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scared to try LSD

citizen cained

Sep 25, 2010
ok so i am fairly experienced in drug use (taken MDMA, weed and cocaine many times) but I really want to try acid but the thing scaring me off is a bad trip, panic attacks and basically freaking out.

I used to smoke weed all the time with no problem but one time I did a bit too much and freaked out (i felt like i was in a dream and when i realised i was awake, i freaked, at the time i thought the weed was laced with something as i wasn't aware freakouts happened) this happened again when i decided to give weed another go (3 years later big bong hit with some STRONG weed) but I controlled it and managed to not freak (it still wasn't pleasant but i was under control) then i slowly got back into weed and can now smoke it with no problem (i still feel a little anxious sometimes but nothing bad)

I have never had a bad experience with the other drugs I have taken

This is what is scaring me off acid so basically what i am asking is... what is acid like? and should i take it considering my history with weed?
Just remember in the back of your mind that you are on acid, you should be ok. Dont start with a huge dose either, test the waters first with a low dose maybe if you are scared.
Have you had magic mushrooms? There is a lot of similarity, if you have no problem with them then you should be pretty cool with acid.
I think people only have freak outs when 'things' happen, something unexpected, or a person or event that triggers it. If you take precautions and plan everything in advance, and also have a mate or two with you to trip with, and also maybe to be a 'sitter', you shouldnt have any problems.
Good luck....

1: Dont have fear, because the reason you feel that way is because you dont know what to expect. Its normal.

2: Going into a trip with a positive mind will give you an amazing experience.

3: Always remember when your under the influence of LSD; that you are high on LSD and everything around you is beautiful.

4: When you take the LSD, forget you took it and go about with what you were doing before.

5: Surround your self with other experienced people under the influence; this will help you so much, because you can always have someone to lean on or go to if you are having a bad vibration, and you will be reassured that everything is okay.

6: Go into your experience with a mind set of learning someting. This will help your mind stay on a single track, vs. worrying why you dont understand anything.

7: Have happy/funny thoughts; this will help you stay positive.

8: Just always stay positive and remember that you have only taken LSD it cant kill you or harm you so may as well have the time of your life!

9: Give off love Vibrations; giving off vibrations of love to everything around will help things stay very positive and make you feel more comfortable in your location.

10: Trip outside. Fact of the matter is if your outside around trees fresh air birds clouds, sky, you will have the best time ever due to the fact that its not a superficial location everything around you is the earth, and mother earth will always take car of you under the influence of LSD.

Im very experience with many psychedelic drugs, i hope these ten facts from my heart of the love for LSD help you with your trip anxiety.
"Don't worry, about a thing; because every little thing is gonna be alright!"
"Don't worry, about a thing; because every little thing is gonna be alright!"

Bob Marley <3
and thank you :), what is the experience like? I know you can't really explain it but i mean do you see the world as normal just with visuals or is the world completely unrecognisable?
if you fear it, dont do it. wait till your curiosity outweighs your fear

and read Electric Kool Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe....not only does it discuss the acid experience, but the style that it is written in is very acid like...disjointed and floaty, but coherent
Hey mate,

I think i can give u abit of advice but its mainly like the others have said.

I took far far too much agaric mushroom which also is psychedelic and i realy was fucked the panic attacks where the worst part they just made me wanna end everything obviously i wouldn't because i had frends support and great help off u guys but with out that i dont no what i would have sone.

1. never take too much start with the smallest of smallest because really a tiny bit sends, gives u what u want...
2. go into it with a good state of mind if ur worryed it will cause a bad trip with similar affects like mine.
3. always have a watcher as other wise u could do some self damage eg brake a arm or leg falling ect

So remember be safe and have a laugh (learn from other peoples mistakes)
if you fear it, dont do it. wait till your curiosity outweighs your fear

and read Electric Kool Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe....not only does it discuss the acid experience, but the style that it is written in is very acid like...disjointed and floaty, but coherent

