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Amphetamine: What actually is it?

just to add my bit, no offence but all that talk went way over my head, and i aint thick, riddles riddles, - anyhow i have just mamnaged to get hold of a blok foir me and is stashed away for a year at sea. point is i know exactly what the OP is asking only i myself dont know the true answer. got a blok its gooey and there is tonnes of it talking largest marg tub ive seen, now my problem (hope for help) is i cant just stick it in the freezer or anyones freezer can I. so guys help what do i need to do with it to make it last ...

for my sins i enjoy the quick stuff just 1 (1.5g max) every day fopr say 350 days a year dont know why i dont bother on the 15 days cant really say, i have donbe this for 10 years as said, befor ethat 10 years back to 1992 it used toi be once a week only, on saturadys before going raving in blackpool etc, pink champagne at first just 0.5 g or 1g and that left me wired till tuesday mouthfull of ulcers and a well used but swolen and sore stiff peter as my chick was way hot back then i think! anyhow last 10 years on this gooey stufff and i have no effects of tolerance etc the stuff wacks me the same no matter, its very strong i think as if i have more than the 1 - 1.5g ( i guess as spoon it out) i go totally bizarre - totally inconsistent behaviour etc and if i have less its like amild half arsed version of what im used too!

i find also that as my gear dries out it goes or seems to go further but not as strong... sometimes i prefer this for a month then i have it gooey etc am i weird?

so anyhow how can i store this stepping stool size box of shit? and im not referring to it to sell -- its mine, been a user never a seller for 20 years and might as welll keep it that way.. as i dont know if i can get it again as my guy got busetd and i took this off his hands quickly shortly afterwards - hes a mate as well so no worries with it he wants the cash giving to his mrs as he been told he looking at 10 years! they only found about 1 oz of coke in his gaff ( and 500 grand in cash in his loft) and that was his own percy as he was a fiend with his mrs at weekends with it wore stockings and all that wrapped each other up in cling film (after i told him my mrs had done that to me, then pushed me straight of the couch wrapped up and then she got up and went out for the afternoon! bitch) she later claimed it was all part of the fetish thing she wanted to try. fuk it so i punched her in the eye! (only kidding wouldnt dare she would beat me like a red haeaded step child) anyhow i dont have to scrummage around for it for the next 2 years or so ( optimistic)
Morning chaps! Just out of interest, Wikipedia states the solubility of amphetamine to be approximately 50-100mg/ml at room temperature, so slightly soluble, although i technically deserve a slap for citing wiki as a source. I guess the amine group is the polar bit... :D
atm I have a wonderful image of you hyped up on super-strong speed busting through road blocks and laughing at the police you left behind %)

Speed in this country really is shocking. Had some friends go to a festival abroad and the speed they got was so much better, smallish bit (by UK standards) kept them up for 3 days solid..

Does annoy me when people call it "base", fuck off is it amphetamine freebase. OP, you're more likely to have got it than the average person here from your story, but I am still a lil skeptical..

I think dealers make sulphate into a putty and call it freebase for two reasons - it sounds better haha, people want some "base", and adding sugar and a load of water to it increases the weight by a lot (more than just adding a cry cut) > more profit..

Nah twasnt like that at all, I had a 100% legal car (rule no,1 if your going to attend a big illegal party that the police know is going to kick off)

It got a bit more like that when the OB tried to block roads or entrances to warehouses etc. but back then we were 3-4000 strong at least so people would just get out of their cars and walk down to the front until it was clear to the OB that they were going to have to move or we would move them, or just walk through there pitiful numbers and leave our cars where they where. I don't think the numbers exist anymore as a single group, and the changes in the laws around Public Entertainment amongst others have made things more difficult. I don't think the violence displayed at parties like BrainScan did anything to help the cause either.

The car had usually 3-4 people in it but all drugs (and ther were generally shit loads had to be plotted up properly, I would give people a ride to am party unless they had the good sense to make a decent effort at hiding their goodies, I don't mean internal or owt jut enough to survive a quick pat down and pockets out job. If the police are going to pull you to bits they are likely to find th stuff anyhow but if you had a legal car generally they would leave you alone.

I always found a good few bumps of speed would make me feel untouchable and I was quite happy talking to the OB being Mr polite and never got turned over, not once.

I'm not proud of driving a car on drugs but a don't think I was a danger to anyone any more than I was straight at that age, although driving back in the middle of the following afternoon could be a bit more challenging but someone had to do it and I never had so much as a near miss.

