That's really cool, I appreciate the info! I'm too much of a dab fiend to stray from buying baller jars, $8/g is the best way to financially burn a couple grams a day. Recently I made some 100 mg/mL tincture though that is stealing my heart.So you do get that bell ring-ish effect too!?!?
am I allowed to link him to a dispensary that carries the .5 diamonds .5 terps, im thinkin not as I type it so Ill assume not for now and think of another way.
Upliftn 1g half and halfs are the brand and product name.
A friend of mine put about 15g of concentrates, ~5g being white diamonds, into about 350mL of everclear. It was dosed by the hundred microliters and was prone to inciting OEVs, almost always generating CEVs. It led a handful of cannabis naive people to believe to this day that they were dosed with a non-cannabinoid, haha.