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☮ Social ☮ Mike Tyson on smoking DMT

MY OWN PERSONAL beliefs are that what I experienced tripping WAS "where I will go when I die" because that what comforts me.

You've got the idea spooky - it's just what conforms to your own beliefs and what you find comforting it has no relationship to reality or truth in any way shape or form. If an ISIS member took psychedelics he would claim to see something that supported fundamentalism that's just what religious beliefs do to a person - limit their thinking to very simple moronic theories and demand they close their eyes to any alternative.
heartless bbq was a better troll than you could ever be i acutally miss that guy now.

But Its not worth arguing with people who i assume a church of england priest fucked to hard as a kid now they have beef with religion.
You really sound like you've learned a lot about love and peace - anyone dares disagree with you and you call them names. God really showed you the way. Like all religious people you have no sense of humour no humility and a closed mind.

But hey maybe I envy people like you and ISIS - you have everything perfectly figured out. I'm still interested in learning which is a lot more challenging place to be.
You really sound like you've learned a lot about love and peace - anyone dares disagree with you and you call them names. God really showed you the way. Like all religious people you have no sense of humour no humility and a closed mind.

But hey maybe I envy people like you and ISIS - you have everything perfectly figured out. I'm still interested in learning which is a lot more challenging place to be.
A light hearted joke thought yall brits were good at banter but obviously only when they blow smoke up each others asses :ROFLMAO: . Can't handle the heat in the southern equator. Sorry not sorry i love to offend. Though this is not the lounge. Im just sick of fools spreading misinformation about drugs.
Can't say I love you back to me can you - not for all your lessons in love and peace. Is it because deep down you know I'm right? If you were secure in your beliefs you would be happy to be challenged not defensive and insulting.
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I knew being nice and forgiving would be a step too far for you. It always is for the bulk of religious people. It's tragic how they talk so much about love and peace and yet can show so little.

give it a try trips - love is the answer!
And you're on the path towards enlightenment or awakening? You don't think that getting mad at someone questioning your religious beliefs shows you are going in completely the wrong direction?
And you're on the path towards enlightenment or awakening? You don't think that getting mad at someone questioning your religious beliefs shows you are going in completely the wrong direction?
im still human. But it was never that it was calling out fake as people.
Me being forgiving and loving towards you when I supposedly don't know the first thing about enlightenment - that doesnt make you ask yourself any questions? When being forgiving and loving back is so far beyond your current state of development? It doesn't make you think 'fuck me this guy is actually behaving like an enlightened master is supposed to act and I'm calling him names?'
Me being forgiving and loving towards you when I supposedly don't know the first thing about enlightenment - that doesnt make you ask yourself any questions? When being forgiving and loving back is so far beyond your current state of development? It doesn't make you think 'fuck me this guy is actually behaving like an enlightened master is supposed to act and I'm calling him names?'
Oh okay at this point you both are trolling and I gotta put you both in time out. Silly drugasses you lost the plot!

Here is something you can combine forces to hate on together
the beginning of the experience was very sudden and dramatic. I was hit by a thunderbolt of immense power that instantly shattered and dissolved my everyday reality. I lost all contact with the surrounding world, which completely disappeared as if by magic. In the past, whenever I had taken a high-dose of psychedelics, I liked to lie down and make myself comfortable. This time, any such concerns were irrelevant because I lost awareness of my body, as well as of the environment. After the session, I was told that after taking a couple of drags, I sat there for several minutes like a sculpture, holding the pipe near my mouth. Cristina and Paul had to take the pipe from my hand and put my body in a reclining position on the couch.

In all my previous sessions, I had always maintained basic orientation. I knew who I was, where I was, and why I was having unusual experiences. This time all this dissolved in a matter of seconds. The awareness of my everyday existence, my name, my whereabouts, and my life disappeared as if by magic. Stan Grof … California … United States … planet Earth … these concepts faintly echoed for a few moments like dreamlike images on the far periphery of my consciousness and then faded away altogether. I tried hard to remember myself of all the existence of the realities I used to know, but they suddenly did not make any sense.

In all my previous psychedelic sessions there always had been some rich specific content. The experiences related to my present lifetime – the story of my childhood, infancy, birth, and embryonal life – or to various themes from the transpersonal domain – my past life experiences, images from human history, archetypal visions of deities or demons, or visits to various mythological domains. This time, none of these dimensions seemed to exist, let alone manifest. My only reality was a mass of radiant swirling energy of immense proportions that seemed to contain all of existence in a condensed and entirely abstract form. I became Consciousness facing the Absolute.

It had the brightness of myriad suns, yet it was not the same continuum with any light I knew from everyday life. It seemed to be pure consciousness, intelligence, and creative energy transcending all polarities. It was infinite and finite, divine and demonic, terrifying and ecstatic, creative and destructive - all that and much more. I had no concept, no categories for what I was witnessing. I could not maintain a sense of separate existence in the face of such a force. My ordinary identity was shattered and dissolved; I became one with the Source. In retrospect, I believe I must have experienced the Dharmakaya, the Primary Clear Light, which according to the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Bardo Thödol, appears at the moment of our death. It bore some resemblance to what I encountered in my first LSD session, but it was much more over whelming and completely extinguished any sense of my separate identity.

My encounter with the Absolute lasted approximately 20 minutes of clock time, as measured by external observers. As far as I was concerned, during the entire duration of my experience, time ceased to exist and lost any meaning whatsoever. After what seemed like an eternity, concrete dreamlike images and concepts began to form in my experiential field. I started intuiting fleeting images of a cosmos with galaxies, stars, and planets, Later, I gradually visualized a solar system, and within it the Earth, with large continents.

Initially, these images were very distant and unreal, but as the experience continued, I started to feel that these realities might actually have objective existence. Gradually, this crystallized further into the images of the United States and California. The last to emerge was the sense of my everyday identity and the awareness of my present life. At first, the contact with the ordinary reality was extremely faint. I recognized where I was and what the circumstances were. But I was sure that I had taken a dose that was excessive and that I was actually dying. For some time, I believed I was experiencing the bardo, the intermediate state between my present life and my birth in the next incarnation, as it is described in the Tibetan texts.

As I was regaining more solid contact with reality, I reached a point where I knew that I was coming down from a psychedelic session and that I would survive this experiment. I was lying there, still experiencing myself as dying, but now without the sense that my present life was threatened. My dying seemed to be related to scenes from my previous incarnations. I found myself in many dramatic situations happening in different parts of the world throughout the centuries, all of them dangerous and painful. Various groups of muscles in my body were twitching and shaking, as my body was hurting and dying in these different contexts. However, as my karmic history played out in my body, I was in a state of profound bliss, completely detached from all these dramas, which persisted even after all the specific content disappeared from my experience.

- Stanislav Grof, "When the Impossible Happens: Adventures in Non-Ordinary Reality." (2006)
How many times did that Eastern European guy smoke 5-MEO-DMT?
probably a few hundred times hes over 90 now. he use to give clients upwards of 1500 ug during thepary sessions in the 1950s. he personally oversaw 4000 + acid trips
So what are the effects of 1500ug? Would they have even been able to understand him, or communicate with him on that high of a dose? Did any have bad trips? I know someone who, as a teen abused LSD and took it in high doses like eating candy. He had a very bad trip and stopped speaking for a week, and had a mental breakdown.
So what are the effects of 1500ug? Would they have even been able to understand him, or communicate with him on that high of a dose? Did any have bad trips? I know someone who, as a teen abused LSD and took it in high doses like eating candy. He had a very bad trip and stopped speaking for a week, and had a mental breakdown.
totally gone from planet earth inexplainable.