• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Odd things you think only you do vs. WAIT, YOU TOO?

I have this mirror on my desk, and sometimes I'll look over and stare at myself and then start making weird faces, laughing at myself for what a retard I am
i hold up certain pieces of laundry and smash my face into it to make the folds. and sometimes i count fingers on people's hands to see if there's 5.
vibby! I do that too! On the odd occasion that i've counted more/less than 5, i get a buzz.
^i met a kid in kathmandu who had an extra thumb sticking out the side of his hand.

when waiting at a pedestrian crossing, if i see an opening in the traffic for me to walk through, i am mindful of people blindly following me onto the road (VERY common around the city). if i do see some blind followers, i get their attention and point out any vehicles potentially harmful to them. i've done this so many times, it has become instinctual. i do it without thinking.
hah you give me way too much credit for even thinking i get to it while it's still warm!
I shave without my glasses on, so often I'll miss a patch or two. But today I missed the whole bottom end of my neck beard, so I wound up with like a chinstrap that went down to my adam's apple.
It drives me nuts if towels are crooked on the towel rack in the bathroom or if the bathmat's crumpled up. I just have to straighten them when I'm walking past - I actually think it's indicative of some deeper disturbing psychological thing, it's too weird not to be! Other than that I'm not particularly neat or tidy, my car is quite feral when I think about it so I'm not sure where I get this from.

I'm sure there's more but I can't think of them at the moment. I'm not sure if I want to! I'm quite weird sometimes, it's good to know I'm not alone given the replies to this thread ;)
For me, the toilet paper roll must dispense from the top. The type of paper used is another issue entirely.
as do i, but only to keep a track of my mileage.
i will only buy cigarettes from clerks i know
if i switch stores i buy gas a couple times first until i feel comfortable
there is no rational reason for this
prior to exiting the shower i shake off any access water that's on myself

makes dryingoff easier, i think
when I get something off the shelf at a store, I NEVER take the one that's in front. I always get one that's like 2 or 3 behind the front one, or one that doesnt look messed up. yeah im ocd. im aware. lol
^My husband does this too. For me, 5 years working in a supermarket means I'm happy to take the item at the front but will bring two more forward to make it look tidy (facing up)
I go days without talking to anyone. I can also go weeks with out have a proper balanced meal. A pop-tart for dinner, an orange, and a couple of crackers... sure, why not.