Signs of an addict


Bluelight Crew
Apr 14, 2008
These are just a few things I have noticed about me personally that are directly related to me being an addict.

I think these are all common among addicts like us. Do you have any similar traits or can you add to the list?

1) I need things to be done a certain way. My way.

2) I'm selfish

3) I'm passionate

4) I want what I want and its gotta be now

5) I'm sensitive

6) I am an excellent manipulator

7) I obsess

8) I am either far right or far left. Rarely in between

9) I do things quickly (perhaps sloppily) and fix it up later (maybe)

10) I'm lazy

11) I can adapt to whatever environment in order to get what I want

12) I have many masks
Here, here. I am the same way.

Key word for me "procrastination"

That about covers it.
Overdone would I be correct in thinking that you have been to rehab before....perhaps recently?

anyways qualities I see in addicts

*nicest/meanest people you will ever meet
*will steal your shit and then help you look for it
*can do ANYTHING to obtain drugs, but otherwise will barely do anything else that requires effort
*The world revolves around us, why does everyone not understand this?
*my way is right, fuck you!
*most of us have traumatic and dark pasts
*we just want to be loved
*we take bf/gf's hostage
*want to be alone, yet hate to be alone
*we can make no sense,but to us it makes perfect sense
*our great ideas are in reality horrible ideas
*we all want to quit, but can't
*we end up doing everything we said we wouldn't
*most people I know have some sort of using history similar to below:

alcohol - weed - scripts - meth - meth - heroin
alcohol - weed - psyches - cocaine - crack - heroin
*we take bf/gf's hostage

Hey can you elaborate on this a little bit? I think I agree with you though and I'm afraid I did this to a girl... I can't stop blaming myself for all the reasons we didn't work out, even though we already had a screwed up relationship before I got addicted to opiates, I hurt it way worse during my addiction. I can't help but blame myself for finally pushing her over the edge and now I have nobody to help but also nobody to bring down. Its making things hard on me emotionally, and I constantly blame myself thinking things would've been better if I had made better choices, but what is the point of that? I know I have to get clean by myself before I try to become a part of anyone else's world again :(
It's just something I've known a lot of addicts to do. It's like we are so afraid to lose them and we want thing to go our way that we try to do anything to keep them around usually by manipulating the situation so that they CANT leave
Overdone would I be correct in thinking that you have been to rehab before....perhaps recently?

anyways qualities I see in addicts

*nicest/meanest people you will ever meet
*will steal your shit and then help you look for it
*can do ANYTHING to obtain drugs, but otherwise will barely do anything else that requires effort
*The world revolves around us, why does everyone not understand this?
*my way is right, fuck you!
*most of us have traumatic and dark pasts
*we just want to be loved
*we take bf/gf's hostage
*want to be alone, yet hate to be alone
*we can make no sense,but to us it makes perfect sense
*our great ideas are in reality horrible ideas
*we all want to quit, but can't
*we end up doing everything we said we wouldn't
*most people I know have some sort of using history similar to below:

alcohol - weed - scripts - meth - meth - heroin
alcohol - weed - psyches - cocaine - crack - heroin

Haha, I initially was going to respond to this thread stating that this sounds like a post fresh out of in-patient but decided to save my potentially arrogant assumptions for OD.
yeah the "I have many masks" was the big give away...just something normal people don't say about themselves until they go through the 28day transformation lol
being high gives me motivation. if i'm not high, i'm apathetic and depressed.
Overdone would I be correct in thinking that you have been to rehab before....perhaps recently?

I was in rehab in '93 for 2 weeks, did the 12 step thing for 5 years, relapsed for 5 years, did the 12 step thing AGAIN for 5 years and relapsed again. I've been clean now (with the exception of alcohol) for a few months. I don't do the 12 step thing though.

I like your list mdmantpa! Much more accurate than mine (better wording as well).

I realized the 'mask' thing this last time around. I was EXTREMELY emotional but didn't want people to know. I also did not want folks to be aware of my 'story' so I acted according to the norms of the particular environment I was currently in. It was all about hiding in plain sight I suppose.
thanks man, don't think I was ragging on you or anything, I've been to rehab a bunch and it just reminded me of everything they would tell you in there lol

but yeah us REAL addicts are all pretty much the same as much as we like to think that we are "unique"
didn't think you were raggin'. That doesn't happen much in TDS. :)
Overdone would I be correct in thinking that you have been to rehab before....perhaps recently?

anyways qualities I see in addicts

*nicest/meanest people you will ever meet
*will steal your shit and then help you look for it
*can do ANYTHING to obtain drugs, but otherwise will barely do anything else that requires effort
*The world revolves around us, why does everyone not understand this?
*my way is right, fuck you!
*most of us have traumatic and dark pasts
*we just want to be loved
*we take bf/gf's hostage
*want to be alone, yet hate to be alone
*we can make no sense,but to us it makes perfect sense
*our great ideas are in reality horrible ideas
*we all want to quit, but can't
*we end up doing everything we said we wouldn't
*most people I know have some sort of using history similar to below:

alcohol - weed - scripts - meth - meth - heroin
alcohol - weed - psyches - cocaine - crack - heroin

that's me in a nutshell...

except my using history is:

prescrip stims - cocaine - meth - heroin - meth
I can relate to alot of those quality, i used to be exactly like that when i was addicted to speed.

When i hit rock bottom, i remember feeling like i didnt know who i was anymore and i felt extremely lost and isolated.
Overdone would I be correct in thinking that you have been to rehab before....perhaps recently?

anyways qualities I see in addicts

*nicest/meanest people you will ever meet
*will steal your shit and then help you look for it
*can do ANYTHING to obtain drugs, but otherwise will barely do anything else that requires effort
*The world revolves around us, why does everyone not understand this?
*my way is right, fuck you!
*most of us have traumatic and dark pasts
*we just want to be loved
*we take bf/gf's hostage
*want to be alone, yet hate to be alone
*we can make no sense,but to us it makes perfect sense
*our great ideas are in reality horrible ideas
*we all want to quit, but can't
*we end up doing everything we said we wouldn't
*most people I know have some sort of using history similar to below:

alcohol - weed - scripts - meth - meth - heroin
alcohol - weed - psyches - cocaine - crack - heroin

Hit the nail on the head! This is a PERFECT description of EVERY addict I have known. WOW!
^thanks, I have a lot of experience being an addict so it's not to hard to describe. That and we are all pretty much the same in the long run lol


yeah, I forgot that one....and ohh boy am I impulsive. I used to go on 2,000 mile roadtrips on a whim

Mia- yeah we might have had a little different patterns in our use, as I never got into meth much, but I have a feeling we have had very similar lives. I bet we would be friends if we knew eachother lol
^thanks, I have a lot of experience being an addict so it's not to hard to describe. That and we are all pretty much the same in the long run lol

yeah, I forgot that one....and ohh boy am I impulsive. I used to go on 2,000 mile roadtrips on a whim

Mia- yeah we might have had a little different patterns in our use, as I never got into meth much, but I have a feeling we have had very similar lives. I bet we would be friends if we knew eachother lol

I dunno...when I'm using I can honestly tell you that I'm not a lot of those things on that list. Some, absolutely, but most no. Then again I wouldn't call myself an ADDICT, just a reacreational user so maybe it doesn't apply to me.
Addicts behave like they are in love with with their DOC, but the relationship is an abusive one.