Social What's your non drug addiction?

Getting in my own way, haha.

Used to be more avoidant but that's going pretty well.

Halfway pursuing things but then dropping it after getting a good amount of time. Don't have ADD.

I can relate with the helping people part- I'll volunteer and do work sometimes when I probably should take a break or pace it out. I've been helping a friend move and pack up stuff but too many hours right now.

Use to obsess about time and thinking about thinking and reading and many other things, but that is better.

Internet and youtube, videos on 1.5, 1.75, 2x speed. Apparently I'll just watch 6 hours on machining or something I'll never do...because yeah
Playing music. I'm totally addicted to it. Which is good because my band is touring a lot. My girl doesn't really like it, but no damn way am I going to stop. It's what at least 50% of all of my thoughts are about. If I had to choose between playing music or drugs, I'd choose music in a heartbeat. Of course, a lot of the time part of the whole music scene is drugs, so... I don't have to choose... though I do have to stay on top of it and moderate.
Playing music. I'm totally addicted to it. Which is good because my band is touring a lot. My girl doesn't really like it, but no damn way am I going to stop. It's what at least 50% of all of my thoughts are about. If I had to choose between playing music or drugs, I'd choose music in a heartbeat. Of course, a lot of the time part of the whole music scene is drugs, so... I don't have to choose... though I do have to stay on top of it and moderate.

Yeah same here, not sure why I didn't think of that. If it wasn't for music I don't know what I'd do. I practice guitar every day for 2-3 hours.
Also have an addiction to:
Skincare my skins great even with using but I have an obsession with products and I get Botox and I have all these little jars of testers as I always want to try new products, my bf goes “off ya go to put $300 on your face befor we leave the shop” it’s actually a problem. I don’t wear makeup well rarely... yeah I’m crazy!

My teeth always looking at them, I have a complex about them especially when people comment about my front teeth being yellow! They are fake, I fell over when I was 19 and smashed them and couldn’t really afford to get them fixed properly then and still can’t now ??

Cleaning I think it’s called OCD

IM also addicted to my bed and sleeping, naps are life
Been dumping WAYYY too much money into the cars, trucks, and bikes lately. Now that I've been sober for years (from drugs, booze is still work in progress, slowly getting there) I'm bored and miserable so I've been trying to fill that void with material possessions (which doesn't help lol)
Stealing and video games. Anything for that adrenaline kick. Haven't been caught yet. Also I've never lost a game either.... ;)

I have an obsession with this lingerie shop in Australia called Honey Birdette, so much not only do I have to have the whole set... When I take it home I just leave in it's bag so it's stays together.

It's like currency with woman I look over at my computer and an unopened bag from a few weeks ago.

I had to stop seeing as I had the whole shop apart from the latex and a few toys.

It's bad...