Social The NEW "What Song Fits Your Current Mood" Thread

While Im here, another track from Phaxe and Granau entitled Four3two:

"Presence is not thinking, it is stillness.

The shift from thinking, to awareness. That's why we're here.
Noticing the Silence.
That in you which notices the Silence, is not thinking. It is Stillness.
If or when thought still comes, you can recognize it without being completely drawn into it.
The perfect state is the acceptance, of now."

I've got 2 songs that describe me and my fight with these drugs that I have chosen to self medicate with. The first is a song I'm sure everyone here knows and if you don't well then your welcome

The 2nd has the same singer but different group and it's another one everyone here should know ...

For me these two songs say it all. Modern day poetry at its finest.