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Lysergamides Taking LSD for first time - real advice would be appreciated

Why can't you take meth while tripping? I've tried to find a meth and shroom story and to my recollection no avail. Seems something people would have tried countless times by now and reported on, yet I seem to find nothing when I search for reports.
You can, but I would imagine it is counterproductive? Even a low dose of LSD is stimulating in ways METH is not. I have never used METH, but when I would take prescription speed, Dexedrine, or pharmaceutical amphetamine I did not even like to drink alcohol and smoke pot or hash on it, as the Amphetamine would overpower the pot and alcohol. Also mixing different types of drugs is not a good idea, mixing cocaine and alcohol is dangerous and people who had no known health issues or who had a tolerance and were addicted to or frequently used cocaine have died from it.

It is fine to smoke pot or hashish on acid or shrooms.
lol smoking meth is way safer on acid than smoking weed. Idk what type of shit meth people get. But pure d-meth the clean ice should sober you right up out of a bad trip
Why can't you take meth while tripping? I've tried to find a meth and shroom story and to my recollection no avail. Seems something people would have tried countless times by now and reported on, yet I seem to find nothing when I search for reports.

I’ve done it a couple of times in recent weeks and it really reduced the psychadelic experience. The first time, when I had zero LSD tolerance, was after I had been high on meth for 48 hours and a couple of hours after my last dose of meth. I took 250 ug and the body load was intense. All the pent up tiredness and exhaustion from 2 days of meth hit me like a tonne of bricks and all I could do was lie on my bed. I started to really feel my heart beating as if in tachycardia (which I never get on meth alone) and started to focus on whether I was getting panicky or not. It made me a bit fearful of where my trip was going to go. I took 2.5 g of valium and that settled down but I still felt exhausted through the whole trip even though it had pleasantly intense visuals and music made me feel totally euphoric.

The second time was several days later while I expect I still had quite a bit of LSD tolerance. I smoked about 3 points of meth and an hour later took 500 ug LSD (I think) and an hour offer that 100 mg of bogus MDMA. This time I felt trippy inside my mind and quite happy but I had almost zero or auditory effects apart from slightly glowing colours. But the worst bit is I got that really annoying obsessive meth stereotypy and kept getting locked onto doing boring, pointless to stupid things. At one stage I couldn’t find the bag with 30 trips in it so spent maybe 2 hours obsessively searching every nook and cranny of my house until I found it stuck to the bottom of the shoe I was wearing. Then I started obsessing about what was going on on my phone/Bluelight and spent the rest of the trip being inane in different threads under the illusion I was hilarious. It was like the LSD superpowered the meth in this case, because I never normally get that obsessive/focussed.

A few days after that I tried maybe 500 ug LSD straight with no MDMA but another 3 points of meth and got almost no psychedelic feelings at all. It was likely simple tolerance but I’m still not sure that the meth didn’t just crush every aspect of the LSD.

I’d prefer not to take meth and LSD together again. But I think the effects of the meth on trips linger for several days and the boredom of going 4-5 days with no drugs just to get ready for trip seems a bit daunting.
Oh god Atelier...I'm reading the bit now about you searching for your hits for 2 hours and it reminds me of when I lost my phone for probably a good hour a few lsa trips back and starting having thoughts that some being snatched it (yes I'm a little crazy sometimes). It's the worst because then you also start getting pissed that your spending your trip looking for something and it creates like a feedback loop of suck lol.

To add to this, I just took approximately 100mg meth orally today at around 8:15am (first experience). Well besides finding a newfound favorite drug, I can definitely see how the madness of a mushroom trip for instance could just be taken to an even further extreme. I mean thinking about the two times I felt certain I was going to die on mushrooms or when I thought the sauna might be possessed by a spirit or something that might not let me out and considering how meth has made me feel thus far...whoa yeah that could get out of control. Definitely not a combination I think I will even consider trying until I've more experience with meth under my belt and probably proceed with caution.

