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What do you think about drug addicts in general?

in my opinion, genetics plays a small factor in your individual predisposition towards addiction, but the vast majority of what decides whether or not you become addicted is simply your willpower.

I think this because personally, i have tried many different kinds of opiates and a few amphetamines, weed, and numerous other drugs, and hardly a day goes by without me ingesting some substance.... however, i take breaks from time to time and have never had a problem stopping any and all of these substances for extended periods of time. during these times i never get cravings for any substances, nor do i fiend at all. i simply tell myself to stop using, and i stop.

so ultimately what distinguishes an addict from a non addict IMO is the individuals willpower. if you have sufficient self control to completely stop using at any point for a reasonable length of time (ie a week or so) then you wont get addicted unless you do it on purpose.

obviously where physical dependence is concerned, if you have sufficient willpower, you should be able to space apart doses of drugs that cause physical dependence to avoid said physical dependence.

if you are an addict, you lack sufficient willpower to say 'no' to whatever substance(s) you use. In other words, you are weak willed when compared to a non addict user.

and in relation to whether or not someone can use drugs a lot but still maintain their life, it is most definitely possible as i am living proof.
I agree with the OP

its because of stereotypical junkies that I have to hide my drug use, even though Ive never stolen to get high and always paid for shit with money I earned from a job.

But all other people would hear is "I have done heroin" and that would be an instant red flag due to the negative associations people make with that drug (and with good reason)

Have some fucking self control and use drugs to live, dont live to use drugs
I can only hope that one day I'll be as awesome as the OP. :\

Unfortunately that will never happen.

Because..... I administered COCAINE AND HEROIN INTRAVENOUSLY in the past (and may well do it again in the future). Thus I am a weak and useless subhuman.
there are a few questionable parts of the OPs rant but I agree with the gist of what he is saying.

junkies always claim theyre so mistreated by everyone yet they are the most ignorant, selfish, and rude individuals you will ever come across. Nothing is ever their fault, and they can ask you a million favors but the second you ask for something from them its like you just asked them to build the pyramids or something.
about the hard life part, yeah, it's tough, whatever, but there is free mental health care (in the UK at least), but not so much in africa, i don't know how their rates of addiction compared to western countries?

ultimately it is always a person's responsibility whatever they put in their body, they're at fault if they start doing nefarious shit to get money.
Well Mr 6apbhmm,I am surprised that it only took you 23 years to grow into such an ignorant twat.
it's not that drugs are a metaphor or simile for food. Food contains nutrients, vitamins, minerals, whatever else. These things affect the body in the exact same way drugs do, although perhaps at different receptors and in different ways. Coffee and chocolate are good examples of how the distinction is blurred. Look at it in the way that the body perceives what happens when you ingest a drug vs. food. There are some differences but there are drugs in many foods, like tryptophan in turkey. Your body doesn't distinguish drugs from food, and in that way drugs are very much like food (which contain drugs anyway). I guess it comes down to your definition of drug.

Some drugs are subjectively better than others. Many drugs are not toxic to a certain extent either, some are but most not. An addiction is an addiction, by definition an addiction is negative. If you are addicted to cannabis it can be just as disastrous as being addicted to heroin, it's all in the user and how they live their life.

and for OP: if you accept that not all people are equal then you must accept that many many many people are better than you, intellectually, socially, emotionally, physically, financially. Unless you are some big rich millionaire with perfect looks and everyone loves you, then you'll have to accept that you aren't the best and in the grand scheme of things are likely a piece of shit that no one cares about.

A person has a high potential to fuck up their own life regardless of drug use or which drug they do use. It has nothing to do with the drug itself, it is all about the user. Someone with your bullshit views of life should understand that the user or person takes the ultimate responsibility for the drug. You sound weak and useless if you believe drugs are the cop out.
Well, I am a drug addict.

I don't think very highly of myself.

However, that's not to say I don't think other addicts are some of the most intelligent and crafty people I have ever met.

Some of them can be lying and manipulative, when it comes to weaseling money or drugs out of you. Drug addicts always seem to have some crazy things and elaborate reasons as to why all of a sudden every single thing in their life is going wrong all at once. Also, if a drug addict owes you money, just for fun -- ask them if they have it! You're sure to get a story out of 'em! Hahaha.
Human beings with an age-old problem...

