Positive Share Something Positive About Your Day vs This Does Not Suck (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)?

10 Days Clean_ :):):):)
Feel so much better
stomach ok
sweating gone
sleep ( Sucks, but manageable )
Earlier this week I bowled a 203. I hit my homemade CBD vape cartridge instead of drinking or smoking.
get to watch my nephew today. the kid is so cool, never thought hanging out with a 3 year old could be so much fun. Reminds me that happiness can be simple, and doesn't need to be overly complex.
Just freed up about 2800 bucks to get a used mountain bike. Im hella stoked. Man the things you can do when your not spending all your money on drugs. Its great!
Dang what kinda mountain bike are you going for?? That's so much, especially for used! But yeah that's awesome, I love biking. :)
Im looking at used Santa Cruz and Yeti. Mtn bikes are insanely expensive these days. 6k-10k new. Its ridiculous. The shifting mechanisms on the new ones shift via bluetooth. Wild stuff
Heh weird. I bought mine for $350 (new) like 15 years ago, and it's still great. Not top of the line but a solid, dependable bike.
get to watch my nephew today. the kid is so cool, never thought hanging out with a 3 year old could be so much fun. Reminds me that happiness can be simple, and doesn't need to be overly complex.

That's awesome man, hope you enjoyed it. Turns out I'm about to be an uncle again, actually speak with this brother tho..... I'm terrified and stoked all in one......
That's awesome man, hope you enjoyed it. Turns out I'm about to be an uncle again, actually speak with this brother tho..... I'm terrified and stoked all in one......
You got nothing to worry about man. Being an aunt/nephew is the best. You get to have fun with the kid but none of the worry of being a parent. I don't even usually have to change diapers, and def not in charge of punishing anyone's kid that's not mine- well maybe time out. but its mostly building blocks so he can knock them down, pillow fights and forts, puzzles, piggy bag rides, and hide and seek. he's only 2 right now, but he's one of the most fun people I have met.

and when he's being a complete dick head, I jus call my sister and tell him to come take care of his kid :LOL:
Sadly it's not me I'm worried about..... it's my bro, he's 3 years older than me, and nowhere near as responsible..... he's kind of spazzing, and he needs to grow up, just hope it doesn't take something drastic for that to happen.
Managed to pay off £2000 to someone I owe a lot of money which I lent off someone else still horribly in dept but at least I've paid something even if it's not even half..
^^^Whoa weird, what i'm also feeling positive about is being a good uncle

Found out my older brothers opinion of me was a lot higher than I thought and he thinks i'm doing a good job looking after his son.
He lives with me, at my mums house, with his mother (my brothers ex) yeah its some Jeremy Kyle situation!

He's currently on a cruise ship with his dad (my brother) I keep getting the occasional message ,asking me who taught his son to hold doors open for people, being polite, waiting in line patiently, he even pulled a chair out for a lady about to sit down to dinner (something I always do for the misses) he's only 6.

Its sad that his own dad doesn't know how awesome he is, at least he's making an effort these days.
Its baffling to me as the youngest of my 3 brothers and the only junkie in the family that i'm the most responsible.
^ my past drug usage and rough childhood are the reason for my responsibility tbh, he was raised by our grandparents and spoiled, so he never had to grow up......
Same, I was my dads least favourite and it was made clear very early on.

Its much more rewarding fighting for something then being handed it on a silver platter, unless its meth then I'd take the platter, I'd take my life experiences over his only day
Hehe, yeah it's true, when people are given everything they (usually) turn out to be self-centered, immature assholes who have to have someone support them their whole lives. My dad ended up making a lot of money by the time I was a little older, but other than not having to worry about anything financially or about whether I was going to eat, and getting to go on a few really cool trips as a kid (like to Europe), my parents haven't handed me anything on a silver platter and have made me work for my own stuff and build my own life. I have had some friends over the years who have tried to suggest that that's fucked up, like when I was in trouble and had to get myself out, or was struggling financially, but I totally disagree. I learned responsibility and I learned how to live my own life and make my own choices. I also know that if shit hit the fan, I'd have my parents to help me, which is nice, but I'd much rather help myself.
I agree, imo there's no correlation between wealth and good parenting. your parents obviously did a good job mate. if I was in the same position I'd do just the same to my kids
This morning when I realized I’ve been getting 7-8 hours of sleep for the last 3-4 days. And this never happens to me, I’m lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep and stoked if I get 7. I’m excited to see what changes in my day when I get a full nights rest. So far I’ve noticed that my memory is a ton better and I can workout for longer periods of time