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What is wrong with the MDMA available today?

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Absolutely I agree with you.
He’s had mdma before with no problems, and was an experienced user with zero previous mental problems.

Beats me what it was but it was sold as mdma and scared the living daylights out of us all
that is n-ethylpetntone trips full mania psychosis some crazy shit
Don't disgrace this beautiful drug as that, it's the most beautiful treasure in the world. Sex/music/activities/social situations all you don't and want. Doing mdma multiple days in a row it's pointless, so it wasn't Eve fault ( another name for MDMA ). This being said, if you don't know how to use it, if you don't know how to control yourself so your anxiety doesn't go through the roof, isn't drugs faults. It's yours, in his case, him. And MDMA nowadays isn't even washed with meth or speed, it's full of household killers...
@Meth novice 79

I think we got a newbie in the drug world though isn't nothing to be ashamed, isn't a competition, haha, relax, lol. As green, weed, right, it's and I think 99% of the people who are dealers, not kids, will tell you this, it's mixed with oregano so it looks bigger on scale. In MDMA cases isn't the ''size/weight'' issue, it's the effect. Nowadays they use PMK a lot. Lab owners are pathological liars, they manipulate you so well that you actually belive that shit it's a - BIRD not a bottle - as e.g. At the end of the day as everyone else, they just want their money so they go home and give to their cousin some $ for wedding, pay the kindergarten, rent, have a little bit of fun with themselves here and there. Taste a bit of life. But even back then, the difference wasn't that huge with Eve, you wouldn't crunch your teeth, the euhopria will be a lot more natural. So to end this in a nice way, nowadays they are called ''Grains''
@Meth novice 79

I think we got a newbie in the drug world though isn't nothing to be ashamed, isn't a competition, haha, relax, lol. As green, weed, right, it's and I think 99% of the people who are dealers, not kids, will tell you this, it's mixed with oregano so it looks bigger on scale. In MDMA cases isn't the ''size/weight'' issue, it's the effect. Nowadays they use PMK a lot. Lab owners are pathological liars, they manipulate you so well that you actually belive that shit it's a - BIRD not a bottle - as e.g. At the end of the day as everyone else, they just want their money so they go home and give to their cousin some $ for wedding, pay the kindergarten, rent, have a little bit of fun with themselves here and there. Taste a bit of life. But even back then, the difference wasn't that huge with Eve, you wouldn't crunch your teeth, the euhopria will be a lot more natural. So to end this in a nice way, nowadays they are called ''Grains''

Eh I’m just buzzing and enjoying talking about and hearing others stories.
Apologies if I offend
I stand in the middle of this conversation, like I said I only buy in person but I also don’t know the DN well enough to speak on the product quality validity.

I will say during the drought, when the best pills in the entire world were right at my fingertips, it was rumored these pills were being produced by the Polish mafia. Many of the guys who got these pills were rough gangster types, the first presses that came out I got through my GD friend (Gangster Disciples) but over time more and more hippy types had them. The few times I came across quantities were off fairly rough dudes.

These were pills that old 90’s ravers were saying they were the best they’d had since the 90’s...

In the end I don’t know enough about DN product but Hilo if you say it was that difficult to find product that looked like clear clean shards on the web, I can only assume my IRL connections are better. I’d say 70-80% of the time the product I get is nicely formed, clear or almost clear crystals. The rest is product that may have slight amber color but still beautiful crystal definition and not this rock garbage I see constantly on Reddit.


Can you link me pictures of what you mean by "clear and beautiful crystal definition" vs the rocks you see on Reddit? Just curious to learn the difference.
product i had this time was a bit of a root beer smell just light tan crystal that was more white when crushed up snorting kicked in within 15 minutes and a rush of love and rolling lasted for a good duration.

Yeah I had that type my first 2 times, and were super beautiful experiences. Doubt I'll ever get to that level again.
So here are some links to “rocks” notice how they appear to be lots of small crystals molded into one solid mass.

Now more pure product will either be straight crystals like these pictures...

Or fused but still showing some growth patterns, like these...

