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You know you're an Etard when...

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you know your an etard when you wake up the next day with no money cause you bought all your friends shit throughout the night, and immediately want to quit ciggarrettes cause you realize how many packs you smoked that night
1 ) you'll pay five dollars for a bottle of water.
2 ) ...And leave a tip!
3 ) you give your gold necklace to someone in exchange for one made of candy.
4 ) you think neon blue and pastel pink match.
5 ) sewing glowsticks into your clothes is an awesome idea!
6 ) you've ever gone to the washroom and returned with six new friends.
7 ) your pacifier lights up.
8 ) you know that fake fur feels cooler when it's pink.
9 ) Happy Hardcore is your favorite genre of music. ( It is mine! :D )
10 ) you've ever "plugged". (Eww...)
11 ) the combined weight of all the LEDs and batteries you're wearing has heft.
12 ) you've opened your eyes mid-dance and were startled when you remembered there was a world.

00) u can't stop smiling every time your feet hit the floor to the ultrabeat!
When you've left the club with your friends and began walking to the train station. The group stops, looks around in confusion, realizes two minutes later that you've all stopped for no reason, continue walking, repeat.
My vision of E-Tarded is more like... Slow, emotionless, bad memory, anxious.
Oh man, reading through this thread is hillarriousss.

You know you're an E-Tard when you go through the entire day feeling like a zombie and as soon as you realize you're going back for round 2, feel normal again.

And anywhere I go rolling, I am pretty much guaranteed to become best friends with at least 5 people.
you also know your an etard when you have used up empty vicks inhalers scattered througout your hourse and or car from weeks ago. and you come across one in your room one morning and even though your sober you decide to get some sniffs out of it and pretend your rolling for a second
You know you're an e tard when you've rolled for 2 days straight and stand at the toilet for an hour trying to piss one drop.
when you go round giving bits of your mandy away for free to people who ask and then when you sober up relise that it took you 2 months to source that gram and the supplier is out... :X
When you just made an appointment with your doctor to see if you can get a prescription for tropicamide, paremyd or pholedrine eye drops, because huge pupils are pretty<3
All your kittens are passed out on your lap because you've been petting them for hours on end.

You start looking up your estranged father so you can say "hi" and that you forgive him. But then give up because someone plugged in the fog machine.
You empty your pockets after great night find 4 lighters, a laser pointer, 10 glow bracelets, and four phone numbers with no names attached.

guilty as of monday
1) You wonder how you're on bluelight and you're a greenlighter
2) You climb a tree clamining to be a spider monkey and throw paper ninja stars at people
3) You've done so much eX you never lose the feeling because the magic is permanently in you
4) You beat off to pillreports
5) You wish they made wallpaper with different pills on it
6) You realize that before mandy came into your life you weren't really living
7) Depression is real....and it sucks...until you hear about some new pills then its gone
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you know you're an e-tard when you're rolling at home with friends get super excited to grab something out of your room. Go to your room for 5 secs. Then sit back down next to them with nothing in your hands, then they ask you where is it. and you reply with where is what?

lmao we're allllllllllllllllllllll guilty of this at some point. :D
"When you are rolling so hard, you ask yourself a question in your head and start giving the answer to a friend next to you."

haha so many times have i done this
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