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What prescriptions are you Rx'ed?

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Methadone for chronic pain 40mg X 4 day
Percocet 7.5 X2 X4 day
Baclafin 1X4 day
Xanax 1mg X 4
Ambien 10mg 1 at night
Neurotin 900mg X4

Had shattered hip, neuropathy and the dr missed gangrene in intestines and stomach after abdominal surgery and was on life support/coma for 41 days. Never took anything before that. My list is actually shorter now lol. But my dr just retired with no replacement and all I have is a shitload of Neurotin and a bottle of liquid belladonna but I tried it last night and it killed my stomach and I threw it up. This morning I took 8 300mg Neurotin but took out of capsules put powder under tongue and then swallowed it. Noticing nothing. Thinking of retrying belladonna. Need sleep. I now have a seizure disorder and no sleep can trigger it along with the withdrawals fr everything else. Any suggestings?
at the moment im Rxd
200mg sertraline
10mg aripiprazole (new med for me getting it upped soon)
15mg zoplicone
10mg olanzapine odt
100mcg levothyroxin
Lyrica 300mg x 2
Lactimal 50mg x 2
Carbemazapine 100mg x 4 - dont take it anymore
DHC 10/500mg x 4 - dont bother taking it as it doesn't touch my tolerance - i mean cmon 10mg?!
Nefopam 30mg x 6 - dont bother taking this as it doesn't do anything for my pain and made me think I was pissing blood this morning although apparently it just dyes your piss.
Zopiclone 7.35mg x 1
Orphenadrine - 35mg x 3 per day
Pregabalin - Latest add. 75mg x 3 per day
Oxazepam 15mg x 1 day ( Use it only couple times a week, or when suffering insomnia )
Mirtazapine 45mg x 1 day ( I dont use it though.. )
Propranolol 20 - 40mg per day
Last edited:
Oxycodone 20 mg x 2
Tramadol 150 mg x 2
Codeine as needed

The only one i really enjoy is the first and the midazolam also the only ones i take religiously.
  • Benzodiazepines: Alprazolam 0.25 mg
  • Benzodiazepines: Clonazepam: 1 mg
  • Benzodiazepines: Diazepam 30 mg
  • Benzodiazepines: Temazepam 20 mg
  • ADHD meds: Methylphenidate (Ritalin) 60 mg
  • Opiates: Paracetamol / Codeine 500/20 mg 4 tablets a day
  • Opiates: Codeine 8 mg tablets 40 mg
  • Opiates: Oxycodone 10 mg ER 50 mg
  • Opiates: Oxycodone (Roxicodone 15 mg IR tablets) 75 mg
  • Opiates: Morphine (Oramorph 5mg/10ml lozenges) - 2x 10 mg for BT pain
  • NSAID: Meloxicam 15 mg
  • Anti-histamine: Dexloratadine (Allerfre 10 mg pills) - 10 mg

Thats about it... ;)
Not sure if I updated (?):

# 90 Adderall XR 5 mg (Directed to take all 3 capsules in the morning, usually take two when I wake up around noon give or take an hour or two, and one between 6 - 8 PM, usually. Sometimes take an extra in the morning, still taking my later dose, or take an extra later in the day when I take my usual third capsule of the day. Almost always in the 15 mg - 20 mg dose range, daily.)
# 120 Ultram 50 mg (Directed to take one tablet every six hours as needed, I take one and a half, 75 mg, three times a day usually. Sometimes, I add a little bit more to the dose making it 100 mg, add a fourth dose into the day, or take a fourth partial-dose. Almost always in the 225 mg - 300 mg dose range, daily.)
# 90 Klonopin 1 mg (Directed to take one tablet three times a day, I take 2 tablets, 2 mg, twice a day. 4 mg daily.)
# 30 Xanax 1 mg (Directed to take one tablet at night, I take one tablet at night, and take half a tablet to two tablets PRN for anxiety, but not very often anymore. Dose varies due to varying PRN needs, more days than not though just 1 mg at bedtime.)

Well, those are the goods.
Noob i know but what does RX,ed mean? prescribed i assume? Anyway-

Subutex 10mg
Diazepam 5ml ( i only get like 14 every month or so :( )
I am prescribed 400mg MS Contin 8h (200mg x 2). I've been on this for probably 15 years and now Doc thinks I should take less. He is trying to move me over to Fent. 125 Mcg with 60 oxy IR for BT. Never had BT on the MS Contin. These are for a crushed vertabrae (L4) with an L3 4 5 fusion that made the pain 100x worse. Never should have went for the operation but, like they say, hindsight is 20 20. Btw, for those of you that don't believe some of the scripts people are getting, as your tolerance goes up so does your ability to handle larger doses.
Ambien 10mg
Alprazolam .5
adderall 10mg

Jeez I wish i could get some tramadol my knee is killing me! How the hell do you guys get prescribed so much?!
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