• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Odd things you think only you do vs. WAIT, YOU TOO?

when I get something off the shelf at a store, I NEVER take the one that's in front. I always get one that's like 2 or 3 behind the front one, or one that doesnt look messed up. yeah im ocd. im aware. lol

^My husband does this too. For me, 5 years working in a supermarket means I'm happy to take the item at the front but will bring two more forward to make it look tidy (facing up)

Haha my husband does this too. :D Not just with food though; with everything.

We were at the craft store as i was purchasing cutting pliers for beading; I had to take each pair out to make sure that they actually closed properly (we'd just bought a pair back that didn't). I found a pair i was happy with, then Pop looked at them, and we bought them. Just as we left the carpark, I took them out of the packet; lo and behold, they weren't the same ones. I looked at him and said "you swapped them for a pair at the back, didn't you". I got a sheepish grin as an answer. AAAAARGH!
It is oddly very comforting to hear I'm not the only one who does that <3
I make up titles for all my friends and address them by their made up title, even in public/if they're hitting on a girl/etc.
I always have to keep the volume on my television at a number that's divisible by 5. Usually '20', '25', or '30'.
^ I never set alarm at number of minutes divisable by 5 ; )
I set at 7:13 etc
I make this noise in my throat by kinda closing off my esophagus with the back of my tongue and then pulling air through it. It sorta sounds like a pigs oink, but its the only think i can do to itch my inner ears area. i had a lot of ear aches when i was a kid and my ears often feel itchy like beyond where you could reach. But the vibrations of making that noise makes it feel better.

Its just weird when i do it in public and people hear it, it really sounds kinda like a pig. Hahah.
I always have to keep the volume on my television at a number that's divisible by 5. Usually '20', '25', or '30'.

I do this with the volume in my car while playing music. The volume increases in halves and I make sure the volume isn't at a "half" mark after I'm done changing the volume.
sometimes when i am eating goldfish crackers like a maniac i can sometimes swallow one and hold it in a pocket? in my throat. I can than talk, drink, etc. fine, than if i clear my throat the cracker comes right up into my mouth unharmed.

unharmed regurgitation ftw.

I remember being tempted to do this after scoring dope but i thought i would choke and die on heroin packets, wouldn't be to glamorous. so i just went with the time tested stash spots.
I make this noise in my throat by kinda closing off my esophagus with the back of my tongue and then pulling air through it. It sorta sounds like a pigs oink, but its the only think i can do to itch my inner ears area. i had a lot of ear aches when i was a kid and my ears often feel itchy like beyond where you could reach. But the vibrations of making that noise makes it feel better.

Mine is more a clucking/clicking sound to "scratch my inner ear". It ends up making my throat feel raw but it is worth it.
I always have to keep the volume on my television at a number that's divisible by 5. Usually '20', '25', or '30'.
ZOMG same. It drives Busty insane, haha. :)

I have always had to sleep with a blanket over myself - no matter how hot it is - ever since I can remember. I just can't sleep otherwise!!
It's another thing that annoys Busty, but we've come to an arrangement where I have a blanket on my side of the bed in the warmer months.

I think I need some weight over me for me to be able to sleep?
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I have always had to sleep with a blanket over myself - no matter how hot it is - ever since I can remember. I just can't sleep otherwise!!
It's another thing that annoys Busty, but we've come to an arrangement where I have a blanket on my side of the bed in the warmer months.

I think I need some weight over me for me to be able to sleep?
I'm the same way--I sleep with a light comforter all summer. Sheets alone don't cut it.
Every time I open a beer or soda I move the top to the left. I've been doing this for 15 years so I would always know which one was mine and I've never actually used that to find my drink.

A friend does the same, but always to the right.

I let the tap run and count till 10 before using the water in the morning. After reading Generation X i got scared of crappy pipes.
I'd rather eat a bucket of rusty nails than sleep without a blanket over me, even if it's 9868706897.3 degrees.
I'd rather eat a bucket of rusty nails than sleep without a blanket over me, even if it's 9868706897.3 degrees.

Damn right, And I dont just mean a blanket tossed over me either! I want that blanket envelop my whole body so that all you can see is my face peeking out from a blanket hoodie.

And oh yeah, I cannot sleep without a fan, some kind of fan, being on so i can hear it running.
i prefer a great weight of blankets on me while i sleep, but i can sleep without any just fine.
i prefer a great weight of blankets on me while i sleep, but i can sleep without any just fine.

I can sleep completely naked, no blanket, on the ground. Hey, if we all happen to lose our belongings, we know who'll sleep at night! :D
I make this noise in my throat by kinda closing off my esophagus with the back of my tongue and then pulling air through it. It sorta sounds like a pigs oink, but its the only think i can do to itch my inner ears area. i had a lot of ear aches when i was a kid and my ears often feel itchy like beyond where you could reach. But the vibrations of making that noise makes it feel better.

Its just weird when i do it in public and people hear it, it really sounds kinda like a pig. Hahah.

I do something kinda-sorta like that too, it sound weird. It used to be out of control and people would be like "what are you doing?" ... yeah I had to change my habits lol!

What else do I do
talk to my hamster
I have a routine in the morning that I have to do otherwise ... the day is ruined
have to have my teddy bear to sleep (yeah, totally didn't grow out of that)
have to brush my teeth immediately before bed
I also have to walk to the bus in the same path every morning. there are tons of different turns that I could take. but if I don't go the same way every day, ughhh, just not good! sometimes my boyfriend wants to go another way. heck no, he can go that way but I will go my way!
I put my pinky upside down in my ear and shake it violently with my other hand to remove ear wax.
I make this noise in my throat by kinda closing off my esophagus with the back of my tongue and then pulling air through it. It sorta sounds like a pigs oink, but its the only think i can do to itch my inner ears area. i had a lot of ear aches when i was a kid and my ears often feel itchy like beyond where you could reach. But the vibrations of making that noise makes it feel better.

Its just weird when i do it in public and people hear it, it really sounds kinda like a pig. Hahah.

lol i just tried it.