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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Talk Thread: Swirly Congregation That's 100% Pandemic-Proof

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I took ketamine 2 nights in a row, it was pretty fucking fun. With my band and some friends. Last time I had K was... geez like 4 or 5 years ago maybe. Friday night we played a festival, I obviously did the ketamine after we played. =D Last night I ate LSD and we had a practice and me and the new bass player afterwards both got on that effortless flow where you're just witnessing yourself channeling music and no long consciously controlling it, but we were also so linked (he was playing drums actually) that everything we did was exactly together, I was throwing in crazy changes and I just knew he knew I was going to and he did. it was wild. We were both tripping.

He's the original bass player of my band, and started to fill in for some shows for us, and after this weekend he's decided to move to town and be back in the ban permanently. He's the only other person I've met in real life that I didn't know here first that knows as much as psychedelics as I do. Honestly he's like a little brother, I feel like I've known him my whole lie but we'e hung out 3 times.

Guys my band is perfect now, we found the missing piece, and the sound is evolving in leaps and bounds, we're SO MUCH better and we have a lot of bigger and bigger shows coming. The energy is so palpable and we're all so excited and ready to keep working hard. The last 2 shows 9with the new bass player) have been next level, everyone who knows us says we're blowing their faces off lately. I really think this is going somewhere, this is the best by far I've felt personally as a player, and also as a band. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. :) Ever since I quit playing music when I was 18, to go to school for computer science, I've had this hole in me a little bit where I just desperately wanted to have the experience of playing in a good band, being on the road, having screaming fans. It's actually happening, I didn't really believe it ever would. So funny how life works out if you stay open and just take it step by step. <3

Glowing from this weekend. :)
That's really great Xorkoth, looking forward to your eventual EU tour ;) I can imagine how nice it is.

Summer is beautiful, I've had a great weekend, been reading this amazing book about this play Norwegian writer that moved to the US at a young age and has missed it ever since, but he's been gone for so long so he doesn't know if it's too late to return. Still 800 pages to go, but I've read 400 in 3 days already. I've missed my friends though, all of them went either to Berlin or a festival, which I had to skip both since I've literally spent all of my money on beautiful chemicals that I'm dying to try out.
Later this week, San Pedro is finally on the cards which I've been DYING to get my hands on for so long, and now is finally the time, my expectations are pretty huge for it and I've already got the perfect day and setting for it in mind. I don't want to trip too much, but I've got so much new stuff to test out, as well as explore some combos that would synergize greatly I think.

Hope you are all enjoying life
Thinking about picking up this Truweigh Marksman scale today it looks really nice. Lost one of my calibration weights for my old one and figured i might as well upgrade a bit. Hoping this will be able to weigh upper single digit MG amounts easier than a Gemini 20 does.

Love the pink buttons :D

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Any of you guys garden? I'm planning out my new garden at my new place (building a small home on the farm). Just about everything I'm planning on putting in is psychoactive in some way. I'm planting multiple Mitragyna speciosa trees, one of which I'm going to make bonsai with. I'm doing a field of poppy that will border my drive way. Morning glories on a trellis/archway that is going to be the entrance to my garden. Going to put in some cacti as well along with jurema preta and Tabernanthe iboga, and devil's trumpets (which I never plan on consuming I just like the flowers).

Going to put in catnip and various other things too but those are the main ones I'm building the garden around. Mitragyna speciosa have turned out to be less hard to grow than I expected. I just need to drive a bit out of my way to get some clones that have been rooted. In 10 or so years I'll have them large enough that I can sell clones/seeds myself should I ever want to.

I also have a permit pending to grow hemp commercially as a cash crop.
Nice, that's awesome. :) I have a garden that my girl and I are slowly working on, but since I live in a cove in the forest, there aren't enough full sun hours to grow much that's edible. I have some stuff like skullcap and st john's wort and I have strawberries and wine berries that just grow as weeds, and I grow baby greens sometimes, and a lot of different flowers... trying to find more native plants like wood betony too. I planted a pawpaw tree but it's still a tiny sapling.
Have you considered putting in some ginseng? It's native to your region and a very useful thing to have around! If you were to put some in now in several years you'd be sitting on a nice profit should you ever want to sell it when it's in season. In the mountains that stuff is as good as gold. I might put some in myself in myself now that I've been reminded of it. Sounds like you've got a nice little garden going. :)

I have some pear and apple trees on my Dad's property that the last owners put in many years ago. The pear trees yield fruit every couple of years but the deer/crows get them all usually. I've never seen the apple tree produce anything in the 10 years he's lived there and I'm not sure why that is. All of those trees are about 20 years old now. He has some grapes over there as well and we enjoy what the deer and my uncle don't steal. I also have a lot of wild black berries growing around the property that I harvest so my grandmother can make cobbler and pies with. I just harvested a bunch about a week ago that I've been eating mixed with sugar or putting into salads.