I'm trying to figure out better why I feel this haha, but it's like maybe just because on psychedelics you're like broken down. Your worldview, everything you think is right, can suddenly feel wrong and if you speed this up more, you might wind up hurt when it otherwise could have been manageable.
idk but tweek and lsd together doesn't sound like something that the doctor would prescribe

i still think LSD is the best by itself.....doing a bump of K or smoking some herb at the end is cool

and then IME, lets say you had a good 3 or 4 weeks off since your last trip, if you trip on say a saturday, days after that, it's all gonna mostly suck until about wednesday, and then you gotta take a week off from there to try to trip again....

ive had a couple times where i tripped 2 days after my last trip that worked out great, and other times where it sucked....and when it sucks, i don't like it, because i just feel weird and kinda just like irritated and i'd of rather have just waited a week or so
I like t vape flower a few hours into it as something to calm down and push it a little.
Oh god Atelier...I'm reading the bit now about you searching for your hits for 2 hours and it reminds me of when I lost my phone for probably a good hour a few lsa trips back and starting having thoughts that some being snatched it (yes I'm a little crazy sometimes). It's the worst because then you also start getting pissed that your spending your trip looking for something and it creates like a feedback loop of suck lol.

To add to this, I just took approximately 100mg meth orally today at around 8:15am (first experience). Well besides finding a newfound favorite drug, I can definitely see how the madness of a mushroom trip for instance could just be taken to an even further extreme. I mean thinking about the two times I felt certain I was going to die on mushrooms or when I thought the sauna might be possessed by a spirit or something that might not let me out and considering how meth has made me feel thus far...whoa yeah that could get out of control. Definitely not a combination I think I will even consider trying until I've more experience with meth under my belt and probably proceed with caution.

I'm trying to figure out better why I feel this haha, but it's like maybe just because on psychedelics you're like broken down. Your worldview, everything you think is right, can suddenly feel wrong and if you speed this up more, you might wind up hurt when it otherwise could have been manageable.
Proceed very cautiously with meth is all I can say. Even the people who can now handle it reasonably well mostly went to hell and back while they learned how fucked up it can make your life. I use it now without too much trouble but the first time I got into it I ended up in rehab within 6 months and that was already after I’d been rehabbed for coke a few years prior to that. It’s super moreish,especially when you start mixing it with sex which everyone inevitably does.
Proceed very cautiously with meth is all I can say.

Thank you Atelier, I do intend to proceed with caution. I've already experienced at least some of the hell of addiction with weed and so have some experience with this complex thing called addiction, and with getting better control of the thing through time, but with weed I find it powerfully addictive and sort of doubt I'll ever be able to use it responsibly as in like once a week or less, so maybe I'll just be off and on with it my whole life, the negatives do become more tolerable each time I come back after abstinence it seems. Stuff destroys my ability to get quality sleep though, I wake up feeling like I didn't sleep and had instead stayed up the whole night because I drank too much caffeine. I'm sure you may know weed is well known to interfere with REM sleep and perhaps other sleep states so it's a real thing that you won't sleep well (or as well) if you smoke weed regularly.

I realize how with addiction it just creeps up on you and your mind becomes overtaken, I think really you are not in control, your mind controls your body and displaces your body towards the drug and causes your body to ingest the substance regardless of any chatter or thoughts internally you are having despite the damage it has caused and continues to cause.
Like I never used to be paranoid socially, I even recall sitting in class in high school recalling reading that cannabis can make you paranoid and just like blindly and stupidly assuming this wouldn't happen to me. Well, becoming a cannabis addict made me into a pathetic paranoid who walks around feeling he's being judged all the time. Yet despite this terrible feeling and weakness that weed has caused I still find myself back on it, off and on. You know of course there were underlying issues, but still seems the pot made them worse and I just would have been so much better off waiting till I was like 18 and taking psychedelics (or maybe 16 idk exactly, this is too ideal anyways). Yet still, for anyone new to psychedelics, please be careful and practice harm reduction. Addiction to psychedelics is so unlikely and not likely at all to pose a threat from psychedelics and they are actually in my experience somewhat the opposite, like you'll sit there for 2 hours thinking if you should trip and then put away the goods deciding with intuition perhaps that the day was simply not right.

