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Drugs Inc..


Aug 2, 2011
Anyone watching the Nat Geo show "Drugs Inc"??

This Sunday they are airing the Ecstasy episode.. Wonder if it will be any good, or include any info about the whole adulterated state of things.. or even mention piperazine?
I don't think this is the right spot for this thread..

But yeah. I was wondering the same thing. Definitely going to try to catch that. I hope that it will be a well rounded presentation.

I remember ABC did a documentary in 2004 called Ecstasy Rising. I was impressed by how well they showed it from a very neutral standpoint. I'd recommend it if you've never seen it. I'm sure you can find it somewhere out there on the internet.
I don't think this is the right spot for this thread..

But yeah. I was wondering the same thing. Definitely going to try to catch that. I hope that it will be a well rounded presentation.

I remember ABC did a documentary in 2004 called Ecstasy Rising. I was impressed by how well they showed it from a very neutral standpoint. I'd recommend it if you've never seen it. I'm sure you can find it somewhere out there on the internet.

Just watched it.. Pretty damn good program.
is this new? i remember there being a few shows like this about Ecstasy, incredibley interesting imo.
ohohh "drugged: high on Ecstasy" was more negative towards the drug but it was funny because they'd feed him some MDMA and question him as he was rolling, and you could just tell by his face how much fun he was having. at one point one of teh guys does this 'fuck i feel good' sorta rub to his face then goes "i just wanna dance"

i think this is more of a DrugsInTheMedia thread btw :)
is this new? i remember there being a few shows like this about Ecstasy, incredibley interesting imo.
ohohh "drugged: high on Ecstasy" was more negative towards the drug but it was funny because they'd feed him some MDMA and question him as he was rolling, and you could just tell by his face how much fun he was having. at one point one of teh guys does this 'fuck i feel good' sorta rub to his face then goes "i just wanna dance"

i think this is more of a DrugsInTheMedia thread btw :)

Yea its a totally new episode/series.. I watched drugged too it wasn't that good.. homeboy was comedy tho.

They have aired episodes on crack, cocaine, and heroin so far they have all been really good inclusive shows.
I watched the episode last night on.ecstasy and thought it was totally one.sided bullshit like most shows on drugs. They made no.mention of piperzines or the numerous other chemicals that are being made in pills these days. They showed a electronic festival where one guy stumbler out and they called an ambulence and they asked whats wrong to the guy and the dumbfick is like I took 2 ecstasy pills and feel like I'm Gona die. His heart was puonding and he was having heart palpatTions and seeing crazy visuals and the medic just said ur having a bad reaction to the ecstasy. No u dumbfuck asshole hes having a bad reaction to piperzines. Why the Fuck do these news organizations not do there proper research on the drug instead of just saying ecstasy is causing deaths. 90% of the pills in the US do not contain mdma yet they made no mention of that. They made it sound like u can just go anywhere and find real ecstasy. Its stories like that that will cause deaths by not warning the public bout the dangerous drugs being passed off as ecstasy!
I say everybody write an email to the national geographic channel telling them how misinformed they are and the shit.they put on the last night was complete utter one sided garbage
I say everybody write an email to the national geographic channel telling them how misinformed they are and the shit.they put on the last night was complete utter one sided garbage

I totally agree.. it was total bullshit.
I watched the episode last night on.ecstasy and thought it was totally one.sided bullshit like most shows on drugs. They made no.mention of piperzines or the numerous other chemicals that are being made in pills these days. They showed a electronic festival where one guy stumbler out and they called an ambulence and they asked whats wrong to the guy and the dumbfick is like I took 2 ecstasy pills and feel like I'm Gona die. His heart was puonding and he was having heart palpatTions and seeing crazy visuals and the medic just said ur having a bad reaction to the ecstasy. No u dumbfuck asshole hes having a bad reaction to piperzines. Why the Fuck do these news organizations not do there proper research on the drug instead of just saying ecstasy is causing deaths. 90% of the pills in the US do not contain mdma yet they made no mention of that. They made it sound like u can just go anywhere and find real ecstasy. Its stories like that that will cause deaths by not warning the public bout the dangerous drugs being passed off as ecstasy!

