I'm pregnant and I drank...


They are very human friendly birds. They love each other in a way that is obvious to people expecting human-like love. But, they also love humans. There is a huge diversity of finches and there is a reason (or two) they are popular among humans.

They're lovely birds.

EDIT: I'm sorry.
I've gone off topic.
I'm talking about birds.
I will shut up now. Carry on.
^^ Feel free to talk about finches! I love animals :) <3

My moms drank her ass off while pregnant with me and my brother. My brother is gone now (nothing he did caused this) and I am still here but a mess. :) I can deal with shit fairly well "sober" but my issues are mainly based in her boyfriends and step dads freaky ass tendencies towards kids. Plus all the blunt force traumas and whatnot throughout my life so it is a mess. ;)
Not about me: I totally agree that if you are worried about this now you will be a perfect moms... wish I had you as a mom you woulda protected us instead of turning a blind eye.
First child?
Thank you for your input mate, and for sharing that <3 Yep this is our first bub :)

They are very human friendly birds. They love each other in a way that is obvious to people expecting human-like love. But, they also love humans. There is a huge diversity of finches and there is a reason (or two) they are popular among humans.

They're lovely birds.

EDIT: I'm sorry.
I've gone off topic.
I'm talking about birds.
I will shut up now. Carry on.
Hey birdup,

Thank you for sharing those interesting facts with us. They sound like wonderful animals!
In 18 years b4 someone bumps this thread "goddammit mom no wonder I'm an alcoholic junky". Nah, nah, wouldn't wish that on anyone, sorry I've been hanging out in TL too much.
I am a recovering alcoholic and polydrug addict, but I have been totally sober for my whole pregnancy. However yesterday I was triggered by the news that my parents aren't coming to my baby shower because they already have a lunch planned with their friends. Pffft, shitty parents. This brought up a lot of anger and resentment that I have about my parents, and on the way home from work I bought a bottle of wine. I know that there are many points in between buying the bottle and drinking it, that I could've chosen to NOT drink it. But the addict switch flicked on in my brain and I said "fuck it" and drank the bottle. It was 7 standard drinks. I'm 21 weeks pregnant, so about half-way. We had the 20-week ultrasound on Thursday and physically everything is perfect with our baby. I feel extremely guilty about it today and I hope that I haven't done any damage to him. My partner is absolutely LIVID and is threatening to end our relationship. I feel strong enough that I can be sober again, but I'm just overwhelmed with guilt and regret.

That's it, really. I don't know what else to say. I guess I just needed to post this somewhere.
Hi mate.

I understand the feelings of both of you. Your guilt and your partner being livid.

I also understand you getting triggered. Your parents could have lunch with their friends anytime, but your baby shower is unique. I don't have any solid advice, because i am an alcoholic and i am unable to solve it. I just offer my sympathy to you, and i hope that you and your partner can work things out. I am wishing you all the best :)
I say turn the focus towards figuring out a new way to deal with triggering life events. Talk with your fiance and go through step by step what you thought and the feelings those thoughts brought up. Then talk through and picture you being triggered by your parents again but this time you call your fiance or a close friend and say "I was triggered and I want to drink!!" Involve your fiance in all this so he feels like he is a part of the solution. Call a friend and ask them to help out with your fiance in the room so he can see you are actively trying to mitigate the problem.
All I’ll add is my mom drank and did cocaine with me, and with my brother drank heavily as well.. She drank with all of my siblings. I’d say we actually turned out pretty damn good all things considered. My mom didn’t want to believe she was pregnant the first few months with me so I’m assuming she was going hard during that time period knowing what I know now.

I say this only in the hopes it stops you from beating yourself up more than you already are.. We all make mistakes, it’s how we learn from them that matters.

If it's any consolation to you, I smoked during both my pregnancies because it's the only thing that keeps me sane.

I'm pretty sure 1 bottle of wine has done nothing to your baby, my mum actually used to tell me to have 1 glass every night...

Please dm me if you need any advice in with your pregnancy etc or just to chat I've been through it xxx
One thing is clear, if you are pregnant and have drunk — a sip of wine, beer or cocktail - your future child has taken the same sip. No matter what you eat or drink during pregnancy, it all goes directly through your bloodstream to the placenta. The study showed that the developing fetus has very little tolerance for alcohol and infants, mothers who drank during pregnancy, may have serious health problems. Probably, I can advise you to drink a course of collagen from thorne.com to bring your health back to normal.
One bottle of wine did not cause irreversible harm to her baby. Doctors actually admit a glass of wine now and then is perfectly fine. Chastising posts are unnecessary and, frankly, unwelcome.
One thing is clear, if you are pregnant and have drunk — a sip of wine, beer or cocktail - your future child has taken the same sip. No matter what you eat or drink during pregnancy, it all goes directly through your bloodstream to the placenta. The study showed that the developing fetus has very little tolerance for alcohol and infants, mothers who drank during pregnancy, may have serious health problems. Probably, I can advise you to drink a course of collagen from thorne.com to bring your health back to normal.
Fuck no - yes the umbilical chord connects the mother's blood to the child's blood, but the mother has about 5l of blood, while the child has 109 ml per kg, so the alcohol is already strongly filtered through the mother's blood. It has been suggested that 1 glass of wine (175ml) per week should be entirely safe. It's still urged not to do this, but theoretically, the baby will not be harmed by a single binge. There is no evidence that suggests that drinking moderately during pregnancy has any effect on the child. Don't make her feel bad, please. She had a lapse of judgment, but she is obviously determined to have a healthy child.
I am a recovering alcoholic and polydrug addict, but I have been totally sober for my whole pregnancy. However yesterday I was triggered by the news that my parents aren't coming to my baby shower because they already have a lunch planned with their friends. Pffft, shitty parents. This brought up a lot of anger and resentment that I have about my parents, and on the way home from work I bought a bottle of wine. I know that there are many points in between buying the bottle and drinking it, that I could've chosen to NOT drink it. But the addict switch flicked on in my brain and I said "fuck it" and drank the bottle. It was 7 standard drinks. I'm 21 weeks pregnant, so about half-way. We had the 20-week ultrasound on Thursday and physically everything is perfect with our baby. I feel extremely guilty about it today and I hope that I haven't done any damage to him. My partner is absolutely LIVID and is threatening to end our relationship. I feel strong enough that I can be sober again, but I'm just overwhelmed with guilt and regret.

That's it, really. I don't know what else to say. I guess I just needed to post this somewhere.

One bottle of wine isn't something you should beat yourself up about and I'm pretty sure it'll have no impact on the health of your child whatsoever (as long as its only the one). Have you felt the urge to do so again since?

Congratulations on your pregnancy by the way - do you know if its a boy or a girl or are you waiting for a surprise?
One bottle of wine isn't something you should beat yourself up about and I'm pretty sure it'll have no impact on the health of your child whatsoever (as long as its only the one). Have you felt the urge to do so again since?

Congratulations on your pregnancy by the way - do you know if its a boy or a girl or are you waiting for a surprise?
Thank you <3 We're having a little boy :)
Yes I have definitely had urges to drink since then but have just distracted myself enough for the urges to subside.
A bottle of wine once will have no impact.

Here is the much more important question: what's the chance it will happen again and at what frequency?