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The Big & Dandy 25I-NBOMe Thread (2nd edition)

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I know by now it's probably boring the smartypants chemistry geniuses who travel these forums to tears to still see the question arise. . . I apologize if causing an eyeroll or two among the regulars. I am ignorant as fuck compared to you guys when it comes to chemistry [though by no means a stupid person].]

By recognizing that you're "stupid as fuck" in chemistry, makes you smart. Because you realize where you're not smart and you realize that you could be if you wanted to.
There's some sort of ancient thing which goes to this, I forget it.

Someone told me it once on some random facebook group, and it made me feel really good.
Just wanted to spread the feelings :)
I tried 25I and 25C a while ago and didn't find either of them desirable to repeat. I think I have found why all 2,4,5 PEAs seems to disagree with me and never really make me feel good. Here's the PIHKAL, TMPEA entry (2,4,5-TRIMETHOXYPHENETHYLAMINE).

QUALITATIVE COMMENTS: (with less than 300 mg) Since it was not easy, however, to judge the extent of a 'Rausch'-action from experiments on animals, some injections of beta-2,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine were administered to the author, and finally a control test was carried out with an equal quantity of mescaline. The action of both these substances in these experiments agreed only to a limited extent with the effects described for mescaline by, for example, Beringer. It must be remembered, however, in this connection, that the quantities used by Beringer were larger than the doses administered in these experiments. Nevertheless, it may be concluded that the pharmacological action of beta-2,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine agrees to a large extent with that of mescaline. However, the new compound had more unpleasant secondary effects (nausea) and did not bring about the euphoristic state caused by mescaline.

The TMPEA would be the base molecule for all 2C-X type chemicals, being mescaline with the 3 methoxy moved to the 2 position. So if that base compound causes more nausea and less euphoria than mescaline then it would explain why I feel sick whenever I use 2C-X compounds, even NBOMes. I actually got quite nauseous from 25I, a little less with 25C, and never really felt euphoric at all. This must explain why.

So you need the 3,4,5 configuration to get less nausea and more euphoria. I'm going to stick with them from now on, I think. Haven't actually tried one yet but I ordered some allylescaline. I'm expecting it to be much better all around than the 2C-Xs. I just had no luck with them at all, though 25C was the least objectionable of the lot.
I'm going to stick with them from now on, I think. Haven't actually tried one yet but I ordered some allylescaline. I'm expecting it to be much better all around than the 2C-Xs. I just had no luck with them at all, though 25C was the least objectionable of the lot.
have you ever actually tried mescaline tho? many people find that it produces nausea as well...
I read this somewhere - can't remember where -

"1st attempt at 25I-NBOMe -
Target was 20 of 1cm square blotters of 500ug each. A water + food dye test showed that individual 1cm square pieces absorbed 20uL nicely with the blot spreading to the edges but not quite to the corners.
10mg 25I-NBOMe.HCl dissolved in 200uL 95% EtOH + 200uL water. Some heat was applied to completely dissolve. 20uL of the solution was pipetted onto each square and left to dry for 2 hours. 21 squares were able to be made from this quantity poss. due to residual fluid in the container so each square was taken to be approx 475ug 25I-NBOMe.HCl.
Half a square was taken sublingually and left at least 20 minutes before swallowing. +/- at this dose."
Thinking of trying this one soon after my great experiences with 25c, is it same ROAs? And what should I be expecting that's different with 25i?
Hey folks.. I have a question about laying blotter.

Hypothetically speaking, say 1 blotter can hold a maximum amount of 0.5mL. Say I have 10 blotters. 10 blotters can hold a maximum of 5mL (HYPOTHETICALLY - not real measurment). Say I have 10mL of solution that I want to put on 10 blotters.

Is it possible I can lay 5mL of the solution to the blotter, let it evaporate, then repeat and lay the other 5ml?

Will this work?

Will resoaking the blotter make the evaporated solution already in the blotter weaker?

So, if I got the HCL salt, would it be intranasally active just in its normal crystal form, or am I missing something?

What advantages are there to dissolving it in a solvent? Is the HCL soluble in normal distilled H20 or do I need ethanol?

Also, first post :D
I tried 25i + aMT last night. My God. A death and rebirth. I am not the same person. I have been taking psychedelics for 5 years and have never experienced visuals even close to that magnitude. I've never felt so spiritual in my life. Pure energy, everywhere.
So, if I got the HCL salt, would it be intranasally active just in its normal crystal form, or am I missing something?

What advantages are there to dissolving it in a solvent? Is the HCL soluble in normal distilled H20 or do I need ethanol?

Also, first post :D

HCL will dissolve easily in h2o. Use distilled water if you want to keep it for more than a week.