I agree with this if ur scared it will turn bad its all about the state of mind that ur in... to get a feel of it try some salvia leaves their very weak and it takes loads to get the experience so u can keep topping up just to get the feel any way thats my advice...
If you haven't even tried mushrooms then why jump in a fucking pool with no floaties when you can't swim get the picture. Buy the acid if u can and save that shit in your freezer til your ready try salvia 60x and that's how intense acid is but without leaving your body you'll have sum control but I'd recommend salvia and mushrooms before you do acid to ease your soul into the intergalacticconsciousness highway
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salvia is nothing like LSD

It may not be but the affects are similar, and salvia lasts much less time than LSD so atleast if u dont like the experience you wont be stuck in it for hours, days. Like i over done it. Ive only just come out of everything over 24 hours after and ive felt like shit all day. Thats why i advise trying something thats quick active and doesn't last for ages.

If you haven't even tried mushrooms then why jump in a fucking pool with no floaties when you can't swim get the picture. Buy the acid if u can and save that shit in your freezer til your ready try salvia 60x and that's how intense acid is but without leaving your body you'll have sum control but I'd recommend salvia and mushrooms before you do acid to ease your soul into the intergalacticconsciousness highway

I agree but not the 60x its a rip off go for the 20x then the 40x and if you like the forty then i would go for the LSD. Just my opinion any way.
im just sayin that if i had tried salvia before mushrooms, especially at anything higher than 10x, i would never have tried acid, especially if someone told me they were similar. for me, acid is a spiritual experience, whereas salvia just fucks me up, and not in a good way. i consider MDMA (which the OP said he had done) to be much closer both sensationwise and mentalwise to LSD
To my understanding x in salvia is more of diffrent effects/ strains then strenghts. Because the highest iv ever been in my life (total ego loss outa this world, maby what some call 5th plateau if not 5th then for sure 4th) was on a lower x.

Iv never done mushrooms but salvia is a shortlasting experince. I have been afraid to try shroomz and acid but salvia is no problem because there is no commitment. Iv never had a bad trip off salvia, but then again its only 5 minutes and if I did have a bad trip well its gonna be over soon. I cant really say because iv never done a traditional long lasting halucingen, but I would expect its a whole diffrent ball game.
If you haven't even tried mushrooms then why jump in a fucking pool with no floaties when you can't swim get the picture. Buy the acid if u can and save that shit in your freezer til your ready try salvia 60x and that's how intense acid is but without leaving your body you'll have sum control but I'd recommend salvia and mushrooms before you do acid to ease your soul into the intergalacticconsciousness highway

I find this to be completely misleading. I find LSD to be so much cleaner and your body is much more focused.

Anyways, to the poster:
1. Read Albert Hoffman's "My Problem Child" it really explains well the pros and cons of LSD, it will help you make an informed decision on whether or not you want to do it.

2. Wait, wait, wait until your not scared.

3. If you do take it, and you start to get even a little scared at the hallucinations; Remember, you .001% of people who will ever experience some of the things you will do and see and you are one of the luckiest people in the world because of that. Trust me, that will kill any anxiety really quickly

4. DONT TAKE OTHER DRUGS!!! Smoking weed will make you paranoid and intensify the effects, drinking just ruins the trip. Wait till you come down, cause trust me, you'll be wanting your weed then!

5. This is my personal rule and my friends have followed and they all agree that it is the perfect way to trip: Setup in advance!

Day before: buy lots of weed, enough to smoke more or less constantly for a few hours. Buy beer, lots of it, not hard alcohol, if your really lucky, score some percocet or some xanax or klonopin. If your going to woods or something, make sure your house is at least tidy for when you come back. If your tripping at home, CLEAN THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR HOUSE, clean the kitchen the bathroom, etc. (no on wants to be tripping balls and have to worry about doing dishes or see a fleck of shit on the toilet seat!) Sit back with your buddies your gonna trip with and chill out. Don't stress out over anything, watch TV, go outside, etc. Dont smoke the weed or drink the beer.

