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NASADD Social - bringing back oldskool bankai style

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no offense taken, i know i am pretty immature for my age in many regards, just kinda sucks to realize its that painfully obvious. oh well tho i guess

and yea, missing 8 pills is routine? you dont ever call em out on it? i count my adderall everytime i get it just cuz im a paranoid cynic that thinks someone is always out to get me

"immature" isn't the word i would use.. certain aspects of a person just don't translate too well over the intertubes sometimes.

and yeah, seriously. if i started coming up short with my lifeblood of a script (opiates), immediately upon receiving it i'd hit the pharmacist with "LET US BOND AND COUNT THESE TOGETHER"
Holy shit! What did you do to get banned? I should have planned a bit better when I was in Waterford for some training. We could have met for a drink :(

Oh dude, I am so close to waterford we totally could have hung out. What were you training for, work? Where you work at? Next time if you're ever around again we can. I am also frequenting NH myself these days, so one way or another we'll get that drink in.

And nothing really, I didn't get caught cheating or stealing or anything. I was just young and got caught with a fake ID (that I wasn't even using mind you, I drank in the parking garage) and being drunk and young and just myself, I took offense to being spoken down to and threatened with police. So as soon as the state police went away I started shit talking the tribals and their tribal police saying shit like "good kick me out of your one building that you own, we kicked you off the rest of your land" and calling them stupid sun-god praising redmen and whatnot. I asked one of the tribal cops why he had a nightstick instead of a tomahawk. Shit like that. I was even spitting on the floor and kicking over trash cans as they were dragging me down the hall. I was mad and drunk, I didn't feel like letting people talk to me like that, especially a bunch of indians. Just being a dick really.

After they took a bunch of photos of me and shit they took me in an empty back room with no cameras and grabbed me by the collar and basically told me that's where they fuck people up and if I ever came back they'd do exactly that, but they only reason they didn't right then is because they didn't deem it worth their time beating up some drunk scrawny underage loser.
Have fun pff. What's your game? If it's just slots I encourage you too try a table game. If there's no one there the dealers will teach you (which sounds shadier than it is). I highly recommend three card poker if you've never played it. My favorite game is hold em but, you need at least six hours to really play that so I often resort to the three card table game because you can play with your friends against the dealer too.
"immature" isn't the word i would use.. certain aspects of a person just don't translate too well over the intertubes sometimes.

and yeah, seriously. if i started coming up short with my lifeblood of a script (opiates), immediately upon receiving it i'd hit the pharmacist with "LET US BOND AND COUNT THESE TOGETHER"

eh, thanks i guess

honestly it doesnt bother me too much, i always saw myself as the child who never really grew up

i think it might end up being a good quality later on in life

Oh dude, I am so close to waterford we totally could have hung out. What were you training for, work? Where you work at? Next time if you're ever around again we can. I am also frequenting NH myself these days, so one way or another we'll get that drink in.

And nothing really, I didn't get caught cheating or stealing or anything. I was just young and got caught with a fake ID (that I wasn't even using mind you, I drank in the parking garage) and being drunk and young and just myself, I took offense to being spoken down to and threatened with police. So as soon as the state police went away I started shit talking the tribals and their tribal police saying shit like "good kick me out of your one building that you own, we kicked you off the rest of your land" and calling them stupid sun-god praising redmen and whatnot. I asked one of the tribal cops why he had a nightstick instead of a tomahawk. Shit like that. I was even spitting on the floor and kicking over trash cans as they were dragging me down the hall. I was mad and drunk, I didn't feel like letting people talk to me like that, especially a bunch of indians. Just being a dick really.

After they took a bunch of photos of me and shit they took me in an empty back room with no cameras and grabbed me by the collar and basically told me that's where they fuck people up and if I ever came back they'd do exactly that, but they only reason they didn't right then is because they didn't deem it worth their time beating up some drunk scrawny underage loser.

interesting, dont think ive ever seen any tribal people at the Casinos in Oklahoma at all, like maybe one fat dude who works there but i think he is mexican. i know that its owned by indians but the only workers that are visible are white folk , even when i saw blink 182 there the cops were all white

either way im glad ive never gotten into any trouble there
Any of yall drug addicts watching the debate? It's so much better watching it with temazepam+beer.
turned to it now

bout to bump some K n see what i think of these 2 characters

either way, the whole dem v rep thing is just a way of distracting people from those rich elite few behind the scenes who truly pull the strings
Nah man, I try to stay away from all that shit. I saw my roommate and his dumb girlfriend were watching it downstairs when I went to get a drink and just made a face and walked away. I'm not part of the whole voting and politics thing. The rules don'r really suit me either way, it's not like I'm gonna follow them so why am I gonna waste my time getting all worked up over something that I personally have no control over anyways.

However 4 years ago I did watch one of the debates and turned it into a drinking game. That was alright I guess.
Oh dude, I am so close to waterford we totally could have hung out. What were you training for, work? Where you work at? Next time if you're ever around again we can. I am also frequenting NH myself these days, so one way or another we'll get that drink in.

And nothing really, I didn't get caught cheating or stealing or anything. I was just young and got caught with a fake ID (that I wasn't even using mind you, I drank in the parking garage) and being drunk and young and just myself, I took offense to being spoken down to and threatened with police. So as soon as the state police went away I started shit talking the tribals and their tribal police saying shit like "good kick me out of your one building that you own, we kicked you off the rest of your land" and calling them stupid sun-god praising redmen and whatnot. I asked one of the tribal cops why he had a nightstick instead of a tomahawk. Shit like that. I was even spitting on the floor and kicking over trash cans as they were dragging me down the hall. I was mad and drunk, I didn't feel like letting people talk to me like that, especially a bunch of indians. Just being a dick really.