I did some more research last night and it looks like I'm not going to be able to put in Tabernanthe iboga because it won't make it through our winters. I'm considering trying to grow it in a green house or indoors because I want to eventually harvest the roots and finally have the experience with the TA. There is another plant that produces the right stuff that I think I might be able to get away with keeping in the soil here but I'm going to have to do more research on it before I decide if it's worth importing. I want to make sure I do this right and knowing the trees are endangered I don't want to kill one in the forest just over my life long opioid addiction. I haven't been using in some time but I still know I'm an addict and feel like I'd benefit from taking Iboga. Honestly, I would have probably done it by now if I could afford the trip to Mexico/Canada or ever found a vendor. I almost ordered some a year or so ago but by the time I saved up the money the vendor was long gone and I haven't looked for another one.

I've been trying to decide what kind of poppy I want to put in this field. I'm going to get my raised beds ready for them in the next couple of months, sew them in the fall, and pray for a mild winter. I'll re-sew in the spring either way. Poppy is such a beautiful plant and I can't wait to have a large row of it along my field/drive way. I do plan on harvesting the pods/straw once it's ready but I'm mostly doing that for the seed although I'm sure I'll end up making tea with it or something. I'm mainly doing this because my Great Grandmother used to grow them to make medicine with. She would make a crude Laudanum from the poppy with corn liquor she distilled from the left over corn they were growing as a cash crop. I have her recipe for it and I'm eager to see how it works. She was the family doctor back in those days and would treat the family with a variety of herbs she grew or harvested from the woods around the farm.
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My wife keeps a lot of low light potted plants on our porch, but otherwise we can't really garden at all. Wish I had a yard. Our cat destroys anything indoors.

It's nice having some greenery on the porch at least. I've picked up a pipe smoking habit recently, which I quite enjoy, and take outside out of courtesy to the pets and missus. My favorite tobacco consumption method thus far. I find it more relaxing, and the taste can be very pleasurable. Any of y'all smoke pipe tobacco?
We have a ton of orchids of all varieties/species/families, like 30. My girl spends a lot of time on her orchids and they're beautiful and I love them. We have a lot of potted plants and a pretty large area we're working on developing for a native plants garden, I'm hoping the hazelnut bush and the pawpaw tree I planted will eventually bear food. I have a variety of medicinal herbs growing there. And a lot of wild flowers that bloom at various times from early Spring to late Fall. I just wish I could grow vegetables.

I do not smoke pipe tobacco, in fact I never have. Sounds more pleasant than cigarettes.
I’ve been smoking pretty regularly for over a year now, much more these last few months, but yesterday I realised my last 30 cigarettes or so weren’t pleasurable at all and not worth it at all, time to quit, or at least seriously cut back, hard thing to do.
I haven't been smoking weed much and last night I had some really abnormally vivid dreaming so I thought I'd share it here... I like to write up my dreams when they're noteworthy as it's good for getting better at remembering/recalling them.

My first dream began very slowly, it took me forever to fall asleep. Gradually, as I laid there with my girlfriend, I began to believe I was hearing people talking downstairs (my house has an upstairs from the bedroom, not a downstairs). Then I started getting up. I mean I didn't really, but I thought I was. I was in my parents' house, and it was actually modern times as my dad was gone (usually my dreams are several years behind my real life in terms of people). My mom was having a party and my brother and sister were there, and this professional musician she hired who was playing guitar. I kept wanting to play my keyboard with him, but I kept getting distracted. Primarily, every time my girlfriend would shift I would realize I was in my bed with her and not hanging out with people, but I would still hear the people and I'd get back up and go rejoin them. The events of the night are hazy as this was my first dream of two, but a few things I remember.

At one point, I was with some musicians including the professional musician (who reminded me of a friend I went to college with who was a drummer). We were in some sort of video game world (like Mario-style), and we dropped into some room. A guy with me was describing something that it seemed like I was deeply familiar with, like I had been to this place many times before. We were trying to unlock a hidden room or something. He said that the key was about to drop and we had to expect it. I saw it drop and grabbed it, it looked like the Grateful Dead lightning bolt, and unlocked this panel. A tiny hole opened up, and the guy went through it... he basically stuck his hand in, and it started sucking his body through this tiny hole. I dropped the key by accident and it fell and vanished, and I knew that it would fall infinitely, and the feeling gave me some vertigo. Then I went up to the hole. I said to one of the other guys that it was just like in some of my dreams I've had before where you approach this small opening and get sucked through as if you're immaterial. For some reason it didn't occur to me this was a dream though. I went up to it and stuck my hand in, and got sucked through, the feeling was really interesting and identical to other dreams I've had with these portals, which all have taken place in this city underneath the mountains that is a dream world I used to go to often but haven't been to in years). In the other side I found myself falling/flying through the air and sort of vaguely translated back to my parents' house, it was dawn. I was pissed because I had missed the whole party, but my brother had just gotten home from somewhere and said everyone was still hanging out. I set my keyboard up and started playing with the musicians, but I felt clumsy.