Despite having been to rehab 3 times, jail about 12 times for drug related offenses, and 3 half way houses.. 4 documented suicide attempts, and shit like that

i'm not so sure there's such thing as an addict. people outgrow old habits. for example i've developed a drinking problem over the past 2 1/2 months, drinking every day and today I haven't drank shit. granted i just got out of bed at 8 PM due to w/d symptoms, but I'm not drinking today. I dunno.
i'm not so sure there's such thing as an addict. people outgrow old habits.

I agree, people can definitely outgrow habits of any kind. On the other hand I think addiction is a "personality trait". One that can be managed (through willpower), but not cured.

Question to other addicts: Do any of you notice that your addiction isn't limited to just drugs and that it's already been there since early childhood?
For example if I have a series I like, I MUST see it all in 2 days. If there's a bar or a club I like, I'll go there every weekend (atleast) till it gets old. (Got more examples, but you get the gist.)

Now to find a job I think is addicting and become a fullblown workaholic. %)

Well, I am a drug addict.

I don't think very highly of myself.
That second line needs some work. Change that attitude sis. =D
I think of myself like superman 2.0 :p

No seriously. I'm "pretty much" in the same boat as you. An addict with problems. (More detailed stuff is in your blog as you'll probably recall.) But I'm still not letting that get me down as long as I'm doing something productive.

To me that something right now is cleaning up my act. (Meaning moving down to occasional drug use, and the complete elimiination of benzos from my "diet".) It was working before. But the benzos were still hindering my life terribly. I only took painmeds when I needed them. During taper I overdid it on the painmeds, I've run out now though so I can't put any more band-aids on my taper, so be it.

Next up is FEAR, SWEATS, TREMORS, HEADACHES, NAUSEA -> (thinking about) having those symptoms keeps me awake at night. Really it does. :p

last step: paws: I hope I'll be feeling ok enough by then to be able to go back to work. I'll have to find a job but I'm not picky. I'm still following an education through part-time schooling. When I get to this point I'll be really happy. :D
However, that's not to say I don't think other addicts are some of the most intelligent and crafty people I have ever met.

Some of them can be lying and manipulative, when it comes to weaseling money or drugs out of you. Drug addicts always seem to have some crazy things and elaborate reasons as to why all of a sudden every single thing in their life is going wrong all at once. Also, if a drug addict owes you money, just for fun -- ask them if they have it! You're sure to get a story out of 'em! Hahaha.

Hehe I nevur tell liez! Well not about money (to anyone) or drugs (excl. my parents).
I'm too honest to be in this addict game it seems :(.
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that's just ignorant. drug use affects every kind of person. there are many intelligent, compassionate, truly good people with fucked up chemistry or life experiences that led them to be susceptible to addiction.this should be fairly obvious, considering the amount of notable artists and famous figures who were addicts.
society is sick, people are not immune to this or to their brain chemistry.
most addicts fucking suck, because most people fucking suck. in general.
They come in so many shapes and sizes...aka...they are all different. There's the crazy robbing people/burglaring/stealing addicts who will rip off anyone and live on the street....all the way up to celebrites like Lil Wayne, Bruno Mars, Charlie Sheen who are successful and work hard, but spend a shitload on drugs.

Go to an NA meeting. Some people there have missing teeth and have sucked dick for crack...and some are doctors and lawyers.
They're entirely created by flaws in our society. I can prove it through basic logic.

And yet, and one must leap to this conclusion given my previous statement, everyone is responsible for their own.
Wow, there are too many ignorant/arrogant comments and blanket statements to count.

I can't judge drug addicts in general, everyone has their reasons to do what they do, who are we to judge?
I've been a productive (successful) drug addict for 4 years. It's been tough and had to stretch money, but I'm doing pretty well. Better job than half the people in my age range who graduated from my highschool (which I might add is pretty rich school & town - lilczey knows my school) and I haven't even done college.

It's foolish and immature to stereotype addicts. Unfortunately you just know the shitty young addicts. There are judges who are alcoholics (which is no different than being a heroin or coke addict, no matter which way you look at it) and there are a ton of professionals and even rich people addicted to drugs. The owner of my business is definitely hooked on coke and he is a millionaire I'm sure of it. I watched him dump over $200k on his and his 2 kids cars in a weekend and not flinch.

Go to an NA meeting. Some people there have missing teeth and have sucked dick for crack...and some are doctors and lawyers.



Also on the subject of injecting, I do as well. My checkbook, bank account, and arrest record hasn't changed because of it.
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