And I started smoking weed again after maybe 8 months of only coffee and kratom, I blame this on my lack of access of a steady supply of psychedelics because I seem to find myself in this place when it happens and don't really crave weed or even use it at all if I have say a stash of mushrooms but, I started smoking again like maybe 10 weeks ago and have been off and on for maybe ten years since I first started when I was 16, smoking for prolonged periods and then quitting, 3.5 years as my longest streak off. It was honestly sadly probably a better tradeoff to start smoking pot again despite the negatives it causes me than the daily depression I was experiencing. However, I realize if I don't cut back drastically soon that I'm really gonna fry myself and it takes me like a solid 2-3 months of abstinence from weed to have proper motivation, clarity, energy to make myself useful. So I find the potential negatives of cannabis consumption being thinking the world hates you and that you need to get along with everyone. I started to realize this after reading an interview from the magazine VICE with Terrence Mckenna's son Finn Mckenna summarized, and helped me realize the psychological pitfalls of chronic cannabis consumption through this his words " "Can't we all just get along?" No, we can't."

I did also say I was going to try heroin other threads a couple days ago. Everyone says not to touch it I should probably just listen I don't understand the allure I have, besides the prospect of numbing myself and feeling content and I guess apathetic? But, I know this doesn't last, maybe I'm just thinking when I get down so low from an addiction to h I could just shoot myself up with enough to end the misery? Probably so many others thought they would do the same and just realized all the opportunities they laid to waste, their opportunities to lead a better life. Sorry, life has been kinda low, no direction really although probably I do just belong in school and should just stay there and probably shouldn't have set myself back by taking the last 2 semester off and now this summer semester.
I guess this just paints that I'm a bit reckless now, probably need to take more LSD (serious) and inspire myself deeply and start writing some new music.
I will not hesitate to reach out for help from you, Atelier or bluelight in general if I start to feel myself slipping and also for general harm reduction etc and I appreciate all the support you have given thus far.

But since we are on this topic, is shooting simply to be avoided if one wishes to avoid or minimize addiction? The meth very strangely took away a lot or most of my squeamishness towards needles and I suddenly started imaging what it might be like...Hopefully that isn't an indication I'm already too far gone here.

Edit: I am also seeing huge potential I think for oral therapuetic use (assuming I don't spiral into hell), I mean it's like taking the negatives of cannabis use and washing them away or like simpy giving the opposite effects, so then what underlying problems it is getting at in the first place I have no idea, but the question then is if meth were taken 2-3 times weekly, orally for a couple months and then you take say couple months abstinence maybe (3 monthes then or something who knows), or very sparse use, would there be any lasting positives? I mean do most people with stim prescriptions use daily, I thought so? I just think daily drug use is generally, not good, even with something light like coffee. Or maybe I should just ask how do you best use the stuff as a medicine and make the results stick?

I wished I could have shortened that up more I tried my best, hopefully its not too long and provides some use and doesn't take away from the thread.

EDIT: Wow how generic. I take meth my first time and write my longest post here so far on bluelight?
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so you're more concerned about weed having an effect on your sleep than you are with meth

so you're more concerned about weed having an effect on your sleep than you are with meth

I don't believe that was implied by my post, all I was just outlining one of the potential hazards pot might pose. Cannabis really dampens the quality of my sleep, like I've just had more energy from less sober sleep than an abundance of stoned sleep. But that is sort of besides the point. The lack of quality sleep from cannabis is serious, but I've been more impacted by its "softening" effect I suppose might be a good way to put it. This shouldn't become a comparison, because I really only needed that one experience to say that weed and meth are like completely different animals. Just that weed is maybe just as addictive.
I’ve done it a couple of times in recent weeks and it really reduced the psychadelic experience. The first time, when I had zero LSD tolerance, was after I had been high on meth for 48 hours and a couple of hours after my last dose of meth. I took 250 ug and the body load was intense. All the pent up tiredness and exhaustion from 2 days of meth hit me like a tonne of bricks and all I could do was lie on my bed. I started to really feel my heart beating as if in tachycardia (which I never get on meth alone) and started to focus on whether I was getting panicky or not. It made me a bit fearful of where my trip was going to go. I took 2.5 g of valium and that settled down but I still felt exhausted through the whole trip even though it had pleasantly intense visuals and music made me feel totally euphoric.

