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What Really Turns You Off?

Why do girls talk about axe-murderers and serial killer so much? I heard that stuff a lot at my old party-school university. Saw lots of girls carrying around copies of Helter Skelter too.
Attention seeking chicks - especially girls that try to be 'one of the lads'. You aren't. Fuck off.

Also, girls fighting each other is an ultimate turn off. Catty verbal stuff is bad, but scragging chicks is cringeworthy.
Why do girls talk about axe-murderers and serial killer so much? I heard that stuff a lot at my old party-school university. Saw lots of girls carrying around copies of Helter Skelter too.

I don't know, I guess they want to get axed? But yeah I've seen the same shit. Its pretty weird.
when it comes to just SEX - girls who try too hard - acting like porn stars, no real flow at all - not a propa flex, just fake and "choreographed".

I'll write more later - but this one + not moving at all - wow that really makes my cock droop from erect to floppy as fuck.

Oh - if I think a girl is experiencing unpleasant pain - then that really turns me off...if it's a good kinda pain then it's easy to tell but with some practices there's a fine line.
chicks who want to be choked. Go hang out in an alley in the Bronx until some serious sado-masochistic excitement finds you...
^ awww fo shizzle my nizzle. haha. Yeah I never seen a white girl pull them off.

When a girl is seriously ditzy - I need a girl to be intellectually sound for me to fuck her, otherwise it's just base instinct domination sex, which I'm not so keen on anymore, now I've grown up a bit. Will add more tomorrow. *ponders*
People who aren't open ... if they are judgmental, I don't want to deal with that stuff ... I like to be open and honest!
Well, that is three I fit to the "T" - my dating pool is shrinking by the second! WTF? I thought guys liked chicks that were sluts in the bedroom, low maintenance (I can be ready to leave the house after waking in about 10 minutes) and enjoyed having someone to get high with! I can't help but feel a little defeated.

FYI, The Green Mile is an excellent book and a damn good movie. So there!

lol, well they can be a slut in the bedroom all they like as long as it is just for me, I hate "boring in bed" girls or girls who would barely touch you. I am on about being slutty in public, i.e. talk about how many guys they have banged and have a reputation of being easy. The drug use thing is no problem (I used to get stoned with my ex often) its a problem when they are smoking joints daily or shooting up heroin in the corner whilst I make dinner, basicly any use which is more than once or twice a week or is habitual is a no go.
being judgmental
bad breath
excessive body odor
lack of interest in activities I enjoy (no effort to join or take interest)
following 'pop' culture/idolizing celebrities/reading tabloids/giving a general fuck about television
lack of individual style/personality
lack of sense of humor/doesn't understand my jokes
sobriety (some wear it well, most often not)
lack of interest in sports
attention seekers
seeking/creating/enjoying drama (save that shit for yo' mamma)
over-inflated opinion of one's self (be confident - not cocky)
fake tan
fake tits
any plastic surgery that isn't reconstructive
lack of endowment in the male genitalia region
lack of a vice (gotta be doing something 'wrong...' it's a turn on for me)
passion (don't care what it's for, but you need to feel strongly about something)
jersey shore types
gym rats
huge muscles (buff-ness...yuck)
-Lacking a decent education, both the formal and informal aspects of it.
-Constant Vanilla sex, come on! I cut people open and stick my arms up to my elbows in people's viscera, it's not so much to ask you place my bathed, buffed, toe in your mouth or let me hit ya on the arse a few times.
-Bad fingernails. Not metrosexual like, just filed smooth, clean and not filled with gung underneath please.
-A lack, of, well, SWAG, carry yourself with some god damned bloody pride mate! I want 'fuckyea.jpg' guy not 'o.k.'.jpg guy.
-Faked passion.
-Lack of passion.
lol... what is wrong with bartending/people who bartend?

it's a wonderful profession
I personally won't date anyone in the business of the making, shipping, or selling of pastries.
Ill add more:
-bad breath
-too much muscles (ew, ew, ew, ew)
-if you're a dude and don't cut your nails, that shit is gross
-unibrows (lol just no)
-feet in general, I mean get them away from me
-if a guy is obsessed with feet, I mean they gross me out, so if you're all over them its not really turning me on.
-smokers cough
-rednecks (any guy who reminds me of the country)
-ones who act like a momma's boy
-guys who act another race than their own (I have so many white guys who hit on me and think they have to act a certain way.... I mean does being mixed cause these guys to flock my way?? DO NOT WANT. I like white guys (other races/ethnicities too, just only experienced it with some white guys in my area) but if you think you need to act a certain way or you just do then its not happening.)