Morning of: Take the best shower of your life. Nothing is worse then feeling dirty while tripping, imagine synesthia setting in and you get a wiff of nasty B.O. (ugh!). Make sure to style your hair and all that too, looking good is feeling good.

Day of: Follow the rules and trip! You'll have a great time. If it's too intense just remind yourself that it's just LSD and your super lucky that you are getting to experience this.

Night of: After the LSD tends to wear off, its hard to sleep and there are residual hallucinations (like seeing things in drywall for a split second) Now it's time to throw on your favorite uplifting or funny movies. Shawshank Redemption and Forrest Gump ar great comedown movies. It's also time to star drinking the beer and smoking your ass off. If you're lucky you'll fall asleep before you've even fully come down.

Now the reason for percs or xanax or kpins... I like to call them landing gear. When the trip is ending pop whatever of those you have (taking into consideration the safety of mixing those substances with alcohol) and you come down so nicely and lightly pass out without any discomfort.

Next day: Lay out in the sun as much as possible... and relax. Make sure you have an open next day too, dont go tripping on a sunday or something.

LAST RULE: NEVER, EVER, EVER, LOOK INTO A MIRROR. Avoid them like the plague. Seriously, nothing good can come from you seeing yourself while hallucinating.

If my guide to taking LSD (and I've taken a fair amount, without ever having a bad trip) scares you, then you probably should wait a bit. If not, drop some tabs, go to the woods with your boys...
ingesting LSD was one of the greatest things i've ever done in life. Nothing, and i mean nothing can compare to the sensation and joy felt on a good acid trip.

don't take LSD unless you feel comfortable doing so. Also, have a trip sitter with you... don't take alone. Just approach the experience with a good mindset and start at a low dosage. Almost, make sure you're taking real L!
Now theirs no way i will touch LSD mainly because i hate long lasting highs especially the thought of having a long lasting trip... And if things go to shit and you have a bad trip ur going to be fucked for hours i wouldn't really advise people to have LSD unless they could handle salvia...

Now im no expert but after my experience i can safly say if ur not used to psychedelics and ur not good at handling psychedelics dont even try jumping in the deep end as if u cant handle a bad trip (which i cant ur frigged).

Just my 2 pennys any way.
You must be ready for it, man. It is a great substance, I don't know many people who have had problems with their first trip. I see many just laugh alot and have alot of fun. Personally, I never "tripped out" til well into my life with LSD. If you know you can access it easily and aren't fully sure you are ready to try just let it happen naturally, if at all. Do not force it my man. I agree with many here.
If smokin weed makes you anxious n panicky then I'd re-think droppin acid
If smokin weed makes you anxious n panicky then I'd re-think droppin acid

Yea i agree but he said that he used to get panicy on weed but now hes learnt better how to use it and hes more experienced now. But thats the same as i feel with LSD start small and build up so thats why i suggest trying another quicker psychedelic and see how u cope and if everythings good hit the LSD in moderation.

I and im sure most of u agree the most important thing is that you feel safe in your sourounding and that u never take a dose of LSD untill your ready and not nervous at all.
I think people make a big deal about 'rules' to follow when you're on acid. Try taking one tab. It's not really a big deal. You'll feel a little funny in the belly like you do on an MDMA come up, then you'll get very giggly. Then vision will amaze you for several hours, and your thought patterns will be a little weird. Then you'll slowly return to normality, and not suffer from any kind of comedown whatsoever.

People talk about it like its a massive departure from any conceivable drug state of mind. It's crazy, but it isn't that far. You'll definitely have that familiar bodily sensation of 'being on drugs.'

Try to avoid thought patterns that could result in paranoia, and always remember that in a few hours you'll be able to control your thoughts like normal again. And after sleeping, you'll be totally normal in every way.
Also, the first time I tried acid, I also took MDMA, Ketamine, I smoked a lot of weed and drunk loads of wine. Mixing acid and other drugs is fine on the whole (it's actually very interesting to note how they blend.) Although I felt pretty grim for a few days, on account of the MD.

That being said, if its your first time, I would only take acid. It's pretty amazing by itself.