Then I semi-woke up in bed with my girlfriend again, and decided to get up to take some L-theanine because I realized I was sleeping really shallowly. I perceived it as the very crack of dawn, earlier than it had been a moment ago. I got up and walked to my "office", which was actually one of the upstairs rooms in my parents' house, down the hall from my room where we were sleeping (of course really I wasn't awake). I was trying to take some L-theanine, but I felt drunkenly clumsy, like my coordination just wouldn't work right, and I kept spilling it. Then I sat down to collect myself, and this woman came in. She was basically the same as this person I've met a few times at festivals, who helped me when I had a kidney stone earlier this year at a festival. She sat down and started talking to me and then put her hand on my hand and was really obviously making a move. I was sort of trying to ignore it and act like she wasn't but then she leaned in to kiss me and I was just went with it and we started making out. But then I woke up to my cat scratching at the door for food. I woke up for real this time, in my actual bed in my actual house, although it seemed no more real than the other false wake-ups. I went out to feed them, and saw it was only 4:00am, probably about 2 hours after I started dreaming. It seemed SO long. I took some actual L-theanine (pretty sure anyway) and went back to bed.

The next dream took place outside at night in a huge open field surrounded by forest. At first, it was a Burn that was a New Year's Eve party. There was a giant effigy, absolutely massive, multi-story, hundreds of feet tall. There was a festival with a bunch of vendors set up inside it, selling everything you could imagine. I was there with my boos and one co-workers from work. We were drinking beers and having a good time, exploring. My boss and I went looking for weed and smoked it (we are actually close and I told him about my ibogaine and opiate addiction stuff, we've never really chilled in person though as the last time I actually saw him was like 10 years ago). I spent a lot of time at this festival up in the effigy, met a lot of people, hung out, etc... I don't really remember all the details, but eventually we climbed out because it was time for it to be burned.

I don't really remember the burning itself. After an indeterminate amount of time, the scene shifted. It was in the same place, but it became a multi-day camping festival. Music wasn't really a part of it, it was just a lot of people gathered and camping and partying. I was hanging out with a large group of people, one of them in particular. His name was Nick. At one point I saw some stuff he had and it was labeled with the name "Thanatos", and I was like whoa, I think this is Thanatos from Bluelight! I kept wanting to ask him but never actually did, but for some reason it seemed like it must be, based on him also knowing all kinds of stuff about drugs that most people don't. But then it seemed that he would have known the name Xorkoth if it was, even though there was no reason he should know that I had that name online.

Then it became this sort of medieval/magical thing, I was setting up my camp near these other people and one of them was evil or something, I don't really remember it well. I remember I was trying to thwart some plans he had based on how I was setting up my camp. That part was weird and the least clear part. I remember how vivid the stars were, and there was also very vivid Aurora Borealis in the sky, it was beautiful and otherworldly.

So Saturday came, in the dream I had been there since Thursday, and for some reason I had to go work (though it was Saturday) at my bandmate's parents' house (this is clearly a reference to how I played at a festival 15 minutes from his parents' house recently). For some reason, what I had to do was send my partially written book I paused years ago on writing, to my friend's boss. My boss (the same one I partied with at the Burn in my dream) was working with me with it. I had it on a floppy disk (an old-school 3.5 inch floppy) and had mailed it to him physically. He was displeased with the format, and me and my boss were discussing it. He had converted it to .rtf format in case he didn't have MS Word when he put it on the floppy. But it had removed all the formatting like bolding, centering, font size, etc. Then I realized I could just email the original .doc to the guy and did that.

