NASADD Social v. Ohline's got no gun and it's Welderman's fucking birthday

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etim vs barbodza fotn that going to be a war i dont get it 20% of rumble purse is like 2% of the phenoms so dana offered him the chance to not make weight himself but he said im a pro fuck that im making 185 im on the dolce diet and he aint cheap that is for sure . personally i hate mike dolce look what he has done to rampage
watch dana vlogs on vlog 142 number 2 it explains a bit more on rumble situation the ufc docs told him he would die if he cut anymore he could not feel his legs
im not watching it..the end of this football gmae is intense and then the bulls game is on

i put the fights on at 9
etim vs barbodza fotn that going to be a war i dont get it 20% of rumble purse is like 2% of the phenoms so dana offered him the chance to not make weight himself but he said im a pro fuck that im making 185 im on the dolce diet and he aint cheap that is for sure . personally i hate mike dolce look what he has done to rampage
watch dana vlogs on vlog 142 number 2 it explains a bit more on rumble situation the ufc docs told him he would die if he cut anymore he could not feel his legs

yeah, i saw the vlog. but come on.. dude "almost died" cutting weight and yet looked just fine at the weigh-ins and is fighting a legend tonight. that's complete horse-shit. he's missed weight for 3 fucking fights in his career.

and rampage has just peaked imo.

agreed about etim/barboza though.

im not watching it..the end of this football gmae is intense and then the bulls game is on

i put the fights on at 9

yeah, most people i know are watching football also. never was my thing..

brazilians - 1 everyone else - 1
i would think you would be all over it in WV

then again its not like you got a pro team..but morgantown is always rumblin they always good
yeah page peaked in when he took the belt off chuck its just the dolce diet seems a con he charges a fortune
rumble looked fine in the weigh in lorenzo looked pissed , dana not so i reckon if he losses he may be cut ,this arj situation though put some hype into the card the internet is buzzing about it just look at sherdog
looking foward to the next ufc on fox sonnen is a beast and funny has fuck have you ever seen the interview with arwiel arwani it is about 20 minutes long comedy gold mate WANDERLAI your a immigrant from brazil and im a gangster from america the mean streets of west linn oregon
i would think you would be all over it in WV

then again its not like you got a pro team..but morgantown is always rumblin they always good

yeah man, i dunno. like i said, it's not my thing. but it would make sense with morgantown. it's a pretty legit college student city. also where our stadium is..

yeah page peaked in when he took the belt off chuck its just the dolce diet seems a con he charges a fortune
rumble looked fine in the weigh in lorenzo looked pissed , dana not so i reckon if he losses he may be cut ,this arj situation though put some hype into the card the internet is buzzing about it just look at sherdog

oh it's definitely generated buzz. i use bloodyelbow for my MMA info and they've had atleast 3 threads that have created a shit-ton of hilarious responses to dude missing weight again.

and poor omigawa's arm.

looking foward to the next ufc on fox sonnen is a beast and funny has fuck have you ever seen the interview with arwiel arwani it is about 20 minutes long comedy gold mate WANDERLAI your a immigrant from brazil and im a gangster from america the mean streets of west linn oregon

i fucking love chael. so very much.

dunno if i saw the helwani interview, but i saw a rogan interview with him saying that he doesn't hype fights. the look on joe's face after he says it is fucking priceless.

yeah sonnen is in my top5 favourite fighters more for his personality but credit 4 the anderson silva war and how he destroyed brian stann he looked like the terminator that night
he is the only man who can stop silva at mw will we see the fight again anderson dont want none of it thats for sure
some guy on the prelimes got his arm broke OH?

i dont get it..tap motherfucker cause if you break your arm your gonna lose the fight anyways, so save yourself the mess
persoanlly i dont think andersons heart is into fighting anymore..when youve been so dominant for so many years it tends to get lonely at the top
yeah sonnen is in my top5 favourite fighters more for his personality but credit 4 the anderson silva war and how he destroyed brian stann he looked like the terminator that night
he is the only man who can stop silva at mw will we see the fight again anderson dont want none of it thats for sure

dominating anderson silva for 4 rounds is nothing to scoff at. i don't even care if dude was taking PEDs or not. at least he (unlike every other MMA fighter) completely owned that shit, saying at a Q & A to test it again because it should have been higher. then thoroughly picking apart stann..

entertaining on all fronts.

some guy on the prelimes got his arm broke OH?

i dont get it..tap motherfucker cause if you break your arm your gonna lose the fight anyways, so save yourself the mess

dude, omigawa's elbow was completely reversed. it wasn't pretty. and agreed about the tapping... dude still lost.

persoanlly i dont think andersons heart is into fighting anymore..when youve been so dominant for so many years it tends to get lonely at the top

yeah, and all the injuries i've seen lately.. ehh, they're a little suspect. andy, GSP..

then again i wouldn't want to fight chael sonnen or nick diaz, either.
also, vitor has officially weighed in (tonight) at 206 and apple crumble 211.

not bad at all.
do you think he was that weight when he lnp dan hardy cause he looked a weight class bigger than hardy and dan aint a small ww. i bet he comes in at 188 on fight night
has dan hardy been cut have not heard nothing about him 4 time , gsp showed the blueprint to beat 99% of british fighters wrestling just hope etim does uk a good service
i'm sure he was. a lot of MMA fighters put on quite a bit of weight after weigh-ins. johnson is definitely not an exception.

that being said, i'm not a dan hardy fan either way (also not a johnson fan, nor is that a dig at the UK). he's on a four fight losing streak, i think? albeit all to pretty decent competition.. i just don't understand why he still has a job. it's obvious that dana just loves his british fighters (hardy, bisping). they can't do any wrong, really.

and i'm still not sure who to pick in the etim/barboza fight. hopefully it's as awesome as everyone expects it to be.
the real qestion id why is gonzaga still fighting, the dude was an overhyped scrub

and its crazy that fighters can put back on 15pounds in one day after weigh what they have to weigh 185 for the official weighin but less then 205 on fight day? as big of a fan as i am i never really paid attention ot the weigh ins and the technicalities to it
gonzaga is a solid gatekeeper. but that's about it..

and you can weigh whatever the fuck you want on fight day as long as you make weight. overeem (according to insiders) allegedly weighs roughly 30 pounds more than at weigh-ins. it's pretty ridiculous.
Rousimar Palhares vs. Mike Massenzio
Erick Silva vs. Carlo Prater
Edson Barboza vs. Terry Etim

i dont even know any of these dudes..they could have put together a better card then this
why do you think edgar is a cardio machine and never tires he fights at his natural weight apparently in edgar maynard 2 gray was 180 frankie was 155 that kid can go all night and can take a punch
@chinky you should just watch more MMA.

barboza/etim has FOTN written all over it (if aldo/mendes gets decisioned (which could definitely happen per aldo's last couple of fights))
i watch it but i dont study it

i just looked at all those dude wiki pages and yeah now kinda know who some of them are but not off the top of my head
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