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⫸STICKY⫷ Hash Poll

Which is your favorite?

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^I would assume that would be pressed kief. I make something similar from my kief sometimes, though I haven't perfected it and so it doesn't hold it's shape well like the hash I've bought from dealers. More heat/moisture probably needed in my press... anyways, it is indeed not that​ potent, but it's still a fun way to add novelty to the boring daily cannabis grind hahah.
stuff was dark brown and very hard, if that helps. it was all over the place in upstate NY around 12-13 years ago or so, haven't really seen it since although I haven't used marijuana in about 4-5 years anyway so I'm certainly not aware of much in that scene. i kinda liked the hockey-puck hash though, it had a nice taste to it and was pretty chill, on the sedating side rather than the mindfucking side (although also this obviously would've had to do with whatever strain it originated from.) my assumption is that it came from pretty low grade weed that was processed however and then pressed, etc. but the stuff was really compressed hard, and it was distributed in little circular pieces (hence the name "hockey puck hash") I was told that it is similar to some of the stuff that people get in Europe? just curious about it because like I said it was all the rage back home for a little while ago, somebody must've had pounds of the stuff, but then it dried up and wasn't available anymore. the fact it came in little round circles was interesting too, would it have been pressed in a mold or something in that shape?
I've never seen something like that pressed into shapes (as far as cannabis goes). I've seen 'pollen' presses, I assume they make pucks, but I've never used one myself.

I've had very similar hash (4 or so years ago maybe) but it was extracted in some other way than I was thinking of, and it was just a rock looking thing. The outside would always turn dark, but when you broke off a piece it would have a color closer to fine kief inside. Quite interesting and mellow. I still have a little speck, just nothing suitable to smoke it out of.
yeah just about that exactly, very hard surface and just a little bit more yielding inside but would rapidly turn the browner color and hardened texture. preparing for use required ideally a pen knife and a good lighter, cut into a few tiny strips and smoked on top of regular green weed
All about proper dry sift; kief you might say, but I consider kief a lower grade with more plant matter mixed into it. Nothing really compares to fresh full melt dry sift when it's done right.

Bubble is a close second, only because of the loss of terpenes.

So I'm not the only one who wants old school hash back? FMCD?!
I've been using wax recently and it's convenience/potency certainly shows me why it's the 'in' thing. A small piece out of my vape pen gets me ripped.

Depends on how fine your screen is for kief. My grinder has a very fine screen and the kief product I get is very fine, a gold/tan color with absolutely no plant matter. Most grinders I see allow too much particulates and thus create a greener product, but mine is of high quality it would seem. Less kief drops through, but as long as I keep it clean I get an amazing product. I mostly use it in edibles these days, nothing to smoke it with.
Has anyone tried Charas?

Yes, my friend spewed lol.. It was a good high though, i loved it. Apparently the stuff we had had been smuggled internally in pellets. Wasnt much of it but it was nice to try some.

Whatever Moroccan Polm would be on that list?

I'm in the UK, the only hash I've seen here has been imported from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Lebanon, Morocco etc I've never come across home made BHO or Bubble or all this other fancy stuff!

Those are the types of hash I was used to as well in Australia in the late 80's and early 90's, although these days I never see any of it anymore sadly. I used to love that softish black hash with cellophane wrapping and sometimes stamps, the smell, the high! Makes me recall some of my first times stoned as a 16/17 yr old. Back then there was more hash than green in my circles. Now it's all green and no hash. Funny how drug trends change.
When I was into cannabis/hash I was into smoking strong psychedelic sativa Moroccan hash I had in Spain where it's decriminalized for personal use, and not BHO, bubble, distillate, rosin, kief/kif, etc. so what would that option be on the poll?

