Social The NEW "What Song Fits Your Current Mood" Thread

"If you wished George happy birthday on Feb. 24, he’d say you were early. And if you wished him happy birthday on Feb. 25, he’d say you were late."
Olivia Harrison.
All tweaked out on nicotine might as well use it like a neo shamanistic tool but I got to cut it out by living right this modern stuff bugs me out too bad one way or another I can simply stop though honestly if I stay true to what I want which is better breathing and throat quality vaping all the time steals that battling a grave darkness here in one form or another unseen and seen yet have a way to tune into blessings if I can get balanced enough to do so that will aid me in finding freedom from the stuff I don't truly value

All tweaked out on nicotine might as well use it like a neo shamanistic tool but I got to cut it out by living right this modern stuff bugs me out too bad one way or another I can simply stop though honestly battling a grave darkness here in one form or another unseen and seen yet have a way to tune into blessings if I can get balanced enough to do so that will aid me in finding freedom from the stuff I don't truly value

Welcome back. Blessings!
saw the time on the car radio right when it hits 2:55 it is 5:55

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