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Harm Reduction (Social) OD Social v9 ~ Kreppel/Doughnut appreciation Plaza - Token bowls

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thank ya brother. I wish I could give opiates up forever but thats just not possible.

unless of course I came across some Ibogaine but I highly,highly doubt that

Idk, downloading a Blueray 45gb movie in less than 20min is just so....satisfying. usenet/nzb.

just givin ya a hard time lol :)

how much does that "fios" cost per month ?
No I'm finishing season 6 of dexter (on the last episode right now). I got real depressed last year when the season was finishing, so trying to catch up.

NJ has some really good dope though. I'd kill for some NJ dope
haha. only nice thing that can be said about NJ.

or you could live in NY and have NJ dope and not have to live in NJ.
Well I don't wanna live in the North East, but I want their dope. I really want to first go back to the NC mountains for a few years then go to the Pacific north west. I really wouldn't mind living somewhere near Seattle or BC
Man crrraaazy ending of the episode. Starting the new season now.

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RIP Trancendence :( My thoughts are with you and your family. <3

Sup OD social? lol shreadlettuce.
when i logged in there were about 450 ppl viewing od..
and this new social's been viewed 1700+ times.
w/what..maybe 15-20 ppl that post here?

wonders if it's the escalator talk..
or maybe the whole 'mark of the devil' thing..


hopes it's not her..:(

gn strangers!
and od. <3
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finally, token's going to bed. we can all come out to play now:D

goodnight token!

how's the rest of the OD folk going?

i just cooked a lovely piece of lamb with a side dish of salad for lunch, washing it down with tomato juice. yum. then a cigarette to really mash the flavours up.
fuckin a! I put my CD case next to my iMac as always, got a line of OxyM and OxyC on it...I walk away and my fucking cat is behind my iMac and steps all over the damn powder!..talk about loosing my shit...Cat=Banned from room.
ah, that sucks, dude. i've had my dog knock over a CWE from my table when i walked out of my room. was not a happy camper and made my dog drink it up so it didn't go to waste. i kid, of course. i've nearly had my dog scoop up an oxycontin pill i dropped on the ground a while back as well.

i dropped it near the water and food bowl so she must have thought i threw something down for her to eat and she was sniffing around trying to get at the area while i was scrounging around the area. it was a 40mg tab so i can only imagine she would have had a good time if dad didn't point out where it was quickly enough:|

damn that lunch was good. i'm still hungry so might have to whip out the cheesecake and ice-cream. turns out after my doc weighed me last week i'd lost a half kilo - 72 down to 71.5kg - when i was under the assumption i was putting on weight. turns out i'm just getting a fat belly from lack of exercise - deceptive body i have.
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