• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Do you hate or really hate the Geico spokesman?

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ok yes i do hate that guy but i hate this guy more

worlds greatest spokesperson???

Exactly, love it or hate it, they've still burned the company name and their selling point (15 minutes could save you 15 percent, etc) in your head.

The scary part of this whole thing is, the advertisement still worked in the grand scheme of things.

yes... true. but would you buy their insurance because of it? hmm
^ there's plenty of anecdotal evidence that annoying ads work well, particularly in market sectors where products all seem very similar and are viewed as commodities. the intent of advertising in this case is simply to burn the name of the brand into your mind so, when you are in the market, the company in on the list of those considered whether you realise it or not.

being noticed and remembered is far more important than not annoying people...

Exactly, love it or hate it, they've still burned the company name and their selling point (15 minutes could save you 15 percent, etc) in your head.

The scary part of this whole thing is, the advertisement still worked in the grand scheme of things.

I always spend those 15 minutes seeing who I can get insurance from for a cheaper rate. Local insurance companies win every time.
I hate that guy, and geico sucks balls. fuck that insurance company. and fuck that stupid bitch from progressive too. I fucking hate commercials and advertising. fuck it all. fuck fuck fuyck I wish I had a hydrogen bomb.
I hate that guy, and geico sucks balls. fuck that insurance company. and fuck that stupid bitch from progressive too. I fucking hate commercials and advertising. fuck it all. fuck fuck fuyck I wish I had a hydrogen bomb.

Better than poetry.
I seen that guy on tv again today and i almost slit my wrists ...does that dude actually get people to buy insurance from them i mean really
I totally agree. I always have to have the remote at my fingertips to either mute, or switch channels when Geico commercials come on, which is every 2 freakin' minutes. My routine is actually to say as I mute or switch channels...Fuck Geico. The quick reply to that ass of a spokesman is ...no, they really can't save me ANY money!
i loath and despise geico's obnoxious ads and that shit head, clown particularly. the fucking monologue comes on so fast that it is practically over before i can hit mute.

tv equivalent of chalk screeching on a black board.
^Haha. you had me crackin up with the first post it takes a lot to actually make me laugh readin some shit on the internet but I was bustin up a few times durin that

I like the insurance commercials with the dude like "I'm a hot babe..I'm out joggin" or when he's in the whip drivin like "omg jenny's not even hot" or whatever that shits pretty funny. At least funny the first few times, they all get old after a while.

That new vampire commercial for Sonic is pretty funny tho.
^ omg! "Mayhem" - i saw some dude dressed up as him for Halloween last year. :)

agreed, the Geico commercials are really irritating and it would be even more irritating if i heard them constantly outside of watching television ('cause that's the only place i hear 'em). poor you, Frank. <3

also, i <3 my insurance company. USAA ftw!
The new Afflack voiceover is appearing in commercials now. He doesn't sound too different from Gilbert either, I don't understand why they didn't go in an entirely different direction. Instead, they tried to mimick Gilbert as much as they could even though we all know it's just some hack trying to impersonate a famous comedian.

I never really gave much thought to the Geico guy before, but now that you mention it that guy does get on my nerves.
I hate Mike McGlone

I have never hated a man more then the Geico Spokesman! His name is Mike McGlone. Every time I hear that stupid, "Could switching to Geico..." I pray, I mean I really pray that I never see this man in person. Without a doubt, I would be doing 25 years to life, for one of the most brutal and horrific murders ever commited in the history of the United States...

As for Geico, I feel that they have almost ruined the entire TV viewing experience. You can not watch an hour of TV, on any channel, at any time, without seeing one of thier bullshit stupid commercials.

Im waiting for the day, when some madman walks into Geico'c headquarters, and just opens fire. Believe me, its going to happen. To add insult to injury, every sporting event you see, has some damn Geico Logo plastered somewhere.

I would do anything for my family, but if Geico were a hospital, and that hospital was the only one that could save the life of my twin 4 year old daughters, I would sadly have to let them die. That is how much evil venom I have for Geico.

Geico, just please die already, just fucking die.

And, I hope I Live longer then Mike McGlone, so I can piss on his grave!
I want to take a baseball bat, and bash his fucking head open...Just watch him bleed to death, and I would just stand over his body and laugh...
Everytime, and I mean everytime I have to endure one of GEICOs bullshit commercials, I call 800 861 8380, Geico's tollfree number, just keep hitting the " 1 " key, and when I get a live operator, I curse the person out! Yes, I know it wont do any good, as to stopping Geicos onslaught of commercials on an every channel 24 hour a day, 7 day a week campaigne, but I feel good afterwards! I guess, if Geico is going to keep pissing me off, Im going to keep pissing Geicos's live operators off!

Childish, very immature, absolutly...But, like I said, if feel I get a modicum of revenge!

Fuck GEICO! Shove the Geico Gecko up Mike McGlones ass! Die Geico, just fucking die already...
Not as bad as the "lost another loan to Ditech" in the old days, or the "can you hear me now" guy.

Wait a second... isnt this thread almost a year old? lol...
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