The reason people dissolve in a solvent is because the raw powder is too hard to accurately dose. The only accurate way of dosing without an expensive microgram scale iiis by dissolution in solvent. Do not snort raw powder even if you have a 0.001 scale.
Prescription Medications: Vyvanse, 30mg Daily, Prozac 40mg
Daily Supplements: Phosphatidyl Choline

Prescription Medications: Vyvanse, 30mg Daily, Prozac 40mg

Relevant Previous Drug Experience:
DXM ~5x
LSD - 1x
MDMA - ~4x
Psilocybin - 1x

I thought that many of the trip reports didn't capture the difference between this drug and many other psychedelics that I have tried. I want to provide a summary of my reasoning when attempting
to convince my dearest friends to enlighten themselves through the use of this drug.

Two successive personal experiences with some of my closest friends lead to a profundity in our relationship that will change our lives forever and confirmed my original intuitions. I've decided to hypothesize as to what is happening, or what appears to be happening, while taking this chemical.


It literally plants new neural pathways for all facets of experience, giving a person the ability to grow apart from entrenched neural pathways, as if all the lessons one has learned are seeds sowed from their own respective neural trees and branches.

Unlike every other drug I've had where I appeared to be having seemingly enlightening experiences, this drug felt more like taking Vyvanse, or something completely unobtrusive, complimentary, and clarifying. The "hallucinations" seemed more to be an ability to deconstruct your perceptions and thoughts and view them in their base parts, before reconstructing them in completely new ways, almost unconsciously. Thus, one arrives at sudden, successive insights when this new construction becomes ludicrously difficult to create using your pre-existing life experiences and, more importantly and physiologically, your established neural pathways. In almost every single infinitesimal moment of this trip, the user is deconstructing, reconstructing, and finding new insights and new perspectives that destroy previously-conceived constraints. I wouldn't hesitate to imagine that one is learning an incredible amount, and may actually be significantly increasing many varied intelligences.

In fact, the drug feels so clean that, if taken and ridden all the way out, it's hard to distinguish if you are still in fact "tripping" near the end. I say this because I felt aware that I had retained all my insights and abilities from the previous few hours, as well as mindful that I will have newly-formed lessons and pristine memories to reinforce them.

Always interested in humanity, I feel like I uncovered many insights in how relationships between people work and how to bridge the gaps that separates them. I believe I have improved my ability to perceive how other people are perceiving and my ability to cater my communication to their preferred channels - the ones they are most adept at, and find most interesting.

I have had two experiences with this chemical, one with a friend of mine that I didn't know very intimately thanks to an ocean of time, and the second with my dearest friend. The first time, I took 1mg and an hour later took a second hit, totaling 2mg. My closest friend, having no experiences with anything beyond marijuana, decided that he wanted to experiment with the chemical extremely carefully and took 250µg every 20 minutes, until he reached a total of 1750µg. I followed the same procedure and observed just how functional I could be while appreciating the enlightening
effect that made me see like a newborn child.

In trying to explain to my friends who are generally apprehensive about taking any hallucinogens, I told them that on regular hallucinogens, users have no choice in the matter as to how they are
"tripping." If the user is hallucinating visually, that individual cannot partake in activities that require ignoring warping and other similar effects. However, with this chemical, the "hallucinations" seem to result as users direct their perception and thought to a component or aspect of something, such as a specific part of an image of the universe, an assessment of human existence, or Rachmaninoff's emotional echoes. The user deconstructs these and sees them clearly, not run through the comparison machine that is the existing and prevalent neural choice. These so-called
"hallucinations" are directable; one minute, users can observe a flat image of the beach and see it in a way they could have never appreciated, and the next minute, they can understand the director of a good movie on a visceral level. Users analyze the characters’ relationships, sympathizing, empathizing, and drawing deep conclusions about these implications that would have taken up too much processing power in sobriety. The movie won't be warping or odd in any way, and afterward you can simply redirect your attention, and resume mentally bending images.

The pro-sexual, and really, "pro-love-and-empathy" nature of this drug seems to be based on the
ability to communicate more effectively with the people the user is with and the ever-improving ability to forgive their humanity. A metaphor that I used to explain it was that each person’s mind is like a pool of water. Fear clouds and causes disturbances in a person’s pool of water, making it hard for people to see each other’s true selves. When two people interface, they have to see each through two turbulent, cloudy bodies of water. This drug stills and cleans that water. During the trip, users are better able to understand how to both clean their own pool and see more clearly into the other person’s pool.

Because of my Prozac, I find that I am mentally exhausted most of the time, even after 10 hours of sleep, and often need 12 to function at my optimum ability. I only slept 5 hours after each time I
took this chemical and felt mentally acute and motivated the next day… not to mention smarter, more confident in my existence as a being, and more in tune with the universe and everything it has to offer us during our lifetimes … as well as amazed at even my own biological entity and how we as individuals can be and choose our paths.

For those who have ever taken psychedelics and remember noticing a novice tendency in yourself or friends to want to "force" the experience, one analogy that helped me explain how clean this drug was in comparison was to tell him that on this drug, you are simply unable to "force it." You are almost the most true to yourself, and your experience as you can be; you cannot help but grab life by the horns every moment, the way you most naturally would be inclined to.

