exercise. Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a powerful brain antioxidant sold in stores (expensive) as a supplement, but I believe their are better/natural ways to get it into your brain. Methionine is often overlooked, and is actually one of the nine essential amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own and uses it to make many other amino acids.

carbohydrates role in the equation is efficacy of the proteins consumed. protein is dandy, but just gets pissed out if you don't have carbs and B vitamins to help your body synth the right proteins etc.

too much protein is bad too. It really doesn't take much "dieting" per say as thinking about what you've had to eat recently and what you nutrients you may be lacking. When I do this, I can almost immediately find a food high in the needed nutrients that just clicks in my brain and I think "mmm, that sounds like it would hit the spot". As long as the food isn't ice cream or beer, it's probably good to crave it. I suspect this is why pregnant women have strange cravings. Their body is actually craving a micronutrient their brain associates the food with, subconsciously.
^^ Thanks for the awesome insight & articulate explanation. I am one of those (non-pregnant women) people who has constant weird cravings, and I always thought it must be tied to whatever my body needs in relation to vitamins, minerals, etc. I'd heard a 40-30-30 ratio was optimal, but unless I'm being very purposeful about it, it's nearly impossible for me to get 30% of my calories from protein, so they typically end up adding more to carbs (carbs from veggies, bread, rice, whole wheat pasta, etc).
Been a long time since ive ate any dark chocolate, it went down nicely lol.
Ive been consuming lots of tryptophan a lot past week id say i love its calming effect, just makes you feel complete haha.
Actually the whole kidney thing is a big myth, but other than that good post!

I would advise 50% carbs, 25% to 30% fat (unless you have a large caloric surplus in wich case this will just be stored as fat) and 20% to 25% protein (more if you workout regularly or do heavy resistance training. About a gram of protein per LB of bodyweight or 2.2 grams per KG)

The oft-repeated medical legend that high-protein diets cause kidney disease came from reversing a medical fact. The medical fact is that reducing protein (up to a point) lessens the decline of renal (kidney) function in people who already have kidney disease. Because restricting protein seems to be a good strategy for those with existing kidney failure (or even some kidney weakness), some people drew the illogical conclusion that the obverse must also be true—that large amounts of protein lead to kidney failure.

In any case, it is not proteins per se that cause problems, even for those who already have renal disease: it is the glycolated proteins (see chapter 2). These sugar-sticky proteins, you may remember, are the result of excess sugar in the blood bumping into protein molecules. These sugar-coated proteins are called AGES, advanced glycolated end-products. The AGES themselves then stick together, forming even bigger collections of molecules, which are too large to pass through the filtering mechanisms of the glomerulus, the network of blood capillaries in the kidneys that acts as a filter for waste products from the blood. This reduces GFR (glomerular filtration rate), a measure of kidney function.

High protein intake does not cause this to happen in normally functioning kidneys. A recent study of 1,624 women enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study concluded that “high protein intake was not associated with renal function decline in women with normal renal function.”17 Another study in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases showed that protein intake had no effect on GFR in healthy male subjects.18 And a third study in the International Journal of Obesity compared a high-protein with a low-protein weight-loss diet and concluded that healthy kidneys adapted to protein intake and that the high-protein diet caused no adverse effects
Wow! Glad I came across this thread! I never heard of dark chocolate before rolling...

I saw that it's best to take 3 some days before rolling. The day of rolling though, how long do you guys recommend eating it before dropping the first pill? Should you do it right before? several hours? What did you guys do?
Don't eat it right before or on the day, i used to do that and i have good reason to think maybe its not so good, but im not so sure, it makes the effects stronger in a different way, you won't be dancing anyway lol.

I just say eat a little bit every now and then up to the day before rolling then stop eating it.
Yeah I'd say as long as the majority of your diet is carbohydrates. I find I tend to crave foods that I am deficient in nutrition in when I analyze what I have been eating. Like I crave beef when I haven't had much B12, iron, and other proteins and fats. I crave beans when I haven't had as much carbs and magnesium, potassium, etc.

I love carbohydrates with every meal, and I am a firm believer the optimal diet consists of 60/25/15 carbohydrates/fats(4:1 omega 6:3-try to get as much of these like in grassfed beef, omega 3 eggs, fish, bacon, etc), 15% protein is optimal as more just strains your kidneys and less is insufficient)

You want to make sure you meet your minimum essentials, for rolling in larger amounts phenylalanine and a little extra tryptophan and methionine is good, methionine particularly if you like to exercise a lot. methionine mixes with cysteine and lysine to make SAMe and carnitine. carnitine is helps burn fats and also turns into Acetylated Carnitine during physical exercise. Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a powerful brain antioxidant sold in stores (expensive) as a supplement, but I believe their are better/natural ways to get it into your brain. Methionine is often overlooked, and is actually one of the nine essential amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own and uses it to make many other amino acids.