Then I realized it was Saturday night and I wanted to go back to the festival because there was one more night. Thanatos was there at my friend's parents' house, but didn't want to go back, he wanted to go to this music venue an hour away to see a show. But the festival was about 10 minutes away. My bandmate assured him it was really close, and on the way. So we were getting ready to go, and then I woke up and realized it was all a dream and it was time to wake up. I haven't had a night of dreaming that intense in quite a while. The first one in particular was very vivid and I kept going almost-lucid and having false awakenings.
I had some vivid dreams this morning, but recounting them in detail is beyond me right now. One centered around having sex with this girl who was somehow related to me (but I've never seen before, a figment of my imagination) and only like 18 or 19 and running around on my wife to do it but somehow feeling no guilt about anything. In fact it was quite racy and left me feeling an odd kind of arousal upon awakening that I still haven't shook and do not understand.

Also, this pipe tobacco I have, it's called Blood Red Moon, it has a scent/taste of cherry/dark chocolate in the background, it's a delicious Cavendish blend. I never thought I could love tobacco until I tried a pipe. I'd say it's similar to hookah but less of a social thing and at times even tastier in a tobaccoey way. I said to Mrs. Gravy? that I'm happy my new habit doesn't seem to bother her; she said she actually quite likes the aroma and has no qualms as long as I don't smoke too often.
Nice, that sounds quite pleasant. Tobacco is a fucking bitch for me, I hate it but I love the ritual and it's really hard to drop especially when playing music because when I get done I feel like I'm on a shit ton of meth or something, I pace, can't figure out what to say to people, the energy is so intense, and cigarettes ground me again. This week I only had 1 day I was playing music and I only smoked for 1 day, which was nice because I had been smoking so much the 2 weeks before that, my lungs were feeling like garbage so they've had a chance to heal.
I'm having a minor surgery tomorrow. I wonder what kind of anesthesia they'll give me. Kinda excited to experience it, lol ...
I sometimes worry my past dissociative use could make me somehow more tolerant to it though haha, but I don't even know if they use NMDA antagonist or other kind of drugs.
I'm having a minor surgery tomorrow. I wonder what kind of anesthesia they'll give me. Kinda excited to experience it, lol ...
I sometimes worry my past dissociative use could make me somehow more tolerant to it though haha, but I don't even know if they use NMDA antagonist or other kind of drugs.
When I had my wisdom teeth out, they gave me a Valium beforehand. I was so loopy. I asked the doctor what he was giving me for anesthesia, and he said, "Don't worry about it, it will put you to sleep." And I was like, "Oka..." Thump out like a light. I assume it was ketamine but who knows.
Almost positive when I had my wisdom teeth out they gave me ketamine, in retrospect. I was 15 and had never done drugs, but I remember a carrier-wave type feeling and then I was out, and then as I was coming to, I remember feeling like I was in a swirling gray vortex, being passed down it by doctors from one doctor to the next, with the classic sliding feeling of ketamine.

My girl got anesthesia for an upper endoscopy and they gave her propofol.
They ended up giving me IV Fentanyl and then put me to sleep with propofol, lol.

I got like a couple of minutes before they shut me down with the second one, so I got a taste of the rush from the fentanyl shot. Felt quite nice honestly hahaha, I was with a huge grin when they put me the mask for the gaseous propofol.

Now I get to stay at home for a week, yaay.
I used to love going to the dentist and getting the Nitrous as a child. I found the Gas so interesting at the time the way it changed the music in the room to something mesmerizing. Guess you could say that was an early "Psychedelic Experience" for me. It actually inspired me to start sucking all the gas from whip cream cans when I saw them in the fridge.

Fuck man, I miss dissociatives.
Been a while since I've tripped. My next venture will be an ayahuasca ceremony in the jungle in central America. 5 days of non stop tripping. Here's hoping my anxiety gets dealt with.
Wow, I've always been curious about doing an authentic ayahuasca ceremony, just knowing how much set and setting affect trips.

Hey man, long time no see, how you been? :)
Hey man, yeah it's been something I've been interested in doing for at least 15 years or so, I've always been the one taking care of friends whilst tripping so it'll be nice to be in a setting where I'm with people I can fully let myself go with. I'll report back once I've been through the experience :)

I'm doing alright - much better than a couple years ago when I was heavily abusing 3-meo-pcp (damn near lost my mind for a while) and methamphetamine to boot. I've just been a bit of a social recluse which has exacerbated my anxiety and made socialising very hard for me at the moment. I'm hoping 5 days of oral DMT will address my issues and give me my appreciation for life back again.

It was smoking DMT about 6 years ago that completely shifted my perspective on life and made me feel an unconditional love from the universe that I'd never experienced on any other psychedelic. Unfortunately integration was hard and when I was met with going back to work in a job I hated with a boss that hated me, friends dying, everything became overwhelming again and I slipped back into bad habits and drug abuse.

Thankfully I'm not a total nihilist so I have faith that with the right intentions the ayahuasca ceremony will make me feel whole again.

How've you been?
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