There you are. This is my best attempt to describe, what to me, feels like one of the drugs that could be used to allow everyone to understand each other better and love one another. It is a drug unlike anything I've ever had because it allows you to form new connections independently from your previous life existence, bypassing systems of comparison and prejudice. It fosters learning and appreciation of every facet of existence.
no source discussion allowed on this site, read the rules before posting links to vendors or before posting anything more please
Nice trip report circabuydata, however trip reports belong in the Trip Reports Forum, so could you choose a creative title for your report? Then I'll move it over there for you and leave a link here so viewers of the thread can still find it - but so that it's easier to find for people specifically looking for reports :)
twelvesevndi: have you ever actually tried mescaline tho? many people find that it produces nausea as well...

Actually no, I haven't, but I just found this quote that says that the 3,4,5 PEAs with a lengthened chain on the 4 carbon produce no nausea whatsoever;

Literally hundreds of alkoxylated analogs and homologs have been synthesized, and many have been explored in biochemical and pharmacological studies. However, 3,5-dimethoxy-4-ethoxyphenethylamine (16, escaline) and the two following entries (17, 18) are the only analogs of mescaline, differing only in the identity of the substituent group on the ether oxygens, that have been assayed as psychotomimetics in man, Acute studies with (16) have shown it to he active orally in the range of 40-60 mg (Nichols and Shulgin, unpublished data), It differs from mescaline in that the onset of action is quicker (within the first hour) and there is no nausea noted, but otherwise the time course, and much of the qualitative content, is quite similar. The effectiveness of this base and of the 4-propoxy-homolog (17; see Section 2.1.8) is 5 to 10 times more than that of mescaline itself and approaches that seen for the 2,4,5-trisubstitution patterns in the substituted phenylisopropylamines, This suggests that the bases that are trioxygenated and presumably indifferent to monoamine oxidase attack may be active independently of whether they are 3,4,5-trisubstituted or 2,4,5-trisubstituted, and of whether they do or do not carry an alpha-methyl group adjacent to the nitrogen atom.


The propoxy compound, one carbon longer than the ethoxy, was also described right after that one. Pretty much the same. Currently the only one available is the allyloxy compound, allylescaline, which is the same as the propoxy but with an unsaturation before the last carbon of the chain. From other reports it seems that the ally one is the most potent, quickest comeup (1 hr) and has moderate duration (8-12 hrs) so it would seem to be the best one to get anyway. I think Shulgin took too low a dose though, 20-35 mg, because the propoxy one requires more like 40-60. The ally may have a lower threshold dose but the desired effects of full visuals probably require more. I'm thinking probably about 50 mg.

So in conclusion, it appears (since I haven't actually received my order yet to try it) that the lengthened 4 oxy mescaline analogs are the perfected form, having practical potency and no nausea whatsoever, according to the above quote. The ally one has an acceptably fast onset, 1 hr opposed to 1.5-2 hrs for mescaline. That's exactly what we all need, nausea-free mescaline that you don't have to take about half a gram of to get high and that you don't have to wait around for a couple hours to take effect.
^I'd imagine there would be a dampening of effects whilst on an SSRI

On a similar line, would olanzepine have a noticeable effect on 25i?
S.S.R.I. -


I've known too many people who've lost their lives to these drugs. A zombie, you will become. Discontinuation syndrome? Lol. We wouldn't wanna call it withdrawal now would we?
The larger the volume of liquid you use, the harder it is to use that liquid subligually or intranasally. (It doesn't work orally.) Yet small volumes can be more tricky to measure and you need proper equipment and technique. I guess a milliliter of vodka containing a milligram of 25I can be held in the mouth for about 20 minutes for decent effect so it's not rocket science either.
Still, do a lot of homework on handling this chemical before you go any further, this is extremely potent and you don't want to make any mistakes. Also store it safely out of reach from children and basically all other people as well.
I read this somewhere - can't remember where -

"1st attempt at 25I-NBOMe -
Target was 20 of 1cm square blotters of 500ug each. A water + food dye test showed that individual 1cm square pieces absorbed 20uL nicely with the blot spreading to the edges but not quite to the corners.
10mg 25I-NBOMe.HCl dissolved in 200uL 95% EtOH + 200uL water. Some heat was applied to completely dissolve. 20uL of the solution was pipetted onto each square and left to dry for 2 hours. 21 squares were able to be made from this quantity poss. due to residual fluid in the container so each square was taken to be approx 475ug 25I-NBOMe.HCl.
Half a square was taken sublingually and left at least 20 minutes before swallowing. +/- at this dose."

"2nd attempt -
Other half square was taken three days later, approx 240ug 25I-NBOMe.HCl and held under tongue for 30 mins. Began feeling it at +40m and it stopped increasing in intensity at 1.5h. This was + at this dosage. Slight visuals and different mental state. For 5 hours I would only stop smiling if I made an effort to - if I stopped thinking about it the smile would just spring back onto my face. Sleep ok at +5 hours."
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