After they took a bunch of photos of me and shit they took me in an empty back room with no cameras and grabbed me by the collar and basically told me that's where they fuck people up and if I ever came back they'd do exactly that, but they only reason they didn't right then is because they didn't deem it worth their time beating up some drunk scrawny underage loser.

damn that really sucks. I've only been to Mohegan a couple times.

I stayed the night in Waterford but the class I took was a one day class at Uconn in Groton. It was for my HACCP certification.

When you come to Nh where do you go?
Have fun pff. What's your game? If it's just slots I encourage you too try a table game. If there's no one there the dealers will teach you (which sounds shadier than it is). I highly recommend three card poker if you've never played it. My favorite game is hold em but, you need at least six hours to really play that so I often resort to the three card table game because you can play with your friends against the dealer too.

I normally play slots but I am interested in learning to play cards. I have played hold em twice. I understand the basics I think. My boyfriends cousin (who is going with us) is into the table games, I should get him to show me how to play.
lots of talk about how the US has impossed sanctions on Iran and made efforts to weaken Iran

anyone else think its no coincidence that since entering afganistan over ten years ago that heroin produstion has increased and that a neighbooring hardline islamic nation like Iran has the highest percentage of heroin addicts of any country in the world?

perhaps the US, CIA, powers that be, have pushed dope onto the opposition as another means of weaking the country?
Hol, I was just being sarcastic about being an asshole neighbor. We probably would have got along great but it would be expensive because of all the drugs we would have consumed.

aside from when Ohio State plays Michigan of course ;)

joking of course, im not a huge buckeye fan but its kinda in my blood
image was 404'd for me as well, and yet i still totally get it.


Also, btw, your new hair looks FAB, as does your fase.

In other news, On the menu for the dinner I’m going to cook the boyfriend this weekend:

Crispy Rosemary Sriracha Yogurt Chicken
Butter & Brown Sugar Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Garlic & Parsley Buttermilk Biscuits
and for dessert possibly a Chocolate Eclair cake, but it’s TBD still.

I'm so classy.
hey lovely lady kc, how are you doin?

i saw you went and saw the pumpkin's recently? how was that? i'm pretty jelly, i'd love to see them in concert.

your mans a lucky dude, spoilt with all dat cookin. i just had me a mean lunch of pasta salad and a scrumptious chocolate eclair with fresh strawberries and moar chocolate shavings after dad and i went to pick a few things up from the grocery store. $160 later and the freezer has enough meat in there for the week, plus plenty of fruit and vegies and mucho ice cream, custard and apple pie. nomnomnom

take a shot everytime obama pauses n says uh

no US debate on the aussie tv at the moment though there's been plenty of MLB and a few games of the NFL which i've been catching. i love me some baseball and am slowly getting back into the swing of the NFL - it's just slow paced to the rugby league games i watch along with the rugby union. still getting used to all the whack rules and whatnot but slowly picking it up along the way.

i'd have to have a fair few shots prepped if i were to take part in that game:|

dis social is blowin' up!

Also, btw, your new hair looks FAB, as does your fase.

In other news, On the menu for the dinner I’m going to cook the boyfriend this weekend:

Crispy Rosemary Sriracha Yogurt Chicken
Butter & Brown Sugar Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Garlic & Parsley Buttermilk Biscuits
and for dessert possibly a Chocolate Eclair cake, but it’s TBD still.

I'm so classy.

thank you, sweetness <3

haha, i haven't the slightest idea who wouldn't want to smash on that. it seems like a good time to be had by all.

also, crispy rosemary sriracha yogurt chicken?!

please teach me your ways, sensei.
and wait, do your scripts really come up that short sometimes?

yeah, there must be only one other regular patient who is one the 100mg mscontins and must only be a small script of 8. so they don't have much of it on hand much of the time. the chicky pharmacist said she's going to start ordering an extra box so an not to put me out anymore which is all good.

tentram, not too much going on. Chillaxing to the max. I started my weight resistance routine tonight and boy I'm a sore puppy

What's good with you?

just relaxing, it's really starting to warm up as summer is on the verge so it's so hot that i can hardly be bothered doing much labour intensive work around the property. plus my spike in pain has had me depressed, not sleeping and hardly had the pain manageable where i'm motivated to get out and get shit done.

no offense taken, i know i am pretty immature for my age in many regards, just kinda sucks to realize its that painfully obvious. oh well tho i guess

and yea, missing 8 pills is routine? you dont ever call em out on it? i count my adderall everytime i get it just cuz im a paranoid cynic that thinks someone is always out to get me

nah, it's not immaturity at all, dude. just the internet is hard to decipher shite, you know?

it's not like i can call them out as i mentioned as there's only one other patient who must get a small script of 8 tabs. they normally have the extra pills the next day or day after which isn't so bad.

valium is never a problem as it's a pretty stock standard med to have on hand plus they're sealed so i never need to count them. also i get 180ct 30mg codeine tabs on top which are always on stock. walking out with 9 x 20 ct boxes looks pretty boss lol. the bag they get put in is chock-a-block full by the time they get put in there haha.
NASADD"S Song o' the Day

God is an Astronaut - Remembrance

awesome irish post rock/instrumental. soooo fucking chilling and emotionally evoking music with some awesome electronica type effects/aspects. awesome to listened doped up or even straight as each and every song takes you on a beautiful voyage.

cannot recommend the band enough!

Point Pleasant is the song after which flows beautifully from the preceding track listed above.

you're the consumer.. you can always call them out.

quit being a bitch.

screw you hippy.

"oh hey, that's not good enough, biatch, i want you to go track my pills down now from your other pharmacy in town. and i mean NAO. i've got a raging monkey on my back and it needs to be fed as well, ya know? BITCH! FUCK, CUNT ASS!"

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