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Recommend MANY MORE Movies vrs. 3 or something

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what charges she facing if you dont mind me asking?

no problem, it's not "drug charge" as in Norway they have weird laws in relation to R.C's which goes on way to long BUT if you get caught with anything the State looks at as a "drug" be in Hash to DMT & you have children they contact "barnevernet" in English it means Child services & they take you to Court & try their fucking best to remove the kid & put them in state control untill 18.

I had a real bad time with Norwegian Barnevernet when they came to the flat on my last trip, you can't win it's like some Franz Kafka - The Trial but even worse I promise you that. The state control in this country is so fucked it's not that far removed from the old East Germany way to deal with people that the state take a notice of. I don't even live in the country but have been pulled up by people that work for the state (mainly Barnevernet) I love the country's landscape but the laws are fucked & don't even get my going about Norwegians & the rules of basic manners & how to wait in a que for service at Mc Donalds for example.

Just because you may smoke hash or even I.V. DMT that doesn't mean you can't look after a child or are a terrible parent, my missus loves her kid so much it's crazy yet these cunts want to come into her house & remove the child from a loving mother.
Makes me so mad tbh, the way people in power view so called "drug users" is a fucking joke, they should try some LSD one day & then maybe they will see the bigger picture to life & chill out for once.
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Ahh she in norway then? laws i am unfamiliar with (though i actually had to just google it to make sure it wasnt part of the uk, my geography's that bad), man it sounds like a real pisstake, you get good solicitors/lawyers over there? if so, get one, sounds like hell no matter what stupid shit i've done over here they've always dropped charges thank fuck, what you mean authoritys dont get why you would want a mcdonalds? sounds mental in a bad way
Ahh she in norway then? laws i am unfamiliar with (though i actually had to just google it to make sure it wasnt part of the uk, my geography's that bad), man it sounds like a real pisstake, you get good solicitors/lawyers over there? if so, get one, sounds like hell no matter what stupid shit i've done over here they've always dropped charges thank fuck, what you mean authoritys dont get why you would want a mcdonalds? sounds mental in a bad way

Yes she lives in Norway, thats her yard in the pics I posted up in the Gibberings CXV - Documented proof thread.

Sorry that's my bad ranting & semantics about McDonalds, I should keep more on track in my rants tbh :(
Norwegians have NO idea how to wait in a line for service, but that's a different topic for another day I guess.

The country is amazing in terms of landscape, I totally love the place in terms of the fjords & landscape but HATE the people & their dumb laws & rules. I am a HARDLINE libertarian so "state control" is a big issue to me. I live by the U.S. state of New Hampshire official motto "live free or die" :)
Haha what i'd do for real freedom.. what do they do, like them videos of americans on what wasw it? black friday? some shopping day after thanksgiving anyways, but at mcdonalds hahaha thatsd be worse than the videos.
even from them 2 pics it looks beautiful, i'd love to wander for hours, i'm guessing you're nearish counrtyside etc? mm id love to wander till im lost all wrapped up (though im a complete pussy when it comes to cold), id be free =D, even though fuck your morals and find ya gf a decent solicitor, she got kids yet? couldn't think of much worse, though if it was a regular occurance i could see the reasoning..
she has a daughter who is 6

this is about 30 seconds away from us so it gives you an idea how remote the place is :)

fuck i'd love it, if it was warmer swimming across (or trying my best and drowning 1/4 way) and just rambling, what kinda wild animals about? eve though im yorkshire never been t any of the dales or villages or owt, cept for a day trips n a nice small walk now n then, but shit photoshop a warm sun in there and it'd be heaven for me

edit: fuck she has a 6 yr old kid? thats shit hope to god shes gonna get to keep her, fucking 2 lives up due to a fucking messup with dalt(dipt?) i doubt she's repeated it since.. hope the best for you n her mate <3. your kiddo?
mxe was an ininbility to walk n talk properly, no other osychoactive effects at all :/, i was a huuge k fiend at the time i tried it properly though which probably had alot to do with it

Keep very hydrated, ull get the glow
none left pal, iv'd the last 20mg (well eyeballed amount so prob more, my scales 0.00 wont react unless theres a load on it, stupid i know) to no effect but insomnia, got me thinking maybe it was shit stuff.. i dunno
Jesus fucking christ, lotr was 3 books what are they trying to do with this one? its a pretty simple decent movie, cunts

edit: they all released at the same time just to triple profits? or they dragging it out over ages

Aye, they all came out on the same day. Think about it for a second fuck sake.

Just because you may smoke hash or even I.V. DMT that doesn't mean you can't look after a child or are a terrible parent, my missus loves her kid so much it's crazy yet these cunts want to come into her house & remove the child from a loving mother.
Makes me so mad tbh, the way people in power view so called "drug users" is a fucking joke, they should try some LSD one day & then maybe they will see the bigger picture to life & chill out for once.

To be fair, look at it on paper - cutting about in the skudbook smashing up your flat while out your tits on drugs. If there's ever a reason for social services to get involved then that's pretty much it. Not that I'm saying they should take her kid off her or whatever, definitely not, but surely you can understand why they'd be considering it?
To be fair, look at it on paper - cutting about in the skudbook smashing up your flat while out your tits on drugs. If there's ever a reason for social services to get involved then that's pretty much it. Not that I'm saying they should take her kid off her or whatever, definitely not, but surely you can understand why they'd be considering it?

