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Recommend more good movies per post

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how bad is the whole privacy thing, they keep all your emails and stuff? will they know who I am on BL?

Yup. But they only want it to sell the details to advertisers - not like you'll be hounded through the courts for posting on a drug forum or anything. It's more the whole principle that it's acceptable to scan your private emails and log every site you visit to see what you're into so they can sell it all on to advertisers to send you shit you don't want. May not be an actual person sat reading it or anything like that but I don't want a list of what I do being kept and sold on to anyone who's interested. I am just another number on a screen amongst millions but it's got fuck to do with Google or anyone else - none of their business and they've got no right to store so much personal information cos it's mine. More principal than paranoia but possibly a principle with a few tinfoil trimmings :D

Also, King of New York - shouldn't ever even be in question really.
Inglorius bastards is a brilliant film definatly one of tarintinos beter ones imo.

watched american gangster earlier, really good film i thought.
Angel Heart


watched this last night without really knowing what it was about and was very impressed.
excellent cross of horror/noir genres and a pretty amazing performance from mickey rourke :)
Plus it's got the girl who was in The Cosby Show or similar in it and I remember being quite shocked and somewhat aroused at the transformation from bland girl in bland TV serious to quite a bit less bland tits out and Rourke-fucked gal. Good film though.
Each to their own, but i thought it was one of the worst films i have ever seen!

For tonight, i would suggest King of New York. It's fuck all like the films you mentioned, but then again it's actually a fucking good film, unlike that dicaprio rubbish! ;)

Haha! Na Blood Diamond was a good film, trying to deny that just makes you look a dick, mate ;)

Will get on the case just now and investigate Kings of New York.. Going to download Munich aswell. Seem to be enjoying films about the war atm for some bizarre reason!

Got Black Dynamite here, but the copies not the best sound quality.

Yeh been head, Inglorious Basterds definately the best Tarentino I've seen in a while. American Gangster was class too %)

Watched more films since new year than I have in the last couple of months. Probably with the no drugs and drink eh ;)
King of New York is a fucking legendary film. Frank White %) Easily one of my favourite films of all time.


I watched Che part one last night, gonna get the second one on the d/l the now.
Haha! Na Blood Diamond was a good film, trying to deny that just makes you look a dick, mate ;)

Nah, it's not. The bit where DiCaprio is crying and telling his sob story is shite. You can't tell if he's laughing or crying!

EDIT: then again, compared to Miami Vice, Blood Diamond is like The Godfather or Shawshank! :)
i quite liked blood diamond.

if you liked that CC, you might like this, which is much better:

Hotel Rwanda (8.3/10 on imdb)


Ten years ago some of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind took place in the country of Rwanda--and in an era of high-speed communication and round the clock news, the events went almost unnoticed by the rest of the world. In only three months, one million people were brutally murdered. In the face of these unspeakable actions, inspired by his love for his family, an ordinary man summons extraordinary courage to save the lives of over a thousand helpless refugees, by granting them shelter in the hotel he manages.
Nah, it's not. The bit where DiCaprio is crying and telling his sob story is shite. You can't tell if he's laughing or crying!

EDIT: then again, compared to Miami Vice, Blood Diamond is like The Godfather or Shawshank! :)

Blood Diamond is quality, even if it's just for the patter.

Can you spare us a loose my bru? That's for breaking my television bru. In America it is bling bling, in Africa it is bling bang! T.I.A.
Blood Diamond is quality, even if it's just for the patter.

Can you spare us a loose my bru? That's for breaking my television bru. In America it is bling bling, in Africa it is bling bang! T.I.A.

Hahaha, fair enough. I just get annoyed by shite acting, and innacurate "facts".

I don't actually mind DiCaprio. He's quality in Departed.

Another shite African film is Constant Gardner. Utter toss.
Felix - Yeh its a great movie saw it ages ago. :)

Kid - Ok, you don't like Blood Diamond or Miami Vice woop de doo! Everyone likes diff stuff. Miami Vice def aint the best film ever made but it was ok for last night when there was nothing on tv.. The Godfather and Shawshank are both class, so are all the rest... Blow, Scarface, Fear and Loathing, The Business, True Romance, Carlitio's way, Layer Cake.... But they've all been seen how many times man? And alot of them are the same kinda story aswell. I'd rather watch a new film that was ok than the same old stuff over and over :p /rant over

Have got Harry Brown, Bad Lieutenant, Idiocracy, Pure all downloading just now. Probably won't be ready for tonight. :\

Pretty much exausted the shop bought DVD's that are watchable already with Inglorious Basterds and Kid's favorite film ever Miami Vice :D all the rest look shite or have seen them.

Have got Doghouse, Black Dynamite, Next Day Air and Rock n Rolla on the comp. Any suggestions as to which one is best???
Hahaha, fair enough. I just get annoyed by shite acting, and innacurate "facts".

I don't actually mind DiCaprio. He's quality in Departed.

Another shite African film is Constant Gardner. Utter toss.

Smartest thing you've said all day ;)
Smartest thing you've said all day ;)

Fuck you! ;)

Haven't seen any of the films you listed as possibles though. I watched Quantum of Solace at the weekend. I thought it was a lot better than the previous Bond film, but that could well have been down to that fit as fuck bird in it. :)
Have got Doghouse, Black Dynamite, Next Day Air and Rock n Rolla on the comp. Any suggestions as to which one is best???

I'd go with Black Dynamite, it's a hate it or love it type film though. Rock n Rolla is pretty good if you like Guy Ritchie stuff, I thought it was quality. Next Day Air is pretty funny. I've no seen Doghouse.

It's funny how you've taken the huff at TheKid saying Miami Vice is shit. I've no even seen it & I can confirm 100% that it is SHITE. It's one of those films that is supposed to be shite, mindless garbage. That's not to say those kind of films can't be entertaining, but they do have to be recognised as being complete shite.

I've gave up on Che & I'm getting tore right in to this Cowboy Bebop thing that was mentioned in the anime thread. Fucking excellent.
I think you have to have seen or be familiar with the films black dynamite is parodying to properly get it, if you do get it it's easily the best film out of that list though.
The lieutenant from the original bad lieutenant is my idol haha
PT, Miami Vice isn't even entertaining. Something like Bad Boys is shite, but sort of entertaining. Miamo Vice is just plain shite!

Is No Country for Old Men any good? Got it on Sky+ but not got around to watching it yet.
Haha I haven't taken the huff at him at all! Him trying to say Blood Diamond was shite, was shite! :D Miami Vice is the typical Hollywood shite, its shite, but it was better than the other shite that was on at 2 last night. So was that, The Golden Compass or whatever the other shite options were I hadn't seen. :\

I should just get back on the drugs till I'm back to college, wouldn't have to bother with hunting for a decent film. Its like looking for a decent swedger! :(

Black Dynamite it is then.......

No Country for Old Men was good bit strange at the end but a decent film I thought.
Aye that's true Evad. A few of my mates watched Black Dynamite & said it was shite. They'd never even seen Superfly though. I need to get that watched again soon, bought it on DVD ages ago & I've no even taken the wrapper off it.



Codshit - Some amount of shite in that post lol.

Kid - Cocaine Cowboys is dynamite, t'is a documentary rather than a movie though init. You seen Cocaine Cowboys 2? It's meant to be terrible
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