I found E a strange drug like that I'd get into the car totally fekered and go into driving mode, got stopped by the OB quite often totally off my box with a car full of people off their boxes giggling about some shit or another, but never got into difficulties, then I'd get out of the car at home sit down and be totally fekered again. I'm not proud of driving in that state but given the total lack of testing on driving on these types of substances I'm not ashamed either. Ther was only one occasion where I asked Mrs atm to drive ...lots of MDA ;) I just kept telling her to follow then yellow brick road =D

The base I used to get was oily, you could get it down to a powder but generally I took it orally and there was no way I'd get through even 1/2 a g in a night. I haven't taken speed in years sounds like things have changed unless you have Polish friends.
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I've never driven on drugs (as I don't drive) but have been in a car with a drugged up driver more times than I can count. The worst was two of us rocking up late for a party in Glasgow, roughly a half hour drive away from where we were, both double dropped when we got in the car & were smoking grass & drinking a bottle of wine between us on the way there (the idea being, sober until we get there, wasted the second we did). It was a race against time to get to this party before my driver's dunt kicked in. Gunning it down the motorway then he starts talking about how the street lights are bouncing & he'd better not take a smoke of the joint I was skinning. This was at about 110mph, incredibly fucking stupid thing to do, even though the motorway was totally dead, & not something that I would even consider now. Back then we just thought it was funny #daftyoungboyscarenotforconsequences.

Edit - We also had Classic FM fucking blaring through his fairly loud sound system for some reason lol. It seemed to add a sense of drama & urgency to our journey.

Fuck me, that was a really stupid thing to do & we were lucky not be dead/arrested.
@ potent_elixa, if your loosing potency when drying it out I would suspect it is actual Freebase that is evaporating off and not water thats added to make fake "base" / paste. Actual freebase as mentioned is very unstable an would disappear pretty quick unless you put the lot in the freezer, sounds like a not quite finished product, not sure why someone would want to import it like that could have been they needed it to be liquid for transportation?

Sound like a good stash enjoy :)
when im abit more with it ill give a detailed answer :p

edit: fuck it

amph sulphate in pure form is an off white powder, 'base' is freebase oil cut with glucose in order to bulk it into a paste, this stuff needs to be freezered, its a shitty product really, you should ak whover you goy it from to ask the chemist ti extract the cut and finish the synth :p

speed sulp should be as strong as it is wet as it is dry, ive had stinky phet that was moist when i got it, left it dry and it was just as potent, i think its all down to how its made tbh
@ potent_elixa, if your loosing potency when drying it out I would suspect it is actual Freebase that is evaporating off and not water thats added to make fake "base" / paste. Actual freebase as mentioned is very unstable an would disappear pretty quick unless you put the lot in the freezer, sounds like a not quite finished product, not sure why someone would want to import it like that could have been they needed it to be liquid for transportation?

Sound like a good stash enjoy :)

greetz atm23 thanks for the convo, i am unsure whether it is imported, i was under impression it was made in uk! but dont know where or why i thought that
This thread is quite funny. It's hilarious how people explain the same thing about 10 times over. Or write the guys stuff off as being shite compared to what was had in the 90's. I can tell you right now what the OP has is not cut, draw your own conclusions as to how I know that but concidering the source he's using the phet will not be less than 50%, that was the very worst bit to come out of the dutch sources. Stuff I had from the same place before was labtested at 80%, 1g had me awake 3 days almost having a heart attack and coming down for over a week after.

Also heard the exact same thing about them skipping the final process, don't really understand why either...but you are right when you say it is amphetamine freebase you have. The orange putty stuff was d-amphetamine, alot of people seemed to love that
I do miss the old skool cheap qaulity phet.
I used to get some ravinly strong pastey phet off a outlaw but since he went down my phet supply vanished hada few links but just didn't compare to this stuff it smelt like paint stripper liquidised at room temp but blew your fooking teeth out.....gram would last 3days and a 8th(price of a g of meph) lasted me little over a week.....was a cheap habbit haha

Gawd I get depressed thinking about losing quality
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This thread is quite funny. It's hilarious how people explain the same thing about 10 times over. Or write the guys stuff off as being shite compared to what was had in the 90's. I can tell you right now what the OP has is not cut, draw your own conclusions as to how I know that but concidering the source he's using the phet will not be less than 50%, that was the very worst bit to come out of the dutch sources. Stuff I had from the same place before was
labtested at 80%, 1g had me awake 3 days almost having a heart attack and coming down for over a week after.

Yea, coz you know everything codders don't yer!
Just keep the energy drinks up and the Viagra and hopefully the heart attack is around the corner.
ATM was dropping whizz when you were in your dads sack so laugh away as we explain things over and over again.
Late 80's early 90's = :)
Now = I wonder what fucking that obscure chemical did!

Fact mate. Nice to see you on here again, skint are you? Mop xxxx

P.s please please will someone like Vader explain the chemistry to this thick know all damaging to young minds yes I know where he got his from nudge nudge wink wink c**t.
I know people like you codders but as they say 'you don't know how nasty it tastes til you've sucked it and found out'.
Laugh it up keyboard gangster the net tightens everyday x

Always used to wonder what that strange dealer was doing when he crushed this big rock up added glucose and moisture and then food dye. For the cats piss fans I think I clocked the odd bottle of ammonia but the 90's was such a long time ago and it's all a bit cloudy. Maybe interpol with their new intelligence could expand more on this new type of speed.
Anyway he put it in individual bags calling it pink champagne. Tell me codders what type of analogue was he making or isomer. I'd love to know coz he called it making money out of soft twats who wanted to be up for three days wanking over imaginary girl fantasies.
Let me know codders coz I bow down to your superior knowledge.