Now the last two pictures of assumed fused product, I put up for a reason. Notice how the first of those two pictures, the chunks seem more “blocky” with less sharp jagged pieces, more rounded overall. Notice how the second picture appears more jagged, sharper edges.

It is my belief that these two represent the difference between a “meh” batch and a “magic” batch. The few so-so batches I’ve come across have been blocky like that, and it’s my impression these are likely cut with something to give bigger better crystals.

Idk it takes time and experience to look at an MDMA crystal and make judgements. For me personally it’s all about if I can find a few well defined crystals amongst the fused mass, some times you have to break a chunk to find them but other times they’re visible on the outside. Also the clarity of the crystals is important too.

I go by smell too. It should either be scentless or have the faintest hint of safrole. Heavy smelling safrole product can be good too but I feel it’s a little heavy on the body for me.

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Can you link me pictures of what you mean by "clear and beautiful crystal definition" vs the rocks you see on Reddit? Just curious to learn the difference.
So here are some links to “rocks” notice how they appear to be lots of small crystals molded into one solid mass.

Now more pure product will either be straight crystals like these pictures...

Or fused but still showing some growth patterns, like these...

Now the last two pictures of assumed fused product, I put up for a reason. Notice how the first of those two pictures, the chunks seem more “blocky” with less sharp jagged pieces, more rounded overall. Notice how the second picture appears more jagged, sharper edges.

It is my belief that these two represent the difference between a “meh” batch and a “magic” batch. The few so-so batches I’ve come across have been blocky like that, and it’s my impression these are likely cut with something to give bigger better crystals.

Idk it takes time and experience to look at an MDMA crystal and make judgements. For me personally it’s all about if I can find a few well defined crystals amongst the fused mass, some times you have to break a chunk to find them but other times they’re visible on the outside. Also the clarity of the crystals is important too.

I go by smell too. It should either be scentless or have the faintest hint of safrole. Heavy smelling safrole product can be good too but I feel it’s a little heavy on the body for me.


I recently had a meh batch that was smaller rocks at one point looked liked citrine non boulder like before acetone wash see image below, The product was then crushed, acetone washed and the product became much much lighter and was sent to me. The product was then sent as is for test in person and lab analysis.. ... Upon MALID and NMR 98% MDMA . But a virgin MDMA user did not have huge pulips or roll at 200mg. This came directly from lab, no cutting no nothing. This I can promiss, the lab tester was not impressed as well and has since subjected the MDMA to more tests for answers. The lab operator is shocked but not surprised and is wondering what went wrong during the synthesis...

So now we are running HMQC. NOESY and TOCSY if HMQC comes up the way he thinks it will come up.

Stay tune for the answers to who killed this molly next.

@vash445 That sounds very promising. So, you have a sample that is not producing expected effects in virgin users, with one lab result saying it is 98% pure MDMA, but you are running additional tests to gain more info? Sounds like exactly the process we need.
Here’s a Hive thread (one of many) which shows even back then they were having issues with product that felt right..


That was my guess, but that's 02 wacker... He did a BENZ wacker which does not have the issue... see rhodiums comment below ;)

I wonder how one could make people understand that they aren't getting a 15% lower yield, but rather a final product which is 1.18 times stronger (as they aren't consuming 15% of filler, which in the best of scenarios is "inert", and which might even be toxic?).

There is one thing which is good news though - the 85:15 ratio stated before is for the O2 Wacker, while most people here make use of the BenzoQuinone Wacker. I have references on my page for BQ Wackers which are very ketone-selective.​

The testers idea was D isomer vs our bodies processing the L isomer more... At this point we are leaving nothing to chance
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@vash445 That sounds very promising. So, you have a sample that is not producing expected effects in virgin users, with one lab result saying it is 98% pure MDMA, but you are running additional tests to gain more info? Sounds like exactly the process we need.

Yes exactly
Where could I get this purity tested? EC?

Smells very aniseedish.. hoping its saffarole bassed
Vash do you have access to this equipment?

Depends what you mean "access" It's someone I know sorry, he is willing to take sample for testin. But we would rather have clear signs of meh and magic so we know what to start looking out for. And I would have to let him know something is incoming
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