The second time was several days later while I expect I still had quite a bit of LSD tolerance. I smoked about 3 points of meth and an hour later took 500 ug LSD (I think) and an hour offer that 100 mg of bogus MDMA. This time I felt trippy inside my mind and quite happy but I had almost zero or auditory effects apart from slightly glowing colours. But the worst bit is I got that really annoying obsessive meth stereotypy and kept getting locked onto doing boring, pointless to stupid things. At one stage I couldn’t find the bag with 30 trips in it so spent maybe 2 hours obsessively searching every nook and cranny of my house until I found it stuck to the bottom of the shoe I was wearing. Then I started obsessing about what was going on on my phone/Bluelight and spent the rest of the trip being inane in different threads under the illusion I was hilarious. It was like the LSD superpowered the meth in this case, because I never normally get that obsessive/focussed.

A few days after that I tried maybe 500 ug LSD straight with no MDMA but another 3 points of meth and got almost no psychedelic feelings at all. It was likely simple tolerance but I’m still not sure that the meth didn’t just crush every aspect of the LSD.

I’d prefer not to take meth and LSD together again. But I think the effects of the meth on trips linger for several days and the boredom of going 4-5 days with no drugs just to get ready for trip seems a bit daunting.
Are you normally obsessive when not on METH, LSD, or other drugs?
lol smoking meth is way safer on acid than smoking weed. Idk what type of shit meth people get. But pure d-meth the clean ice should sober you right up out of a bad trip
I have never used METH, and never will. Staying awake for multiple days is not my idea of fun. Even when I took Dexedrine in low and moderate doses of 5-15mg orally, I would sometimes fall asleep if I was bored in class, or even if I took it in late afternoon or early evening I did not have issues sleeping.

Smoking pot on LSD even on high doses was fun! It is not for everyone.
Thank you Atelier, I do intend to proceed with caution. I've already experienced at least some of the hell of addiction with weed and so have some experience with this complex thing called addiction, and with getting better control of the thing through time, but with weed I find it powerfully addictive and sort of doubt I'll ever be able to use it responsibly as in like once a week or less, so maybe I'll just be off and on with it my whole life, the negatives do become more tolerable each time I come back after abstinence it seems. Stuff destroys my ability to get quality sleep though, I wake up feeling like I didn't sleep and had instead stayed up the whole night because I drank too much caffeine. I'm sure you may know weed is well known to interfere with REM sleep and perhaps other sleep states so it's a real thing that you won't sleep well (or as well) if you smoke weed regularly.

I realize how with addiction it just creeps up on you and your mind becomes overtaken, I think really you are not in control, your mind controls your body and displaces your body towards the drug and causes your body to ingest the substance regardless of any chatter or thoughts internally you are having despite the damage it has caused and continues to cause.
Like I never used to be paranoid socially, I even recall sitting in class in high school recalling reading that cannabis can make you paranoid and just like blindly and stupidly assuming this wouldn't happen to me. Well, becoming a cannabis addict made me into a pathetic paranoid who walks around feeling he's being judged all the time. Yet despite this terrible feeling and weakness that weed has caused I still find myself back on it, off and on. You know of course there were underlying issues, but still seems the pot made them worse and I just would have been so much better off waiting till I was like 18 and taking psychedelics (or maybe 16 idk exactly, this is too ideal anyways). Yet still, for anyone new to psychedelics, please be careful and practice harm reduction. Addiction to psychedelics is so unlikely and not likely at all to pose a threat from psychedelics and they are actually in my experience somewhat the opposite, like you'll sit there for 2 hours thinking if you should trip and then put away the goods deciding with intuition perhaps that the day was simply not right.

And I started smoking weed again after maybe 8 months of only coffee and kratom, I blame this on my lack of access of a steady supply of psychedelics because I seem to find myself in this place when it happens and don't really crave weed or even use it at all if I have say a stash of mushrooms but, I started smoking again like maybe 10 weeks ago and have been off and on for maybe ten years since I first started when I was 16, smoking for prolonged periods and then quitting, 3.5 years as my longest streak off. It was honestly sadly probably a better tradeoff to start smoking pot again despite the negatives it causes me than the daily depression I was experiencing. However, I realize if I don't cut back drastically soon that I'm really gonna fry myself and it takes me like a solid 2-3 months of abstinence from weed to have proper motivation, clarity, energy to make myself useful. So I find the potential negatives of cannabis consumption being thinking the world hates you and that you need to get along with everyone. I started to realize this after reading an interview from the magazine VICE with Terrence Mckenna's son Finn Mckenna summarized, and helped me realize the psychological pitfalls of chronic cannabis consumption through this his words " "Can't we all just get along?" No, we can't."