carbohydrates role in the equation is efficacy of the proteins consumed. protein is dandy, but just gets pissed out if you don't have carbs and B vitamins to help your body synth the right proteins etc.

too much protein is bad too. It really doesn't take much "dieting" per say as thinking about what you've had to eat recently and what you nutrients you may be lacking. When I do this, I can almost immediately find a food high in the needed nutrients that just clicks in my brain and I think "mmm, that sounds like it would hit the spot". As long as the food isn't ice cream or beer, it's probably good to crave it. I suspect this is why pregnant women have strange cravings. Their body is actually craving a micronutrient their brain associates the food with, subconsciously.

It is not a good idea (imo) to eat omega 3 eggs. The oils fed to the hens are usually rancid/oxidized and not really that healthy.
It does nothing - Yes its a MAOI, but do you seriously want to eat a huge bar of dark chocolate before you drop? You already know your going to feel like shit off the chocolate - you know MDMA makes you feel like your going to puke on the come up.

Take a break between rolling - test your gear - have (for you) a nice comfortable and safe setting (could be your bed / a field etc). End of story really?

Have you actually tried this yourself?
Also, no it is not a MAOI, why on earth would i attempt to consume one of those and encourage others to do the same, with its rep that its a MAOI and its not?

Besides the idea isnt,
"oh ill eat this chocolate bar, and wow man im going to roll ballz tonight"
"Oh yeah definitely just eating it that morning or w/e"

This is more about the longer-term consumption of small quantities, over a period of time.

That's kind of a... dick thing to say really lol :\

There are 100s of chemicals in chocolate, one of those chemicals can potentiate MDMA... that's not not really that hard to believe, especially considering the Mayans used to eat loads of dark chocolate before their mushroom trips.

It sounds like you dont even really understand this dude, you're not supposed to eat any chocolate for an day before the roll anyways...

As just pointed out to me via PM - I completely misunderstood the question and what was actually being talked about. Yeah 'Folley' was a dick of a reply :D !

Hi there!

I have multi posted this as I am not sure where it should go but I do apologise for that! ( feel free to delete which u think is wrong)

Since abusing the fuck out of MDMA for many years. I have had low moods and social anxiety, I have worked thru the issues and got it down to every once in a while now. however I would still like to make sure the serotonin system is flowing nicely.

I have found 5 htp to help but if I use that regularly i seem to grow dependant on it. so i have got a hold of some trpytophan and was considering using it. I have low dose tabs as low doses seem to work for me (even the 5htp is snapped into a quarter of the 100mg tab).

I'm wondering whens a good time to take it? and if i have a mths supply take 1 tab a day and then stop will I be ok with it?

Thanks for reading!
Other Drugs --> Ecstasy Discussion.

Please do not triple cross post again. This is your first and last warning.

Saeed i wrote up a guide about Tryptophan and other things too its here,
Take a careful read its full of all the information i think you are after:

thanks for the link mate! like i say ive been working hard on sorting serotonin levels... been eating tryptohan rich foods like u show(great list btw!). but i find that even tho i eat bananas, chicken and nuts as a staple to my diet and a variation of ur list. i never feel that boost of serotonin like when i have a 5 htp tab... now i'm thinking if ive got a tab of the factory that makes this beautiful neurotransmitter, it possibly has the potential to be much more beneficial. im trolling thru the massive info in this thread. but havent yet found info on supplementing w tryptohan itself have u any info on it?

i think it boils down to being one of the amino acids that isnt naturally needed as much from diet. however from excessive hammering of the serotonergic system i think it needs to be forced back to work from chems but i think finding that sweet spot where the chem doesnt becomes something ur brain is dependant on is key... which is why at the depths of my low i stayed away from ssri's cos they obv keep the pharmacy rich n us dependant...
Hi chaps, been reading this eagerly. SWIM picked up 14gs of mum and dad yesterday... Been really following this dark chocolate idea and have been eating 50gs a day for the last week and will be doing so until next Friday where I plan on taking 0.15g bomb to start me off and see where we go from there. I normally take about 0.5gs over about 6 hours in 2-3bombs so be interesting to see what this does. To show you all I'm serious, here's my desk at home:


:D :D :D
^ My advice to you is to not eat dark chocolate on the day of, or the day before

It will make your coming up more anxious but the experience is more trippy feeling.
I find it too uncomfortable the coming up so i avoid dark choc on those days now.

so yeah, 2 days and , hehe

Your good to go, wow i didnt have that many lindt bars only cheap 60% cocoa ones.
i am very very interested to see the outcome of this one.
Wow man you are going full in! That's a TON of dark chocolate, You should get interesting results. Please let us know!