I'm with you on this Priest and Fug. I usually buy something called Nepalese Temple Ball, which when truly fresh looks like a strip of solidified black molasses.
stuff was dark brown and very hard, if that helps. it was all over the place in upstate NY around 12-13 years ago or so, haven't really seen it since although I haven't used marijuana in about 4-5 years anyway so I'm certainly not aware of much in that scene. i kinda liked the hockey-puck hash though, it had a nice taste to it and was pretty chill, on the sedating side rather than the mindfucking side (although also this obviously would've had to do with whatever strain it originated from.) my assumption is that it came from pretty low grade weed that was processed however and then pressed, etc. but the stuff was really compressed hard, and it was distributed in little circular pieces (hence the name "hockey puck hash") I was told that it is similar to some of the stuff that people get in Europe? just curious about it because like I said it was all the rage back home for a little while ago, somebody must've had pounds of the stuff, but then it dried up and wasn't available anymore. the fact it came in little round circles was interesting too, would it have been pressed in a mold or something in that shape?

This sounds like the Afghani hash we used to get in Europe in the sixties. It was fairly hard and pressed so that it looked like a small flying saucer, not flat like a hockey puck. Outside it was brownish but when cut open it was lighter on the inside.
^I would assume that would be pressed kief. I make something similar from my kief sometimes, though I haven't perfected it and so it doesn't hold it's shape well like the hash I've bought from dealers. More heat/moisture probably needed in my press

More heat and pressure, less moisture. Moisture will help kief stick together, yeah, but as far as I know it doesn't do anything to help the process of turning kief into an almost gooey state and then re-solidifying upon cooling.

You can throw it in the oven on a low temp but that has a tendency to warp presses.

I just had a desk lamp that got hot as shit to the touch and would sit my full press under it a few inches from the bulb. :\ Every 15min I'd tighten up on the press, and that'd go on for several hours.

End of the process is a golden-green puck, every time. Hardest part is getting it out of the press intact-- half the puck would tend to stick to one rod, half the puck on the other--, but intelligently-applied (and cut-to-size) wax paper can make it pretty easy after a few tries.
I live in Ireland and it is really hard to find good quality hash we have really low grade hash called soap bar which is cheap as chip's but if you know the right people there is extremely good Moroccan pollum not pollen a gold crumbly hash which you just kiss lighter with and it will fluff up beautifully and then if your really lucky you can get the higher quality Moroccan black hash but honestly best hash I've ever smoked is Indian charis this comes in tolars which is 10gs and blows anything but the Amsterdam special strain hash out of water but bit too intense for my liking
Dissipate hash oil is by far the strongest its used mostly for medicanal purposes for cancer patients ect this is a blow your head off kind of buzz so I understand why people don't like it ?
Shatter is definitely my go-to for concentrates, with wax/budder a close second. Actually Live Resin is my favourite if you count that as substantially different from shatter but it's more about the starting material.
Rosin 99% of the time is dirty as fuck and leaves a ton of residue on the nail. Distillate just pisses me off because you get none of the flavor or terpenes, or if you do it's some added terpene that they put way too much of in and tastes like ass.
Plain oil is great but a pain to work with. I had some blue dream co2 oil that was amazing, but you lose the last bit of the vial unless you really want to work for it.

I'm a big fan of kief but it's really not in the same ballpark for me. I like to mix some in with my flower when putting it into my sublimator and it really kicks it up a notch. Only works with kief though, pressed hash just makes a mess of things.
I voted bubble because, well, it's the best hash I've had, except for imported hash, like blonde moroccan and some insane, insanely strong Lebanese hash. BHO is oil, it's not hash, otherwise I would have picked that.
whats your favorite way to smoke hash, for a couple months i was mixing it with some flower. but today i've been putting little discs of it into a dab rig which seem to be working pretty well
When I used to smoke it sometimes I'd just put it on a metal screen in a spoon or a water pipe. Held the lighter high and tried to slowly hit it. Worked fairly well.
when i was drinking earlier i decieded to try out the hash yogurt recipe i saw on you tube but of course subbing a gas stove for a bic, really all i did was put a chunk of hash in a spoon with ex virgin olive oil and boiled it til it dissolved dumped it into some milk and drank it. i probably just wasted that hash, ive never had much luck with edibles and this was a pretty bad attempt
Rozin or Live Resin as I know it (take the buds and smash between two heated surfaces at enormous pressure until the sap comes out), is fucking the best. You get it all. It's like smoking flower in concentrate form with no solvent to worry about. Right now I'm gonna make some QWISO ( Quick Wash Isopropyl Alcohol) with 2 grams of kief and 4 grams of herb.