I did also say I was going to try heroin other threads a couple days ago. Everyone says not to touch it I should probably just listen I don't understand the allure I have, besides the prospect of numbing myself and feeling content and I guess apathetic? But, I know this doesn't last, maybe I'm just thinking when I get down so low from an addiction to h I could just shoot myself up with enough to end the misery? Probably so many others thought they would do the same and just realized all the opportunities they laid to waste, their opportunities to lead a better life. Sorry, life has been kinda low, no direction really although probably I do just belong in school and should just stay there and probably shouldn't have set myself back by taking the last 2 semester off and now this summer semester.
I guess this just paints that I'm a bit reckless now, probably need to take more LSD (serious) and inspire myself deeply and start writing some new music.
I will not hesitate to reach out for help from you, Atelier or bluelight in general if I start to feel myself slipping and also for general harm reduction etc and I appreciate all the support you have given thus far.

But since we are on this topic, is shooting simply to be avoided if one wishes to avoid or minimize addiction? The meth very strangely took away a lot or most of my squeamishness towards needles and I suddenly started imaging what it might be like...Hopefully that isn't an indication I'm already too far gone here.

Edit: I am also seeing huge potential I think for oral therapuetic use (assuming I don't spiral into hell), I mean it's like taking the negatives of cannabis use and washing them away or like simpy giving the opposite effects, so then what underlying problems it is getting at in the first place I have no idea, but the question then is if meth were taken 2-3 times weekly, orally for a couple months and then you take say couple months abstinence maybe (3 monthes then or something who knows), or very sparse use, would there be any lasting positives? I mean do most people with stim prescriptions use daily, I thought so? I just think daily drug use is generally, not good, even with something light like coffee. Or maybe I should just ask how do you best use the stuff as a medicine and make the results stick?

I wished I could have shortened that up more I tried my best, hopefully its not too long and provides some use and doesn't take away from the thread.

EDIT: Wow how generic. I take meth my first time and write my longest post here so far on bluelight?
If you want to sleep better do not use METH. I could never sleep immediately after smoking, eating, or vaping pot or hashish even pure Indica types were relaxing but unless I was coming down and had gotten drunk on hoppy beer I would not fall asleep or stay asleep.

Melatonin supposedly help with sleeping and insomnia, but all it did was give me lucid dreams where I had out of body experiences when taken in combination with Vitamin B3, but I took higher doses only once or twice.
I don't believe that was implied by my post, all I was just outlining one of the potential hazards pot might pose. Cannabis really dampens the quality of my sleep, like I've just had more energy from less sober sleep than an abundance of stoned sleep. But that is sort of besides the point. The lack of quality sleep from cannabis is serious, but I've been more impacted by its "softening" effect I suppose might be a good way to put it. This shouldn't become a comparison, because I really only needed that one experience to say that weed and meth are like completely different animals. Just that weed is maybe just as addictive.
I think it's a bit of a stretch to claim that pot, hashish, or THC is as addictive as METH or other hard drugs. I write this as someone who has had psychological addictions/compulsive abuse cycles of smoking pot, and taking Dexedrine tablets like they are candy, but I was like this as a teen and young adult and stopped everything at 29.

Would it be super fun to take acid, trip on shrooms, take Dexedrine or Adderall, use cocaine, or get drunk? Of course. But it is best that I do not use anything, and I just drink caffeine now and do not use other drugs.
Alright, sure, I shouldn't have jumped some gun there with saying meth might be more addictive I have no idea at this point sorry, that was not cool. Weed is still very addictive though and regardless of where it falls in terms of how addictive it is, but like if I have been through periods where I build up a tolerance and just toked more and more feeling like crap into me, with seemingly no control. I mean sometimes I even wonder if we as humans are better off only using non-addictive substances psychedelics are the only I am aware of. I don't see that as realistic by any stretch of the imagination though lol.