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Television Oz

yeah I learned what Tits meant lol. "Wanna suck my tits?"

But what the hell are they sniffin outta that vial all the time???
They are snorting heroin. I was totally down with Oz until it turned into some huge gay sex fest, guys making out all over the place and getting assfucked just ain't my style. I liked how in the first few seasons they alluded to that kind of stuff but didn't just outright show shillinger pounding ass or his little 'soldiers' spitting out wads of his cum. Ew. Whats with the cop from special victems unit making out with guys all the damn time in that show ? You'd think he would be making enough on SVU not to have to suck face with dudes on OZ..
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^Did you see the one where he does a full frontal urination shot?
No prison has as much freedom as the fellas in Emerald City, but if it were realistic, how boring would that be?! I love that fucking show so much.
Just today received my 5th season in the mail. I've had the first four for a long time and watched this on cable many years ago as well as just recently.
At one stage i was simultaneously watching two different season (different nights) and wasn't sure of the overall storyline, but enjoyed the shit out of it none the less.
Excellent drama. Superbly shot and acted.

I've since converted about a dozen people from "never heard of it" to "can't live now that it's over" states. I don't know which is worse ;)

old thread
Adabissi is my favorite, or that new crazy gay club owner dude who is bringing X into the prison. Alvarez is just a pussy now, he used to be legit. The KKK are a bunch of gay losers, trying to delude themselfs about that white pride shit. The mexican crew is legit. The guido crew is the best, though I don't know how that fat white dude became their leader it should be that muscled out dude in the jumpsuits and slickbacked hair. I still like it, but damn, slow down with all the dudes making out! I'm not about that shit!
I really can't pick a favourate character. They all have their pros and cons.

-------------season 1 spoiler----------------

But the climax of the first season with the riot, the defication scene is one of if not my absolute favourate moment in tv drama history. That was absolutely priceless.
Tv: Oz

Man this show has some gay shit in doesn't it??? I didn't like it when i first watched it but there is so much man-on-man action I'm addicted now!!

Besides that I think the plot is pretty good. I'm a huge fan of "The Shield" and "NYPD Blue" I love all the crime-action shit.

Anyone else a fan of "Oz?"
lol, it definitely does have some 'gay shit' in it but not thaaaaaaaaat bad. i love Oz, always have.

Have you noticed that half of the casts from Law and Order (all of them) are on the show yet? It's cool.
Oz is the best television series in a damn long time. The reason Oz and Law & Order share many actors is because the producers of both shows are friends.

here's the original thread
I guess it was just the last episode that I watched that about half of it had some "gay" element to it.

My favorite part of the show is when the guy in wheel chair (I'm so bad with names) gives little snipits--like the last episode I saw he was talking about how they make weapons out of toothbrushes, etc... He always has something interesting to say.
Yeah Augustus Hill gives excellent and interesting snipits through all six seasons.
Any of you guys fans of Oz? I think it was the best show to ever be on television with The Wire close behind.

Beecher and Schillinger's storyline was so captivating and some times tragic.

Ryan O'Reilly was my favorite character, sometimes he was just so badass I couldnt help but yell hell yeah at my television.

Adebesi was another badass character.
Never had heard of it, looked it up on imdb and it sounds pretty good. It gets a 9/10 on there.

I look forward to seeing it.