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  • Words Moderators: Mysterier

Game Haiku Train!

Serial Killers
Come out en masse tro murder
Blood is shed today
Welcome! Just fyi, this is a Haiku TRAIN. Haikus are in lines with syllabic orders of 5-7-5 or 5-3-5. Please use the last line of the previous Haiku as the first line of your Haiku. (Word mods, feel free to delete this).

Blood is shed today
Bad blood lost
Purge the negative
I might grab his gun
I won't shoot no Deputy
I shot the Sheriff
To silence the lambs
Cull them not
A gentle shepherd
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Leaves fall and twigs snap
The cycle that never ends
Spring begins anew
Spring begins anew
Ponder spring in winter depths
Leaves sapped of color