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BDD Social/Info Booth v.27 - Mugz is a habitual meph-ender

hahaha wassup, you know i got those peels.

suboxone, xanax, hydroxyzine, gabapentin, and wellbutrin for me today :)

ofc you kno i be smokin those Cadillac's aswell
whats up everybody <3

Hows everyone today? elb- how are those withdraws going? did you get anything to help?
Hey Kayla! Doing well today, woke up with a horrible headache so it's about that time for a wake & bake.

I was able to stay sober the entire day yesterday too, almost gave in to smoke weed... and honestly, staying sober for one whole day with just willpower was a little harder than I thought it would be :\
i hear that^

staying sober is the hardest thing that you or i will ever encounter in our life-time
ps-(yeah thats prescript not postscript, bitches) when you find out who's got the pills, let me know - iwantsomepillstoo

So I found $20 on the ground... I think I'm going to buy a pizza and some flea spray for the kitties and carpet. that way i'm not the only one who benefits from the random monetary finding
just created a SLR thread about a certain ex mod here that some people will know, feel really shit that she ranted at me tonight after I sent her flowers yesterday and was then told that she would rather have had a material present that she could keep. fuck that shit, she's off her head.

On the plus side, I have a date tomorrow :) So nervous but can't wait :)
Oh man I just thought of the best pun.

I wont say it though for privacy.
Oh come on trip, give us that shit!!
Good luck with the date mugzy, i really hope you knock her bandy mate. Lets us know how it goes.
I'm still fuckin wide awake, morph wd's hurting like a motherFucker now. Gonna pop 3 ambien and hope for at least a Bit of sleep. MY FUCKIN LEGS HURT LIKE A CUNT, AAAAGGGHHH!!!

Anyway, tootle-pip, and goodnight bdd. God bless you all.
whats up everyone hope yall had a great day today.

krone your inbox is full

hey trip :)
hello lovely bdd social ppl.
not a great day..but i'm still breathing. :)
morphine w/d..omg..
did it c/t a longgggggggg time ago.
never again..i hurt for you two..
i hope you both mend soon.
kayla, beachy...hello and gn. <3
i've been out in the country so long...
now, my first official night back in "civlization"
just heard a train..and my neighbors are arguing..
but my bf and i argued all night too..so turn around
i guess...:\
maybe you have to me and here to
understand ....
naa..you don't wanna be.
trip..hello <3

Hey Token, i though you and the fella were finished?

Morning bdd, managed to get a few hours sleep with the help of a lot of codeine and ambien. Feeling shit again now tho.
whats up everyone hope yall had a great day today.

krone your inbox is full

Yeah I know, was busy most of the night last night smoking weed ;)

...the weekend needs to be here now! Been waiting all week, which is making it seem longer and longer to get to :|
Good afternoon everyone <3

Krone- what's is this weekend your all amped up about ? ;)
Somebody say something about amphetamines?



Oh how I miss them...
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The main reason for the weekend is getting paid tomorrow!

I love pay day, especially when I'm extra broke like right now... Plus, it's my first weekend "off" from work in over a month so I'd say it's probably going to be a good time.
That's awesome :) well I'm happy for ya! What do you do that makes you work so much?

I work at a local pizza restaurant... fabulous I know.

I told my boss I needed as many hours he could possibly give me, and my wish was granted. It's a good thing though, otherwise I'd be sitting around all day getting high not doing shit with my life.

So what's everyone up to today?