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^^ just to add something to what TranceNation said, don't get talked into taking acid when your not in the mood for it.
The only time I havn't had a good time with an acid experience, is when I've had a little peer pressure and didn't really want to dump that blotter that was on offer.
On the other hand when I'm reved up for mild altering time, they are never bad. Remember your brain is a powerful tool and your the user of your tool.
If in doubt, save it for another time when the setting and set suit yourself better.
Just remember to leave yourself several hours to wait out the effects too... acid lasts a lot longer than a pill.

BigTrancer :)

any first timer trippers should take caution with microdots
(or any lsd i guess)

its not like any drug you have ever taken before, and dont expect it to be. Make sure you take it in a good setting. For first timers a recomend just chillin at someones house with 3-5 friends. First timers should NOT take LSD while in public or at a rave.... you will likely go nuts with all the people and stimulus and more likely than not make a fool of yourself.

The microdots i believe to be 250-300ug ........ around 3 times stronger than most tabs or sugar cubes you will find. Fun times...
I suggest poeple save up, get a loan or credit card, cause u will be wanting to buy in bulk, not often are we gifted with such a special flow of lsd.

these babies are red hot, they are going fast.

its gonna run away sooner or later...:( :\
Of course, all the people who've said "I'm gonna be trying these s00n!" wouldn't want to be stocking up too much in case someone reads their post, and assumes they have drugs at their house... etc...

I always worry when people express such enthusiasm on BL, because of the tendency to forget that these forums are 'public' (i.e., not passworded or in any way private). The tendency for people to go to meetups and stuff at parties makes it very easy to link people with screen names, and connect admissions of possession and so forth. Don't want to rain on the party, just want to make sure people think twice before posting some things.

BigTrancer :)
Things come and Go tho...

It's nice when substances disappear for a while.
It makes you learn and respect quality.

I tend to abuse substances when quality is available for to long.
sonic_reality said:
...and one of them couldn't move for an hour, because his body wouldn't let him(altho he loved it...
That sounds like what happened to me during my experience. I totally wasn't expecting the drug to effect me like that. It was almost like a pill but with much more of a head fuck. I just lay on the couch for almost 2 hours unable to move and could hardly speak. When I did manage to get out a word or two in an attempt to join in on conversation everyone just laughed at me. I was fun tho :)
So any advice on storage of these?

As a side note my room mate has been scared of acid because of microdots. She used to cain it pretty hard, then one day she down a micro dot, nothing out fo the ordinary for her.

4 days later it finally wore off. She said the scariest bit was the 13 hours where everything just turned into blurry colours and she couldn't see shit.
Had these 2 weeks ago. Never even heard about them before that.

Kinda felt stoned when i first started to feel the effect. 6 hours after consuming i wanted to get off the ride! It felt like i time warped back into the 70's, then i warped into the 80's when i watched the Labrynth *awsome movie to watch when on acid* then i got lost some where along the plane of time... I won't be doing acid for a veeery long time. 8o
So any advice on storage of these?

A cool dry airtight place. We have them inside a small baggy, then inside a film canister then in a nice cool bottom drawer.

You can put them in the freezer.....and it will keep them better.... but only do it if you plan to eat them straight out of the freezer. If you take them out and let them defrost for a weekend the evaporation etc may take some potency from it.

4 days later it finally wore off.

lsd will never "last" for 4 days......

the after effects can effect the way you see the real world.... having had 2 microdots last night myself I can only say that I still feel like the drug is in me... without the intensity..... but the world is still "magic"

I am thankfull for that "extra time" lsd can give you.... it really lets you appreciate the world.

I can see how it could go wrong if someone was in the right mindset, but for me its incredible.
ahh so u took 2 doties ayyyyyyy, have you written a report??

if not, how long was the interval between the two dots?

reason for asking is because my friend brought this up today, after recently having the dots again last weekend, that we take 2 next time.

well at first i was all for it, just my ego getting the better of me
especially after reading timithy leary 'high priest', but now after a little thought, im beginning to wonder.........

neway, any comments on your experience punktuality??

im out
Well scored 2 of these on weekend, damn wanted 3 how the hell do you fight over 2 between 3 people, lol, I scored em might just eat 1 laugh and say you spilt it and watch the reaction.
ROFL doofhard, I've got the exact same situation! =D 2 dots, 3 people, I got 'em so I don't care what the others do, because I know I'm guaranteed one. We're just getting these 2 to test them out and gauge their strength - it's not as if the glowing reports I've been reading here aren't enough to convince me they're gonna be awesome, we just have some friends who struggle to handle the intensity of acid at the best of times, and we need to figure out who can cope with them and who can't.
With all the hype surorunding these things i had a feeling i was going to be let down. They were cleaner and i guess stronger than paper, but certainly not as strong as i was led to believe. i started off double dropping them at 6.30, then i had another one at about 10.30. more visual aswell, there was lots of nice red and blue tracers everywhere.

Unless im not getting the same ones everyone else is (which i'm told i am)then the talk surrounding them is slightly exaggerarted.

But don't take this as me bagging them, i thought they were great!

BTW: The Wizard of Oz was pretty cool:)
when you decide to drop lsd, you cant be certain that the trip will rise to give, what they are expected to give.
If you tripped say 2 weeks ago and you decide to trip again, there is a chance its not going to be the same.

set and setting plays a huge part in the process of tripping.
these two players, decide what kind of trip you are going to have.
Argh Microdots again

Sorry, I know its another acid thread, just need some info,

As far as microdots are concearned , do you get better effect if you leave it under your tongue, or to bomb the whole thing down your throat. Does it matter? What do you think? Once again appologies on this acid thread
well everytime i had dropped a dot or a tab, i always suck on it or put it under my tongue.
i rest easily that way..:)