Exactly what i was thinking.. that dude got piped and they didn't even mention adulteration..
It was a total ignorant report on ecstasy. It was a bash ecstasy report and for that reason I'm not watching anymore episodes of that show! Not one mention of adulteration. They made it sound as if real mdma can b bought on any street corner or club. No mention of pillreports a whole website designed for harm reduction due to the fact that 90% of the pills today are fake. Smfh!!
Yanker: Is it worth watching mate? I missed it as I was on the way back to college. I had a feeling they would play it down to this dangerous drug that kills.

It's fucking bullshit when such a beautiful thing is made out to be this substance where if you take it you might die. Fuck all those guys who do those documentaries because I know they have no idea what they are talking about.
It wasn't even very informational to be honest. They followed 1 group who rolled by a bonfire and one guy that went to the club. They made no reference to the adulterated stuff being put in pills and just made it seem during the last segment that if u take e u may die. Lol that's bout as positive they got w ignore they had one segment showing a therapist using it during a session that's bout the only halfway decent segment there was. They made no reference to how the drug pulls people together gets rig of inhibitions and allows u to be Urself. They really didn't go to much into the effects of the drug. It was almost as if the whole story was done by my mom who has never even smoked weed in her life. That's how poorly it was put together. I'm sure anyone of us off of bluelight could've put together a much more unbiased real fact story together. Its up to u if u want to see it but to be honest I saw thaw crack one the week before and they just suck reporting these stories. They should really have people report on em who is in the scene or at least has knoweledge of what there talking bout
Yeah I get ya thanks mate. After my gf rolled it has opened her eyes into the beauty of MDMA. She was so scared to try it because f all the shit she has heard in the media and in the full of shit D.A.R.E program which is a waste of time and money.

I have learnt more from my friends and on here, PR, erowid and Edata than any documentary or so called "expert opinion" atricle by some fuckwit who doesn't know shit about the drug.
eh :(
i just re-watched it and im pretty sure at one point they said "it's blamed for the death of thousands of ravers".
the only part i appreciated was the psychotherapy part.
lol they shoulda shot it in chicago
they have no idea the PLUR going on here and its everywhere north burbs to south burbs
atleast the mtv true life showed them on legit rolls same w the abc joint
i've watched every episode except the one on ecstacy. overall it's pretty balanced, kind of made heroin look bad but it was super interesting to see how it's made and distributed, same with the episode on crack where they go into south america, some of it is redundant but overall i learned quite a bit for a series on drugs. They also made methamphetamine look pretty bad but the research they show about meth addiction is quite interesting. I guess you have to pick it a part and find the good things, ignore the bullshit. The episode on hash was also kind of cool although there were parts i hated.
i've watched every episode except the one on ecstacy. overall it's pretty balanced, kind of made heroin look bad but it was super interesting to see how it's made and distributed, same with the episode on crack where they go into south america, some of it is redundant but overall i learned quite a bit for a series on drugs. They also made methamphetamine look pretty bad but the research they show about meth addiction is quite interesting. I guess you have to pick it a part and find the good things, ignore the bullshit. The episode on hash was also kind of cool although there were parts i hated.

Yea the other specials I thought were good bc they did show where it came from and dist routes etc.. I thought for sure they would cover some underground labs..
I watched the episode last night on.ecstasy and thought it was totally one.sided bullshit like most shows on drugs. They made no.mention of piperzines or the numerous other chemicals that are being made in pills these days. They showed a electronic festival where one guy stumbler out and they called an ambulence and they asked whats wrong to the guy and the dumbfick is like I took 2 ecstasy pills and feel like I'm Gona die. His heart was puonding and he was having heart palpatTions and seeing crazy visuals and the medic just said ur having a bad reaction to the ecstasy. No u dumbfuck asshole hes having a bad reaction to piperzines. Why the Fuck do these news organizations not do there proper research on the drug instead of just saying ecstasy is causing deaths. 90% of the pills in the US do not contain mdma yet they made no mention of that. They made it sound like u can just go anywhere and find real ecstasy. Its stories like that that will cause deaths by not warning the public bout the dangerous drugs being passed off as ecstasy!

ya man that shit was crazy......like hw the fuck cud u feel like that off just mdma........ARGH!!