I'm on a course of abstinence as a wife with cancer and a family who needs my head in the right place but I love to hear from experts in the field like yourself who are giving kids on this site such wonderful hr and advice.

Look forward to your informative answer soon
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Yea, coz you know everything codders don't yer!
Just keep the energy drinks up and the Viagra and hopefully the heart attack is around the corner.
ATM was dropping whizz when you were in your dads sack so laugh away as we explain things over and over again.
Late 80's early 90's = :)
Now = I wonder what fucking that obscure chemical did!

Fact mate. Nice to see you on here again, skint are you? Mop xxxx

Haha! Funny as fuck =D I love you MOP and I want your offspring. Sort of.

I have no idea about the chemical make up, so I can't contribute there. All I can say is bring back the 'cat piss'. I've tried some of the recent so called 70/80%dutch stuff and it just doesn't compare to the truly stinky stuff from the early 90's that I was hammering weekly for 5 years. Many the time I would go to the baggie in the fridge and find it had eaten right through! I used to dry it and mix with glucose simply to protect my stomach.

Mind you, my speed days started way back in the late 70's with blueys and dexies. So I've been spoiled. And yeah, 'Pink Champagne'. Oh the memories =D
yea, coz you know everything codders don't yer!
Just keep the energy drinks up and the viagra and hopefully the heart attack is around the corner.
Atm was dropping whizz when you were in your dads sack so laugh away as we explain things over and over again.
Late 80's early 90's = :)
now = i wonder what fucking that obscure chemical did!

Fact mate. Nice to see you on here again, skint are you? Mop xxxx

p.s please please will someone like vader explain the chemistry to this thick know all damaging to young minds yes i know where he got his from nudge nudge wink wink c**t.
I know people like you codders but as they say 'you don't know how nasty it tastes til you've sucked it and found out'.
Laugh it up keyboard gangster the net tightens everyday x

always used to wonder what that strange dealer was doing when he crushed this big rock up added glucose and moisture and then food dye. For the cats piss fans i think i clocked the odd bottle of ammonia but the 90's was such a long time ago and it's all a bit cloudy. Maybe interpol with their new intelligence could expand more on this new type of speed.
Anyway he put it in individual bags calling it pink champagne. Tell me codders what type of analogue was he making or isomer. I'd love to know coz he called it making money out of soft twats who wanted to be up for three days wanking over imaginary girl fantasies.
Let me know codders coz i bow down to your superior knowledge.

I'm on a course of abstinence as a wife with cancer and a family who needs my head in the right place but i love to hear from experts in the field like yourself who are giving kids on this site such wonderful hr and advice.

Look forward to your informative answer soon

All the best MOP mate.
I know fuck all about speed but the bitterness in that post from MOP far outweighs the bitter taste of any speed any of you have ever come across.
I know fuck all about speed but the bitterness in that post from MOP far outweighs the bitter taste of any speed any of you have ever come across.

I can understand it i think but i'm a humourless old cunt .............

just not got the wit n wisdom as yer boy Codders
Or write the guys stuff off as being shite compared to what was had in the 90's.

You're fighting a losing battle there, Rockstar. Everybody knows that late eighties / early nineties drugs were far better than anything around these days. ;)

Seriously, I've had stuff that smelled like cat's piss and was very potent indeed and I've also had the recent Dutch stuff, which was also very potent indeed.

I can't make any comparisons to the stuff from the 'golden era' because I'm simply too young. What I will say for certain is that making comparisons that rely on (possibly rose-tinted) memories of a vintage of two decades or more is at best unreliable and at worst pretty bizarre.

Personally, I couldn't give an honest appraisal of whether the speed / acid / MDMA / glue / weed I had even five-to-ten years ago was 'better' than anything I can lay my hands on now. What I do know is that I was younger, more optimistic, full of life and a lot more impervious to the negative effects of certain drugs, meaning my memories are usually filtered through all of this, and therefore unreliable when it comes to making a real comparison.

Which is not to say that UK speed wasn't generally better 20-odd years ago - I imagine it was. It's just a bit silly to get into a heated argument over something that's not only highly subjective, but involves (in many cases very vague) memories from people's youth. Again. :)
You're fighting a losing battle there, Rockstar. Everybody knows that late eighties / early nineties drugs were far better than anything around these days.

Especially the LSD.
I dunno i think calling folk out that have posted that he are on Disability is a bit harsh .
Cuntish even ?
But oh he's only a lad let him do what he wants ..............
tbh the best speed ive ever had was about 3 yrs ago from a group of poles in ireland, dunno if it was irish or polish but it was fucking POTENT! 5g 100€, would last me a week of being awake for 3 days then asleep a few hours thanks to handfuls of diaz..not a healthy lifestyle...
I luv u BCF always the diplomat :)
a MOD in the making shirley