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Film What's the Last Film You Saw? v. Tell Us What You Thought!

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With Joseph Gordon Levitt and Seth Rogen. Very good comedy-drama. There were parts where I almost cried and parts where I nearly choked laughing so hard.

i tried to watch bridesmaids cuz i was quite drunk, but then i was too drunk and passed out.

I tried to watch Bridesmades while drunk and ended up playing solitaire on my laptop, so I don't think we missed much.
I just watched that old Movie "what's eating Gilbert Grape", I found on my computer. Now I haven't seen this movie since a kid sometime. Dunno if it is cos I currently have the flu, or my depression, or the alcohol consumed earlier, but I actually started mildly tearing up and almost cried a couple of times near the end during What's eating Gilbert Grape. Lol. Now I don't watch a hell of a lot of movies at all and certainly don't usually get that emotional. Am I just amusing myself now, or does anyone think almost crying during this 1993 film is possible lol.

Drive 8/10

I really enjoyed this, the whole 80's undertone with a simple yet effective story shot through a sequence of stylistic scenes.. the character interaction felt slightly awkward at times im not sure if that was the intention or simply the style the director was going for, i'll probably watch it again at some point.. alot of people really hated the music in this but i thought it was great; it really meshed well with the atmosphere.
I just watched that old Movie "what's eating Gilbert Grape", I found on my computer. Now I haven't seen this movie since a kid sometime. Dunno if it is cos I currently have the flu, or my depression, or the alcohol consumed earlier, but I actually started mildly tearing up and almost cried a couple of times near the end during What's eating Gilbert Grape. Lol. Now I don't watch a hell of a lot of movies at all and certainly don't usually get that emotional. Am I just amusing myself now, or does anyone think almost crying during this 1993 film is possible lol.
Crying during this film is certainly possible. Excellent movie. :)

Unknown , took me four go's before I finished watching it, Neeson is a boring actor.


The debt, now this on the other hand was brilliant.
American History X (1998 )

Finally got around to seeing this. Definitely an intense (and sad) story. I sort of want to watch it again as I was already an Edward Norton fan and he was most impressive in this movie. He was so perfectly the out-of-control, hate-filled racist, and so perfectly the reformed man. He was so intense in all the flashback scenes, especially the shootout/curbstomp sequence.

Knocked Up (2007)

I had heard about how funny this movie was for years and I'm glad I finally sat down and watched it. Seth Rogen and Leslie Mann did an awesome job in their roles. I thought I was going to be disappointed with it, but it was really funny. Also a nice change after American History X. :)


Finally got around to this one, and I was genuinely impressed, with mixed reservations. This might be one of the first great biopics, but it has its flaws, much like it's subject. Sometimes it's like watching a boring 1950's war movie, and sometimes you could swear it's where Scorcese got The Aviator from. At the very least, it gave me an appreciation of George C. Scott for showing us so much of a character, yet leaving him a mystery to the end, as he was in life. Throughout, it felt more like he was gleaning great insights into the audience, rather than the other way around. The man was so entirely his own person, he is inspiring in that he dares us all to be as willful and downright interesting.
Shutter (2008 )

I usually post positive reviews, but that's largely because I haven't seen a lot of movies the last few years, so when I do watch a movie I usually have a good idea of whether I'll like it beforehand or not. This movie was fuckin' rubbish. I was kind of hoping there was going to be some cool twist or something that made it more of a worthwhile watch, but no that did not happen. I only watched it because my friend was talking about how creepy it was. It seemed way too much like The Ring, except that The Ring was actually creepy and Naomi Watts is way hotter than the blonde that was the lead female role in this film.
Saw The Immortals last night. I enjoy Greek mythology and whatnot, so I loved the film. Very badass cinematics, though it was kind of long and Im usually not able to sit through movies, this one entertained me the whole way no problems.

Was good.. Besides their only being 12 titans, yet somehow they ended up killing at least 24.. Don't know how that works, but whatever. 9/10
Some of my favorite movies:


Waking life

Inglorious Bastards

Forrest Gump

It's a wonderful life

What's eating Gilbert Grape

La grande vadrouille

Donnie Darko

Lilya 4-Ever

*ucking amal (Show Me Love)


Festen (The Celebration)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

The Big Lebowski

Before sunset

Before sunrise

The Pianist

American Beauty
whatup kx_,

glad to see a new face in F&T. especially one with such fine taste. but as the title suggests, this thread is for bluelighters to post about a movie they just saw. if you wanna post about your favorite movies we have a top 5 thread. i can see you have more than 5, but no one will stone you for including a few runner-ups. seems like your second post is videos made up of clips from feature films? or are they just short films themselves? either way, unless you are telling us about watching them yesterday, might wanna post about them in our social thread. we used to have a thread for interesting (not silly) videos found on the internet, but i believe that is gone now; feel free to start it again.
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Shutter (2008 )

I usually post positive reviews, but that's largely because I haven't seen a lot of movies the last few years, so when I do watch a movie I usually have a good idea of whether I'll like it beforehand or not. This movie was fuckin' rubbish. I was kind of hoping there was going to be some cool twist or something that made it more of a worthwhile watch, but no that did not happen. I only watched it because my friend was talking about how creepy it was. It seemed way too much like The Ring, except that The Ring was actually creepy and Naomi Watts is way hotter than the blonde that was the lead female role in this film.

The original Thai version is way better. Way better.

Water for elephants, bit of a girly flick but it was alright.
This was a hard movie for me to sit through-I wouldn't call an animal abusing,wife beating,drunk husband a girly movie-but the end was DEFINITELY girly-I'll give you that. ;)
I guess as an animal activist and ex beaten g/f,I am biased. but good old american film endings....what can I say-it was ok,but an alternate end would have made it MUCH better!
^you got me there! but I am a strict HBO or On Demand viewer....and a lesbian-lifetime is like my kryptonite! ;)

this one has been on my list for a while. like a decade. unfortunately i went into it far from expectation-free. it had one of the highest predicted ratings of all the netflix movies i haven't seen. i've heard countless times about how strange, disturbing, yet must see it is. the biggest spoiler of all, i heard it called "the real Kids."

and yeah. i like it. a lot. a decent production value, a wavy but thought-out plot, tight dialogue, all in combination and contrast with such a raw feeling cast. made for a gritty, often ugly kind of beautiful. i need to watch it again. because it deserves a second viewing, because i could not make out a lot of the dialogue, because i saw it with a friend.

calling it "the rural Kids" would be more accurate than "the real." also reminded me of "Some Folks Call It a Sling Blade."
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