On paper yes I an, when in reality & hard facts of her conduct no I can't
Watched The Furious Gods: Making Prometheus yesterday. Obviously only worth a watch for the Alien fanboy types (raises hand) but was very good. And very long - best part of four hours in fact. Pretty incredible in this CGI-dominated age quite how much of it was done oldskool stylee so was interesting to see the sheer range of techniques involved. The preproduction stuff was also pretty incredible. Amazing quite how much - and how good - all the concept artwork and stuff is. Niche and fanboy stuff but for those that enjoyed the fillum probably worth a watch.
Watched The Furious Gods: Making Prometheus yesterday. Obviously only worth a watch for the Alien fanboy types (raises hand) but was very good. And very long - best part of four hours in fact. Pretty incredible in this CGI-dominated age quite how much of it was done oldskool stylee so was interesting to see the sheer range of techniques involved. The preproduction stuff was also pretty incredible. Amazing quite how much - and how good - all the concept artwork and stuff is. Niche and fanboy stuff but for those that enjoyed the fillum probably worth a watch.

I watched this last night. It was really good. Far better than the film actually!

Don't suppose you could recommend anything similar but for the original Alien movies? I know there will be tons of documentaries about them but that one was a really good, in depth & really fucking long (in a good way) so I'd like something as good if you've got any ideas?
Was a bit of a gem wasn't it, PTCH? Wasn't sure about a "Making of..." that runs over 3.5 hours but really was fasciniating. Although I did like the film too. I suspect a future Director's Cut may improve on it though as the version released was a tad confused from trying to shoehorn too many elements in imo.

As for similar stuff on the other Alien films, not that I know of. Never got any of the Collector's DVD's or owt though so maybe there's summat on one of them. Doubt it though - certainly not for the first one anyway. Never seen a "Making of..." anything like as good as that Prometheus one which is why I mentioned it at all.

Would definitely recommend Giger's Alien to anyone interested in the making of the original film but it's a book not a documentary. Is really top-notch stuff though. Basically does in words and pictures what The Furious Gods did in documentary form. Definitely worth grabbing if you're interested in all the concept art, set/creature design and special effects techniques.
Cheers man, I'll maybe get a copy of that when I've got some cash.

That probably was the best "Making Of.." that I've watched. I thought I'd have to watch it in a few sittings, like stop after an hour or so but I ended up watching it all in go & still wanting more. It's up there with Hearts Of Darkness but for completely different reasons.

I'm gonna try to find something on the other Alien movies. I'll report back if I discover anything worth watching.
Hearts of Darkness is a classic film in its own right, Id say, but the Prometheus one is truly excellent. Had a lil poke about and got Dangerous Days - The Making of Blade Runner on the way now. Sounds like a similar deal: 3.5 hours, indepth, Ridley Scott. Not heard of it before but after the surprising quality of The Furious Gods I have high hopes now. Give us a shout if you do discover similar for the Alien flicks cos I'd definitely be interested.
Haha, I just came back on here to say that I was in the process of acquiring Dangerous Days. Looks pretty good & I'm a bit Blade Runner daft, bought that Future Noir book (like a massive making of for Blade Runner) but haven't got round to reading it yet as the sheer size of it is a bit daunting.

Hearts Of Darkness is excellent, not really a proper "Making Of..." for Apocalypse Now though, more just a "Watch everycunt go mental while trying to make this film".

I'll keep an eye out for Alien ones but Dangerous Days is going to have me sorted for tonight anyway.
Great minds acquire alike =D

Agreed on Hearts of Darkness. It's just an amazing story in itself even if you'd never seen nor heard of Apocalypse Now. Remember hearing about Future Noir but not summat I've come across yet. Will snap it up if it strays across me path cos it really is a stone cold classic film. I had the Blade Runner Annual as a kid but that's probably not quite the same thing. Dunno why they called it an annual though what with there only being one of 'em. Suppose they just didn't want to call it a comicbook and nobody had thought up the term "graphic novel" yet.
I got it 2nd hand off eBay for a few quid. Just dug it out there. For some reason I was remembering it as being a ridiculously big book, thousands of pages, it's not that big at all, like 500 pages of reasonably large text. Might get stuck into that soon. Probably give the film another watch first after Dangerous Days.
bought that Future Noir book (like a massive making of for Blade Runner) but haven't got round to reading it yet as the sheer size of it is a bit daunting.

That's a belter. It's good for dipping in and out of if you don't fancy going through it chronologically. I seem to remember that the chapters are split into quite self-contained subsections, there's a brilliant and fascinating one on the design of the Voight-Kampff machine and the filming of that sequence.

edit: What I'm saying is that it's a bit rich and overwhelming if you go at it in one ... I prefer it in bite sized sections so I can really digest and boggle at all the detailed info!
I got it 2nd hand off eBay for a few quid.

This is a very good point. Have still not really gotten into the notion of buying stuff that isn't RCs of tinterwebz. Have no idea why cos everytime I follow a linky to some bargain belter on eBay or Amazon or whatever I'm amazed at how cheaply you can get some topnotch bobz. I really must pull me finger out and have a lil looksee now and then. Books in particular seem to go for ubercheapness.
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